
Chapter 280: Anti-Gates Coalition and Anti-Jobs Coalition

After taking over the task of recruiting Google, the three people who had no development tasks for the time being went to Stanford in person to interview the two people who had been in contact with them, and wanted to help them realize the meaning of "choose to watch, be full of hope, refuse to watch, and be disappointed all your life". An unchanging truth—hiss...how come this sand sculpture line is the same as an advertisement for treating infertility?

   Anyway, that\'s what it means...

However, the two founders of Google politely declined the venture capitalists who came to their door. The reason they gave was that the company had not been officially registered, and in a responsible attitude to investors, they would not seek angel rounds investment.

  The Big Three of Blizzard, who had already predicted the speeches of the two, were not discouraged, and directly threw out Wang Zang that Roland had promised.

  When the tempting condition of "while accepting investment, Roland can help Google swallow Yahoo\'s search business" was put on the table, the two who didn\'t want to introduce venture capital prematurely wavered, and then...

   It just shook a little bit.

  After thinking for a while, they finally chose to refuse.

   This result also made the Big Three of Blizzard stunned!

  In their view, this behavior of giving money and promoting development is really an angel!

  You don’t even like such a favorable condition?

  What are these guys thinking about in their minds!

  The mentality of the Blizzard Big Three has collapsed...

   "No, I hope you can make it clear to us today, why are you refusing?"

  In the box of a quiet coffee shop next to Stanford, the Big Three of Blizzard sat around the table.

Mike Mohamy sat directly opposite Sergey Brin and Larry Page, while Alan Adhan and Frank Pierce lined up on the left and right, with a fierce look like three Divisional trial.

   Seeing the three guys who would not give up until they reached their goals, Sergey Brin and Larry Page also showed helplessness.

   "Don\'t you all go to work? Come to block us every day..."

   "We are going to work." Alan Adhan replied very rudely.

   "Letting you accept investment from Shouwang Venture Capital is our only job now." Frank Pierce added.

"Even if you refuse, it\'s okay, but you have to give us a reasonable reason!" Mike Mohamy sang a bad face, "Give us a reason that we can do business, then we won\'t come to block every day You are gone!"

  This behavior of breaking the casserole and asking the end made Sergey Brin and Larry Page smile bitterly.

  To be honest, although they have never dealt with venture capital so far, judging from the behavior of the three people in front of them, this Shouwang Venture Capital is not a serious venture capital company at all...

   Don’t invest, can’t you?

   Chasing you every day to send money?

   Not only that, but also uttered harsh words, kind of don\'t leave after school?

   Thanks to the fact that they wrote a lot of algorithms for IMDb and communicated with the three of them many times, otherwise, they would really call the police and ask the police to deal with the three guys who forcibly stuffed money into them!

   After taking a closer look at them, Larry Page asked, "Is there really no reason to have start-up funds?"

"What do you think?"

  Alan Adhan rolled his eyes and said: "In the Internet field, one hundred thousand yuan is not enough to burn..."

   "We also started from scratch. At the beginning, we also relied on cashing out credit cards to maintain the company\'s operations. To be honest, we had a hard and tiring life at that stage, but after receiving the funds from the boss, the company\'s development has grown by leaps and bounds..."

   "So your reason is not valid..."

   "We want to wait until the start-up capital is burned, and then look for investors—is that a good reason?" Sergey Brin asked.

   "Isn\'t that the point!"

  Frank Pierce pouted, "We want to know, why did you reject Yahoo\'s search business?"

   "That\'s right! This is where we are confused!"

Mike Mohamy nodded, and said: "You buy servers, rent office space, and recruit programmers. You can spend 100,000 yuan in half a month at most, and when the time comes, don\'t you still have to seek investment? After getting the investment, you have to write a commercial search engine product, and you have to promote the product, and these two links are even more expensive..."

   "Now, as long as you accept investment, this market is at your fingertips. Why do you refuse?"

When the topic of concealment came to the table, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the two young men who were still studying, felt even more helpless. Feeling the three pairs of eyes full of curiosity, the two They looked at each other and said, "Okay, okay, can\'t we say it\'s okay? As long as we finish talking, don\'t stop us like now..."

   "Of course, we don\'t want to continue to waste time on work without a clue."

