
Chapter 133: MJ Ruifan

On the day of joining the team, Roland just had a chat with Paramount\'s production director who was stationed in the team, and the other party gave a positive answer the next morning—Paramount didn\'t care at all, and Forrest Gump\'s son wore clothes to the end. Whose clothes, not only that, they also gave a very "intimate" suggestion, saying that Roland can also wear his own clothes to appear on the scene.

The placement of advertisements is originally a means of profit for the producers, like the chocolate beans in "Alien E.T.", and the car logos in "Jurassic Park" that are enough to blind people\'s eyes, all of which make a lot of money. classic.

  Not only did the producer make a lot of money, but the sales of the advertiser\'s products also surged, which can be called a win-win situation.


  Paramount asked Roland for money?

  Isn’t this special thing just a dream?

  When everyone is rushing to send money to Roland, let alone sponsoring a costume, you can change the plot of Forrest Gump’s investment in the fruit company, but the problem is that Roland doesn’t have any popular Internet companies!

   Otherwise, he really dared to change!

  It\'s like brother pig who dared to risk the world\'s dissatisfaction to raise the file for his own movie.

  Isn’t it because I feel that I can’t beat "Detective Chinatown 3" and want to make money?

   Then, for the first time in history, a Spring Festival movie premiered online, but ByteDance spent 630 million to take over.

   Really thought Baldy Xu invited people to watch movies for free?

   I have to lose all my underpants!


   Within two days of filming "Forrest Gump", the crew in South Carolina received a piece of news from the outside world.

  Michael Jackson was sued.

In fact, at the beginning of this year, Michael Jackson also accepted an exclusive interview with Oprah Winfrey, clarifying all kinds of fake news and rumors, but not long after the release of "Jurassic Park", this summer, a A dentist named Evan Chandler used a large amount of sedative sodium amethalone when he extracted his son\'s teeth.

Since amtrathal sodium can make people extremely sensitive to information from the outside world, under Chandler\'s questioning, his son Jordan uttered words that he had been molested by Michael Jackson, and these words were regarded as Evidence became the key to Chandler\'s demand for 20 million out of court settlement from Michael Jackson, but Michael Jackson refused such blackmail, so a formal lawsuit appeared naturally, and the years of adultery that had entangled Michael Jackson The child case also broke out because of this.

  However, even though Neverland was searched, those children who had gone to Neverland to play with Michael Jackson were all questioned by the police, but Roland, who had been in the heat before, never received any calls.

   Not only that, even the outside news didn\'t mention the "blackorwhite" MV that Roland once posted. It seems that the music video with the most views in history never existed!

  In such a situation, Roland was bewildered.

  Although it is a good thing not to be affected, but—

   This kind of silence is really strange, right?

  He is indeed a newcomer to the A+list, but he is still not as popular as Michael Jackson, but it is precisely because of this status that those bitch-like media should pounce on him like flies!

   After all, the two of them together are big news!

   While he was curious, the phone was beeping non-stop.

  Picking it up and answering it, the calmness on the other end of the phone made things clear.

James Cameron: "Arnold called his wife, the matter will not go to your side, I also contacted Ronald, NBC, News Corporation, "New York Times" will shut up ...Of course, the little girl who chased you, her uncle also helped you suppress CBS under Viacom\'s name, but her father said that if your uncle\'s clothing company needs models in the future, her daughter can do it competent…"

   "You just take care of your filming, the public opinion outside has nothing to do with you, the police will not let you cooperate with the investigation..."

   "Oh, before I hang up, let me emphasize that "Spider-Man" is mine!"

   Not long after the truck driver hung up the phone, the assistant asked Roland to answer another call.

It was Catherine Kennedy who called in this time: "You don\'t need to buy newspapers, listen to the radio, or watch the news. This matter will not spread to us. The lawyer Chandler hired dare not go to you to understand the situation. Even if it\'s all true, he\'ll be kicked out of the law firm when he gets on the plane to South Carolina..."


  Roland was talking about why he would not be affected.

   It\'s not that the flies can\'t smell the rancid smell, but that the whole thing has been suppressed from top to bottom!

