
Chapter 109: Wolf kills Roland, Mathematics Wife

Of course, this project, which has been in preparation for 25 months in a row, cannot be dragged on endlessly like this. After Roland got into Universal Pictures openly and aboveboard, he asked around and found the person in charge of the copyright authorization transaction. Guy, let him grant the copyright of the game type of "Dune 2" to the Blizzard company that he has acquired for production at a price of one million. After hearing the news, Spielberg directly grabbed his collar and put He was caught on a flight to Hawaii.

   To be honest, the old man thinks that Roland\'s act of buying genre copyright is really **** stupid!

  As long as the background settings of the game are not highly similar, Universal will never sue you!

   In this way, wouldn’t it save a million dollars?

   But after learning that Roland bought the license for his company, he closed his mouth about nagging.

  For other companies, it’s okay to cheat, but for your own company, don’t leave any excuses for your peers!

Especially for a company like Universal, when everyone cooperates, they are full of smiles and kindness. If everyone opposes, then they will definitely turn their faces and deny anyone. The possibility of splashing sewage on oneself.


   This stuff doesn\'t sound good in any way.

  Roland\'s wholly-owned game company plagiarized?

  If this is publicized, it will cause a huge blow to those little fans who adore him.

   Not worth it.

   In this way, on the flight to Hawaii, Roland was finally free. The old man sleeping in front did not teach him how to take advantage of the capitalists, but the guys beside him...

   Well, Roland did greet the members of the same group.

  Of course, apart from the politeness factor and the fact that these guys were either suggested by Woody Allen, or Martin Scorsese, or Jack Nicholson.

   What really made Roland interested in them was that the actors around them were all amazing.

   Samuel Jackson, who played the role of the park ranger in the film, will be the braised egg in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the future!

  And Jeff Goldblum, who plays the mathematician, is Gao Tianzun!

  As for the hero Sam Neil, he is the Odin of Asgard in "Thor 3"!

   With this group of people, even if the people from the motherland and Queen Maeve come, he will not be afraid!


  However, these things that will happen in the future cannot be the focus of the conversation between Roland and them. Moreover, even if these guys have any nominations for awards, Roland is still the biggest businessman on the scene.

Of course, such things as coffee positions will not become an obstacle to everyone\'s communication. After all, everyone has someone above them. Let\'s take the heroine Laura Dunn as an example. Her father is Bruce Dunn. Te-Eastwood played together, and her mother Diane Ladd, like Cameron, was born out of Roger Coleman, which is roughly equal to her own.

So, when filming in these groups of Jewish gangs, you don’t have to worry about which actors will think about adding scenes, which lighting photography will deliberately trick you, because in their groups, you don’t even want to see your opponent, if it’s different at all , from the very beginning, they will not be selected, and in this case, even if it is the first time they meet, just a hug can eliminate the barrier.

It is this efficient acquaintance attitude that caused them to chat about complicated things. For a while, they talked about Richard Attenborough\'s Olympic film "Chaplin" that will be released at the end of this year, and for a while they talked about Sam Neill next year. Participating in "The Piano Lesson" in Cannes, and then talking about "The Perfect World" filmed by Laura Dern and her Uncle Dongmu, in short...

   People in the circle chatted about the affairs of the circle, but Roland, just listening, was not very interested.

  Although he has heard of those videos, he doesn\'t think there is anything to talk about!

  Take "Chaplin" as an example. He can\'t tell director Richard Attenborough now to tell Robert Downey Jr. to stop being abusive, right? His reputation is indeed greater than Downey\'s now, but this does not mean that his hands are so long! What\'s more, if the matter of Ruancao was told, everyone at the scene would definitely think that he was just eating carrots and worrying about them.

are you crazy!

  How do you know things that the public doesn’t know?

  You slander, right?

   And he can actually talk about the Alice who was named "the most unforgettable woman in the world" in 1986 and who also starred in "Chaplin" and in the future "Resident Evil" series.


  Talking about things like actresses, just think about it.

Not to mention that the old man who also doesn\'t believe in love is sleeping in the lounge, just to director Chad Attenborough, Roland will not talk about the Mimi who spent fifteen years changing from A to C La Jovovich.