   The Big Three of Blizzard looked at each other and gave an affirmative answer.

After getting the guarantee from the three, Sergey Brin and Larry Page drank a few sips of coffee, moistened their throats, and then said: "Because the premature introduction of venture capital is actually harming the interests of the founders." .”

"That\'s right, as long as we accept the investment from Watch Ventures, we can get Yahoo\'s business and get the corresponding market share in the shortest time, but the problem is, you need 20% of the angel round Shares, what about A, B, and C after that? How much are you going to take? How much will the shares of the two of us be diluted?"

  "For a part of the market, we may lose control of the company? We cannot accept this kind of thing."

"If we say that by cooperating with you, our market share can directly become the number one, and we can go from a start-up to a leader in the industry within a year, let alone 20%, even if it is 80%. Yes, but this kind of thing can\'t exist, right? If you can decide the ownership of the market, then what\'s the matter with us? But it\'s because you can only decide the ownership of a part of the market, but we have to bear the responsibility of being kicked out of the company risk, so we don\'t want to..."

   "As for why you have such an idea?"

   "Because this is the advice given to us by Mr. Andy Becketterson, and Mr. Becketterson and Mr. Clark are very good friends, oh yes, Mr. Clark is Jim Clark..."

   "Oh! Shit!"


   "Fuck you!"

  After hearing such an explanation, the Big Three of Blizzard suddenly became speechless.

  Although their mouths were fragrant, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who were surrounded by them, laughed.

  Because they are clear, these three guys have understood.

  Jim Clark, the founder of Silicon Graphics and Netscape, is a complete anti-venture capitalist.

In 1970, he received a bachelor\'s degree from Louisiana State University, and a master\'s degree in the following year; in 1974, he received a doctorate in computer science from the University of Utah and became an assistant professor at the University of California; at that time, his research topic It is how to enable engineers to use the 3D graphics computing function. During the research process, he found that Stanford University has research funds allocated by the Ministry of Defense. So, in order to spend money, he went to Stanford University to work as a teaching assistant...

While serving as a teaching assistant and researching the technology of 3D graphics, SUN founder Andy Becketterson became his student. In the future, SUN\'s graphics workstation business will be based on Jim Clark\'s research. The relationship between them cannot be expressed in words at all.

   It is precisely because of the relationship between a teacher and a friend that when Jim Clark was kicked out of Silicon Graphics by a venture capitalist, the hatred of venture capital spread wildly in his faction.

  “We must spare no effort to maintain our control over the company. We must never allow a single venture capitalist to hold more than 10% of the shares, so as to prevent the company from being controlled by external forces!”

   This sentence has become the operating creed of the Clark faction.

   And Sergey Brin and Larry Page, who received 100,000 yuan in start-up capital from Jim Clark\'s student and SUN founder Andy Becketterson, naturally got such advice.


  Shouwang Venture Capital offered favorable conditions, and they would not accept it.

  Because they have a backer, and having a backer means that there is an opportunity.

  As long as there is an opportunity, there is no need to sell a large number of shares at the beginning to make yourself passive.

   The Big Three of Blizzard, who also understood the meaning, also looked helpless.

  If this is the case, then Shouwang Venture Capital may not be able to invest in it no matter what!

  Use this result to deal with Roland?

  Then how can it be worthy of Roland\'s idea of ​​wanting to erect statues for them!

Just when they were having difficulty accepting such a result, Sergey Brin and Larry Page seized the opportunity and said: "We have finished explaining, can you let us go? We have agreed, there will be no next time ah..."

   "Okay, I won\'t block you from now on..." Alan Adhan and Frank Pierce stood up, ready to let them leave.

  People have made their words so clear, if they continue to block, it is not an investment, but a kidnapping.

   But before Sergey Brin and Larry Page got up to thank them, Mike Mohamy, who was sitting opposite them, suddenly called to stop.

   "Wait a minute..."

   "What? Is there anything else?" The four were puzzled.

"You don\'t accept investment now, what about after that?" Mike Mohamy didn\'t ink, but went straight to the point, asking: "You can\'t accept a venture capital holding more than 10% of the shares, and the 10% , can you accept it?"