  That\'s right, Roland and Michael Jackson did only meet each other for one morning, and they were not familiar with each other, let alone other things.


  The people don’t know!

  If he was involved in the Michael Jackson child molestation case, the impact would actually be very bad.

The public doesn\'t know whether Michael Jackson molested children or not, and they also don\'t know how true or false Roland\'s words are—whether Roland is testifying for Michael Jackson, denying the relationship between the two parties, or cooperating with the investigation Believe the police, all of this is actually wrong!

As long as his name appears in the case, it will have an impact on him. Guys who think Michael Jackson will do this will think that Roland is in the same boat as the other party, and guys who believe in Michael Jackson can only testify. Only by following the road can they gain their favor, because denying the relationship will be regarded as a white-eyed wolf, and cooperating with the investigation and trusting the police is not assertive.

   But once he testified, Roland lost even more.

   To put it bluntly, there is no perfect solution to child molestation cases, no matter how Roland answers.

   And Macaulay Culkin in the previous life fell because of this incident!

When film critics were angry about "Home Alone 2", fans who liked him still pushed this film to the second place in the North American box office that year, but when he helped the other party to testify in the child molestation case, his box office performance, It fell all the way to the bottom!

   Is this really Macaulay Culkin repeating himself?


   Because he was drawn into a very troublesome abyss!

   Regardless of whether it is a child or a teenager, in the eyes of the general public, at least one has to set an example for his peers.

  He can\'t make mistakes in public, let alone be stained, even suspected!

  Like a smoking door.

  The social response was extremely bad.

  Deniing the relationship between the two parties can completely refer to Anne Hathaway.

  People\'s boyfriend is no match for Michael Jackson, but even so, Anne Hathaway has been sprayed bloody, and what if Roland distances himself from the other party? Michael Jackson fans can resist him to death!

   To put it bluntly, if it weren’t for these people to help Roland suppress the investigation and publicity, then no matter how many SSR-level movies Roland has accumulated, the favorability accumulated by making many SSR-level movies will be directly wiped out, but now—

  Those two phone calls are to keep a successful relationship!

  For the current public, if the media does not report it, it means that it has nothing to do with it.

   But if the police don\'t investigate and the lawyer doesn\'t mention it, then it doesn\'t matter if it\'s real!

   But the problem is that it’s not that the police don’t want to investigate, it’s not that lawyers don’t want to mention it, it’s not that the media doesn’t want to report it, but they can’t do it!

James Cameron wanted "Spider-Man"; Ronald Perelman and Carl Icahn waited for the movie to be released, sold the peripherals at high prices, increased the company\'s value, and continued to make money; while Chuan Jianguo was greedy The clothing brand that Wei Olsen casually tossed about; as for the Jewish gang? A mature actor with strong charisma can help them lead more projects!

   There are some things that Roland doesn\'t need to do, and those who are entangled with him can be settled directly.

   And these nominal help is the key to Roland\'s ability to continue running.

  Yes, he did nothing wrong!

   But in reality, whether you make a mistake or not does not mean that you did not do it at all!

   And as long as your name is not included in those **** things, then you just didn\'t do it!


  The public can only see these.

It is precisely because of the entangled interests that Roland is still running comfortably in South Carolina with Tom Hanks when all the eyes of the outside world are focused on the stain on Michael Jackson, the Uranus superstar. With the government, the media, and people directly related to death being strangled, it has nothing to do with Roland, even if they fight outside.


And when Michael Jackson would rather accept the investigation, want to clear his innocence through judicial means, and refuse to settle with the other party out of court, that long tug-of-war seemed to become the biggest issue in the media industry at the end of 1993. news.

  However, when time went to the end of October, the news of River Phoenix\'s death in front of the bar opened by Johnny Depp instantly crowded out the daily broadcast of the child molestation case and became the biggest entertainment news hotspot at the moment.