   No way, who made this old man have a younger brother known as the "father of the world\'s nature documentaries"?

Richard Attenborough, who played the owner of the park in "Jurassic", his younger brother is the host of "Man and Nature", "Animal World", "Life Trilogy", "Blue Planet" and other series. A series of nature documentaries, David Attenborough, the soul of the BBC.

In front of such a dazzling resume, and in front of Chi Guoguo\'s natural words of comment, Roland believes that as long as he mentions Mira, these guys can understand that the little devil in front of him seems, probably, maybe, probably... Sichun up.

   And Roland also believed that within a long time, the news would reach Spielberg\'s ears, and that old man would definitely tell himself again, "Don\'t mess around here now."

Therefore, based on the principle that one thing more is worse than one thing less, when everyone gathers to chat, Roland regards himself as a mascot, does not express any opinions, and at most talks about those movie works, but even so, Flame will still Burned on him.

  For example—

   "Roland, just the two of you going to Hawaii to film?"

  When Richard Attenborough turned his gaze and glanced at the door of the lounge.

   That puzzled look aroused the interest of everyone present.

   "That\'s right, only the assistant is following you?" Laura Dunn cast a curious look at Roland.

"I heard before that your aunt Ganetti will follow the Olsen sisters all the time. Why did she ask you to come out to film alone this time?" Jeff Goldblum yawned, his moist eyes Puzzled flickering.

   "Ah, you ask this..."

  As soon as they mentioned this matter, Roland, who originally regarded himself as a mascot, immediately became angry.

  He really wanted to vent his depression, but after pondering for a while, he finally gave up.

   "Because Aunt Ganetti is too busy..."

   "So during this period in Hawaii, it\'s just the two of us."

  Yes, the only guys who went to Hawaii to participate in the filming of "Jurassic" were Roland and Mary.

  The reason is also very simple, it is purely because Ganetti has no skills at all.

   Regardless of how the crew arranges, there will be an overlap between the filming of "Seattle" and "Jurassic", and under such circumstances, even if Garnetti splits himself in half, it will not be able to take care of everyone at the same time.

James Olsen, the kid who is about to enter junior high school, cannot leave Los Angeles at all, and Elizabeth, who is already three and a half years old, still needs the care of adults. Ashley, who needs to be filming in the Sony crew, and the schedule to fly to the Empire State Building in New York, so no matter how you arrange it, there will be a group of children who can only be watched by hired assistant bodyguards...

Originally, in the face of such family difficulties, Roland, who has grown up, wanted to volunteer to take over the task of taking care of his younger sister. According to his thinking, he, who has passed the legal red line of twelve years old, can bring Mary and Elizabeth went to Hawaii to film, and then let James stay at home alone, ready to go to school. As for Ganetti, he can take Ashley between Los Angeles and New York with ease, and David can also be busy with himself career.

  But the problem is...

When he just put forward this constructive suggestion at the family meeting, James, who was motivated to lose weight and wanted to please the girl again, dismantled the stage on the spot. In the words of that \'dead fat man\', that is: "Film It was very tiring. Roland had to film and guide Mary into the state. These two things alone would occupy most of his daily life. What\'s more, he could learn more from Spielberg\'s side. There are more, if he is allowed to bring Elizabeth with him, it will definitely have a certain impact on the filming of the crew, and it will also delay his study progress, so let his mother bring Elizabeth and stay with Ashley on the set of "Seattle" , and myself, I can stay at home alone..."

To be honest, Roland was really moved by James\' awe-inspiring attitude, sincere words, and lofty ideals of self-sacrifice, but when he finished speaking and blinked his eyes at Roland with a smile, Roland instantly understood that this guy\'s \'Good intentions\'—isn\'t it just holding the mentality of breaking up a pair and making it a pair?

   In the past, the love that belonged to me was very bitter, but now, I want to let you feel the same way!

   Grab the grass!

   It\'s the guy you like who likes me, not me wielding a **** to dig the wall!

   You guys eat, use and spend my money on weekdays, but you didn’t expect to give me a knife at a critical moment?

   Really heartless!

  Since what James said is indeed correct and has been approved by the Olsen couple, Roland, who is assigned to this matter, is not good at raising any opinions, but! He didn\'t let James go before he left!