   Hearing what he said, Alan Adhan and Frank Pierce reacted.

  Roland just wanted to invest in Google, but he didn\'t say how many shares he wanted!

  Sergey Brin and Larry Page felt that Overwatch Venture Capital’s asking price was high, so they refused to share, but they didn’t say that the asking price was low and refused!

   Now that the bottom line of the two of them has been found out, when they go back to work, they won\'t get nothing!

  Thinking of this, the two sat back down again.

   Seeing their pose, the two guys who just got up also sighed.

   "We really want to know how much money Roland gave you?"

   "It\'s not about money, but we know that Roland is indeed a good investor." Mike Mohamy shrugged.

   "Okay, since you insist on asking clearly, then let\'s just say it..."

  The two curled their lips, showing their helplessness, "We won\'t take Roland Allen\'s money."

   "We don\'t take whatever he gives us."

   "Because I can\'t afford it."

   Grab the grass!

  What is the situation of this special code?

  The three of them were shocked!

  Although the tone of the two of them was not fierce, their words were firm!

   Could it be that Roland did something unreasonable to them?

  Or did Roland turn them green?

   Otherwise, how could these two guys who have never been in contact with Roland show such an attitude of resistance!

It seemed that they saw the surprise on the faces of the three people, but it was more like wanting to end all this quickly, so after a moment of silence, the two took the initiative to talk about the reason, "We are from Stanford, and The business incubation venture capital institution that Stanford cooperates with is Sequoia Capital, so it is no surprise that Sequoia Capital will be one of our choices when we are looking for funds.”

   "The matchmaker between Sequoia Capital and Stanford is Michael Moritz, a partner of Sequoia Capital."

"In addition, we also took the start-up capital given by Andy Becketterson, and Andy Becketterson gave us a check of 100,000 yuan, and told us that if we need venture capital, He can introduce John Doerr, an investor of KPCB, to us, and as long as their price is right, we will definitely accept it.”

   "There are two VCs waiting for us here, so we won\'t talk to Shouwang Venture Capital."

"Of course, if I just mentioned the names of the two venture capitalists, you will definitely not be satisfied with the result, so we specifically mentioned two contacts. We don\'t know if you know them. If you don\'t, we can give you introduce…"

   “Sequoia Capital’s Michael Moritz, the anti-Steve Jobs coalition.”

   "KPCB\'s John Doerr, the anti-Bill Gates coalition."

   "And your boss, Roland Allen..."

   "Although I don\'t know which side he is from, but..."

   "Certainly not in the anti-Jobs or anti-Gates coalition."

   That\'s right! Before Google was founded, it was already in line!

  Andy Baker Torsen, who gave them 100,000 yuan of start-up capital, is a member of the anti-Gates alliance, and the capital behind him, KPCB, has funded every company that competes with Microsoft!

  Intuit, Netscape, Sun…

  As long as it is an opponent of Microsoft, they will invest money to support it!

   Not only that, after Steve Jobs was kicked out of Apple, when they wanted to make a comeback with Pixar, they also injected a lot of money into Pixar!

  Because they think that if Steve Jobs can beat Bill Gates once, he can beat him a second time!

   In addition, they also established the Java Fund to provide assistance to entrepreneurs who manufacture Java products and services, because Microsoft regards Java as a major threat to its Windows operating system.

  As long as Roland is still playing with Bill Gates, Google will not accept his investment!

  Because of different positions!

   And Sequoia Capital\'s is even simpler.

As a venture capital firm cooperating with Stanford, Google, which is a shareholder of Stanford, will definitely accept investment from Sequoia Capital, and Michael Moritz, a partner of Sequoia Capital, has the nickname of "Apple Historian". .

   On the surface, the guy with this nickname should have a very good relationship with Steve Jobs, but in fact—it’s okay to understand it this way. They used to love each other, and they killed each other because of contradictions.

   In the end, he just kicked Jobs out of Apple.

In the early days of Apple\'s venture, Steve Jobs was recommended to Don Valentine, the founder of Sequoia Capital, but unfortunately, Don Valentine was not interested in Apple at the time, so he sent him to another company. One partner Mike Markkula.

  Markula felt that Apple had great prospects, so he invested in Apple and became the chairman, owning one-third of the shares at one time.