Born in 1970, he entered the entertainment industry at the age of nine. At the age of fifteen, he became famous with "Walk with Me". "The Uninhibited Sky" conquered the judges of the Venice Film Festival that year, won the Best Actor Silver Lion, and was hailed as the next James Dean guy. His sudden departure without warning made the world and his relatives and friends stunned, but— Roland was not surprised.

   Not only because he knew that such a day would come, but also because he has always been curious, who are the idiots who put River Phoenix and James Dean together?

  The next James Dean?

  That’s right, James Dean is indeed awesome. As the seventh of the top ten cultural icons in America, it’s understandable to be the target of River Phoenix’s pursuit, but the problem is—he also died young!

   Born in 1931, died in a car accident due to speeding in 55 years, only 24 years old...

  Rui Fan-Phoenix was born in 1970, died in 1993, only 23 years old...

  In fact, when Roland in his previous life was gossiping, he was already stunned...

  Take a guy who is only twenty-four years old and say to a little guy, you will become like the other person in the future...

  Aren’t you cursing people to death?

  What is the intention!

  However, these old troughs are just vomit in his heart.

And when he learned that before River Phoenix died, his younger brother Joaquin Phoenix felt that his brother was just like him because he was drunk, but it was just a normal physical reaction, and wanted to drag him out of the bar; -When Phoenix left the bar and fell to the ground and twitched, Jacques kept emphasizing that his brother was fine, and then he knew why Jacques squeezed out the young master Jared Leto to play "Joker"—because he Killed his brother with his own hands, he prevented his colleagues from calling 911...

According to the accumulation of his own emotions taught by Tom Hanks, Joaquin Phoenix\'s personal experience is the most perfect madness, and when he enters the play, he doesn\'t have to worry about continuing to be hurt, because the in front of the camera He is not performing, but venting naturally, venting the stagnation in his heart, venting endless regrets.

  However, no matter how precious this emotion is, Roland doesn\'t want it.

  What do you have to do if you have to dig out the evil of human nature?

   Isn\'t it good to live well?

   As for dedicating yourself to art?

  Conveying truth, goodness and beauty is also dedicating oneself to art!

  He loves movies, loves games, and also loves his life...

And when Roland and Hanks chatted about River Phoenix and Harrison Ford attending each other\'s funeral while filming, Robert Zemeckis, who bowed his head to eat and didn\'t say a word, showed that My regret for Rui Fan—

   "Unfortunately, he is taking the purest path of experience..."

  "Chris in "Walk with Me", fears his father, gives up his life, sees through his future..."

   "Isn\'t Rui Fan the same? His stupid parents, sad life experience, and ambiguous future are the material of his performance, and he acts in his true colors, so he appears pure..."

   "Later, Danny in "Unlimited Wanted" had parents who were anti-war radicals. Because the anti-war methods were too cruel, he was wanted by the federal government and lived a life of displacement and changing names..."

   "Isn\'t Rui Fan\'s life the same?"

   "When filming "The Uninhibited Sky", Rui Fan and Keanu Reeves became friends and were inseparable..."

   "Yes, he did give his best career in that movie, but the problem is..."

   "You know how he acted?"

   "Take the path of the purest experience, that is the real experience."

"During the filming again, Rui Fan, Keanu...a group of people all moved to director Gus Santer\'s house in Portland. They drank all night, partyed, and ranted. Fan really went to the streets of Portland to experience the lives of men and women, so...don\'t envy these things..."

  “No matter how powerful the experiential school is, if you don’t spend a lot of time, you can only create characters that match your own experience.”

   "This kind of life experience is actually a limitation, because they can\'t act in commercial blockbusters..."

   "But the problem is, only business is the foundation of your circle..."

   "It took nine months for Rui Fan\'s "Uninhibited Sky" to obtain an investment of 2.5 million..."

   "But now, they almost have the check for you to fill out..."

   "And the "Total Eclipse of Love" and "Border Diary" left by him..."

   "It\'s not a good book..."

   "Although it can reflect acting skills, but..."

   "There are too many people with good acting skills. The box office is the first in film history, but there will always be only one..."

   I wish you all a happy New Year’s Eve, good health, and don’t go out if you can.



  (end of this chapter)

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