  I just want to take your sister Elizabeth to see dinosaurs?

  Since you stopped me, don\'t blame me for being rude!

  If you have time to think so much on weekdays, it must be because you are too free and don’t have enough homework!

  Roland didn\'t mean to respond positively at all, but the day after the family meeting ended, Roland went straight into the bookstore in the community and told the boss there to bring a cart of books home.

   ""Advanced Mathematics"? "Fundamentals of Applied Mathematics"? "Mathematical Analysis"? "Discrete Mathematics"?..."

   "Roland, you used to only buy comics from me. Why do you want so many math books this time?"

   "Ah, James is going to junior high school soon, let him get in touch with him more..." Roland didn\'t blush and his heart didn\'t beat.

   "But... junior high school students can\'t understand these books!" The bookstore owner immediately took off his reading glasses.

"Really? But his tutor did ask me to buy these books back!" Roland pretended to be surprised, "He also said that mathematics is the foundation of everything. If you can\'t learn mathematics well, you can\'t learn anything else well." ..."

   "Family teacher? You won\'t be deceived, right?" The bookstore owner frowned.

"How is it possible, Professor Lu is a man who has reached the gate of hell!" Roland shook his head like a rattle, "Forget it, boss, don\'t worry about it, anyway, the professor wants to buy mathematics, please help me pull the book Just go back..."

  Roland thought that he was not a ruthless person, at most he was just a wolf.

   That boy James dared to betray the water once, he dared to replace all the baby bumps in the other party\'s room with math books!

  However, this is actually cheaper James, although he has not read the comics, but mathematics is the wife of King Lu Bi!

   How steady and steady you James is in contact with mathematics, maybe you will be enlightened directly?


  Of course, when he sneaked away from home with Mary that night, and went to the airport to join the crew, Roland also vaguely heard the sound of someone trying to set fire to his house...

   Roland didn\'t care about that childish threat at all.

   Anyway, there are no valuable things at home.

  Even if it was really burned by James, he would just pay for a new set.


Although James did ask Roland not to bring Elizabeth out of a joke, there was nothing wrong with what he said to his parents, because after Roland arrived at the shooting scene in Hawaii, he realized that he The twenty-four hours of a day have been accurate to the second by the Spielberg guy.


  Because of the special effects films these days, it is really difficult to shoot.

Unlike the digital imaging of Weta Digital and Cameron in the future, in this era, there is no motion capture technology that simulates visual effects while shooting. To put it bluntly, I want to be like Zack Snyder Like shooting "Justice League", the left side is shooting, and the right side can directly see the sketch effect, that kind of situation does not exist.

If you want to do special effects these days, it is a great test for the director, not only because the director needs to determine where the people are when shooting the green screen scene, but also understands the CGI post-production with the computer during the shooting process. how it will be presented.

To put it bluntly, while the director is shooting, he is already brainstorming the effects of the finished film on the storybook he drew. He has to ensure that the actors and the final CGI are in a relatively correct position. If the position is not correct , there is basically no way except to retake, because if you want to drag the mouse wheel in the future and directly adjust the proportion of the characters to achieve the perfect effect, you can’t do it now—why the liquid robot in "Terminator 2" Have to walk through the white model figure from the beginning to the end, and then appear in the real person? Isn\'t it because the current technology is not enough?

  The current digital particle visual effects are simply not up to the standard in the future. As a result, it is even more difficult to shoot seriously. Of course, Roland doesn\'t need to understand how the technology is formed, because these things can be solved by industrial light and magic engineers, but he has to learn how to make special effects films...

   So far, in this world, there is no second guy who knows more about models + CGI than Industrial Light & Magic.

So, on the first day of filming, Roland, who crossed his legs and chatted with Mary, was waiting for his own scene to be filmed. Spielberg grabbed his collar and dragged him to the secondary monitor, "Didn\'t you want to shoot "Spider-Man" ?"

   "Then you have to follow me throughout the filming of "Jurassic"."

   "This is different from the "Terminator 2" that James took you to shoot before."

   "From the beginning of the shooting process, it is different..."

  (end of this chapter)

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