During this process, Time magazine reporter Michael Moritz was very optimistic about Apple, so he wanted to interview Steve Jobs. At that time, Jobs felt insulted by Valentine and wanted to use the media to strengthen his reputation. So the two hit it off and became best friends. Moritz could go in and out of Apple at will, and Jobs could be interviewed at any time.

After Apple became bigger and bigger, Moritz’s status in Time magazine also increased because of his relationship with Jobs. When Jobs became a billionaire, Moritz wanted to write about Jobs’ growth history. book.

   And the name of the book is - "Little Kingdom".

  If the text is written according to tradition, this book will greatly increase Jobs\' reputation, but unfortunately, because Moritz exposed Jobs\' brutality in the book, they broke up.

Well, to describe their relationship as a break-up, there may be a feeling of childish play. In fact, after the book was released, Jobs issued an injunction in the company, prohibiting Moritz from stepping into Apple. And if any Apple employee is interviewed by Moritz, they will be fired the next day for stepping in the company with their left or right foot—no matter who you are.

  After the conflict was triggered, the relationship between the two parties dropped to a freezing point. At the same time, Don Valentine, the founder of Sequoia Capital, who was annoyed by missing Apple, invited Michael Moritz, who discovered the bright spot of Apple, to join Sequoia Capital.

  I hope he can continue to use his genius vision that day.

  From reporter to VC, Michael Moritz completed the biggest leap in his life. After accepting Don Valentine\'s invitation, Michael Moritz started to do things.

   That is to let Steve Jobs go out with the Apple shares held by Sequoia Capital.

  Why Apple couldn\'t resist IBM\'s attack, resulting in a decline in market share, so Jobs has to take the blame?

Do not make jokes…

  Michael Moritz insisted that Steve Jobs was a tyrant, and Steve Jobs thought it was a smear. The two had to start a hand-to-hand dispute in Apple, which was the root of Apple\'s sudden sudden death.

  Since then, Michael Moritz has been staunchly anti-Steve Jobs coalition.

  And Steve Jobs also chose to return after Sequoia Capital gradually sold off Apple shares.


  Roland Allen is Apple\'s largest shareholder!

If Sergey Brin and Larry Page accepted the investment from Watch Ventures, both of them can imagine that the anti-Gates alliance that has entered the market and the anti-Jobs alliance that will definitely enter the field will be Fight Roland Allen directly!

  When the profit-seeking venture capitalists start to fight each other, what is the company doing?

  Dogs have to knock out their brains!

   "So... you will never accept investment from Shouwang Venture Capital?"

   Finally figured out the reason, the Big Three of Blizzard shut up.

  If this is the case, then they will not continue to persuade.

   Sergey Brin and Larry Page nodded and said helplessly: "We also want the Yahoo market."

   "But...circumstances do not allow..."

   "That\'s why we were late..." Mike Mohamy felt a little regretful.

"It\'s not a matter of coming early and being late, because the patent is applied for through the school, so the school will definitely hold the shares. Even if you come earlier, you will only run ahead of the anti-Gates alliance, and the anti-Jobs alliance, You will always be in front of you." The two shrugged and told the cruel truth.

   "Okay, that\'s it, I\'m really sorry to bother you for so long."

  The three stood up and opened their arms to them.

  The two who also felt that the opportunity passed by also sighed, "Let\'s work together again if we have the opportunity..."

  The five of them patted each other on the shoulder and bid farewell.

  As they left, the three people who sat down again stared wide-eyed.

   "What should we do now? Tell Roland the truth directly?" Alan Adham asked.

   "I think this is the only way to go. This matter is not something we can solve." Frank Pierce voted in favor.

   "Yeah, it\'s not something we can solve, anti-Gates alliance? Anti-Jobs alliance? This kind of thing is not something we can touch."

  Mike - Mohamy issued a final exclamation.

   And just as they were drinking cold coffee and thinking about calling Roland when they got back at night, and explaining the situation here, the two people who had left suddenly came back.

   "What\'s wrong?" The three looked at them suspiciously.

   "Did I drop my wallet here?" Larry Page patted his **** pocket, "We just arrived at the parking lot, and suddenly found that the wallet was missing, and there was a parking ticket in it. Without that, we can\'t pay the bill."


  The three bent down and lowered their heads, helping to find it.

   A few seconds later, Frank Pierce suddenly reached out and picked up a brown wallet from the ground, "Is this yours?"

   "Yes, yes, yes!" Larry Page responded quickly.

  Hearing this, Frank Pixar got up directly and handed over the wallet.

   Larry Page, who took the wallet, opened it and checked it. After confirming that it was correct, he nodded with a smile and said, "Everything is here."

   Hearing what he said, the three people staring at his wallet all relaxed.

   "It\'s good that everything is there. Although we didn\'t become colleagues, we didn\'t come to steal things..."

  Alan Adhan\'s witty words made everyone laugh.

   "Not so..." Larry Page waved his hands again and again.

   "Your wealth won\'t care about us tattered..." Sergey Brin laughed at himself.

  After listening to their words, the Big Three of Blizzard laughed more easily.

  Business is not a matter of benevolence and righteousness, and there is no conflict between them, so there is no need to keep a straight face.

And just when the three said goodbye to them again and wished them good luck in starting a business, Mike Mohamy, who was shaking hands with Larry Page, was suddenly attracted by the wallet in his hand. The object made him squint his eyes.

   "Why is your wallet still glowing with blue light?" Mike Mohamy asked casually.

   "Huh?" Larry Page was taken aback for a moment, then reacted immediately, and pulled out the chain that was exposed outside the wallet.

   "What are you talking about? I believe in religion..."

  When Larry Page grabbed the chain and let the blue-glowing metal pendant fall freely.

  The six-pointed star shaking in the air due to inertia made Mike Mohamy frown.

   "David shield?" Mike Mohamy asked.

"Yes, my mother is, and she joined the church, and I also joined the church." Larry Page said with a smile: "Sergey is actually, he is of Ashkenazi descent, that is, In Germany..."


   "So that\'s the case?" After learning such information, Mike Mohamy immediately beamed with joy, patted him on the shoulder vigorously, and said, "It seems that we will still be colleagues..."

   "What do you mean?" Larry Page was a little confused.

  Sergey Brin also cast a puzzled look.

  Alan Adham and Frank Pierce, like Mike Mohamy, pursed their lips in joy after seeing the blue hexagram.

"Means nothing…"

  Alan Adham puts his arm on Larry Page\'s shoulder.

   "Roland will definitely invest in Google. Neither the anti-Gates alliance nor the anti-Jobs alliance is a problem."

  Frank - Pierce also embraced Sergey - Brin\'s shoulder.

   "Because he is with you and has a good reputation."

  Mike Mohamy signaled Larry Page to put away the symbolic David Shield, then hammered their chests and said, "Are you all right tonight? I invite you to dinner..."

   "Don\'t think about investing in these things anymore, Roland will soon be able to solve the problems of KPCB and Sequoia Capital..."


Note: ① Google’s financing is based on bidding. Sequoia Capital is Stanford’s co-incubator, and KPCB is their backer. Introduced in the past by Daniel Ikbia in How Google Controls the World "It is clearly marked in the book that Larry Page and Sergey Brin were deeply influenced by Jim Clark and rejected Sequoia Capital and KPCB\'s request to monopolize the shares of the angel round, and precisely because of their backers, they wanted to The capital invested in Google can only be recognized by pinching its nose. ②Google has been a member of the anti-Microsoft alliance from the very beginning. This is not a joke. American technology companies also stand in line. SUN and Netscape are members of the anti-Microsoft alliance, KPCB, and Google, which was hatched by them, Born with an anti-Microsoft gene, according to Mike Moritz of Sequoia Capital, the primary goal of Google’s development stage is not to be discovered by Microsoft, and how to not be discovered, that is, with the help of Sequoia Capital Eating Yahoo\'s search engine business made Microsoft feel that Google\'s search engine market was sucked out of Yahoo\'s blood. Without Yahoo, it is nothing. ③The relationship between Jobs and Michael Moritz is also true. They fell in love and killed each other, and the dog\'s brains were about to be knocked out. This is why Jobs returned to Apple in the future. From the beginning, it was not he who gave up his son, but Red Shan Capital snatched his son away.



  (end of this chapter)

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