
Chapter 408: File-reading warriors fight violent skynet!

  As an ideological propaganda mouth, war has always been the favorite subject of major Hollywood filmmakers.

  In the 1920s, Buster Keaton was filming the Civil War genre film "The General";

  In the 1940s, Charlie Chaplin was filming the satirical film "The Great Dictator" again;

  David Lean\'s "Doctor Zhivago", which vilified the October Revolution in the 1960s, was a big hit;

   And waited until the 1980s, "Platoon", the **** movie that can\'t be right, made Oliver Stone famous and rich...

It is precisely because war movies have been filmed for a hundred years, and they have been rotten by Hollywood. Therefore, there are no new routines in this subject matter. No matter which master comes to innovate, it is old wine in new bottles. Changing the soup does not change the medicine, and in this case, it is easy to understand Gail Hurd\'s behavior of writing future war scripts from the perspective of traditional war films.

   After all, in this field, everyone has fallen into a state of depletion of inspiration.

   Not to mention, it is not easy to imagine the overhead theme of future war.

   No way, who made the selling point of war films actually stand and spirit?

   Regardless of whether it is the Civil War, World War I or World War II, regardless of the Vietnam War, or various subsequent actions, the reason why movies based on these themes become popular is because of empathy.

Take Stanley Kubrick\'s "Paths of Glory" as an example. Anyone who has watched this movie knows that this is a film from the French\'s own perspective about why the French were killed in the war. A film that hits the ground running.

   As an anti-war film, it greatly satirizes the incompetence of the French army.

  Although this movie is regarded as a masterpiece in later generations, what about when it was released?

   What a fiasco!

  France was clearly the victor in World War I!

   It is the director\'s job to write the glory of the winner with the lens!

   And Stanley Kubrick did the opposite, exposing the ugly face of France?

  If "Path of Glory" doesn\'t hit the street, no one will hit the street!

  Similarly, the success of "Forrest Gump" is also due to the standpoint.

  When everyone in the United States feels that the Vietnam War was a huge mistake, criticizing it can make the audience empathize!

  In this way, when everyone knows that the standpoint is the key point for the profitability of war movies, all movies related to future wars will be shot from the perspective of humans, because only in this way can the audience feel more involved!

But in fact…

  More often, audiences watch this kind of war movie as a disaster movie.

  Because to be honest, even from a human perspective, the audience\'s sense of substitution will not be strong.

  So, in terms of science fiction, Hollywood would rather shoot action movies like "The Matrix", ethical movies like "Gatta", and time-travel movies like "Back to the Future" than war movies.

  Unable to control the important selling points, everyone knows that such a movie has a high probability of hitting the street.

But the problem is that "Terminator 1 and 2" alone have used the four major elements of time travel, horror, action, and ethics. Before reusing the reality that is destined to hit the street, the theme of future war, which is not easy to shoot, It became the only breakthrough.

Perhaps for the old-fashioned people in Hollywood, if there is no breakthrough point for profit, it is undoubtedly looking for a dead end, but for Roland, let the "Terminator" series, which has already built a time machine and can travel through time, enter The breakthrough of future wars is a wise move to put one\'s death to one\'s survival!

  What future war movie has a weak sense of substitution because of insufficient standpoint?

   We don\'t need a stand!

   Just let the audience enjoy watching it!

  What can\'t be used after time travel?

  We use time travel!

  As long as the audience finds time-traveling fun!

  Even if James Cameron\'s "Terminator 1 and 2" used up all the movie selling points on the market, that doesn\'t matter!

  Because when these selling points are mixed together, it is a new highlight!

  \'Crack! \'

  Thinking of this, Roland quickly patted his thigh.

   Knowing its meaning, Kate walked around and sat on it very naturally.

  Ever since the two got married, they liked to use this posture to talk about things.

   And when the 9/11 incident was equally shared by them, the last bit of estrangement between the two parties disappeared without a trace.

For Roland now, there is nothing that cannot be shared in career planning, but for Kate at the moment, listening to her husband\'s brains is actually a little joy in intimate life, so after Kate sits down, she will I took the initiative to pull out a pen from the pen holder, and together with my husband, I was going to write something on the script.



   "Have you seen Groundhog Day?"

   "Groundhog Day? Isn\'t that a time-reincarnation movie? Bill Murray?"

   "Yes, yes, that\'s the movie! My idea now is to incorporate the element of time reincarnation into "Terminator 3."

   "Incorporate time reincarnation into "Terminator 3"? Are you not going to make a war movie?"

"No, no, it\'s still a war movie. The background is still decades in the future. The main line is still John Connor leading mankind to fight against Skynet. What we have to do now is to keep the main theme of future wars unchanged. Under such circumstances, let the time reincarnation become the key to John Connor\'s defeat of Skynet, or in other words, in the case of the great disparity between the abilities of humans and Skynet, let John Connor have the time reincarnation plug-in, so that the final human victory , becomes more logical..."

   "What?" Hearing this, Kate frowned.

After thinking about it carefully for a while, she said without thinking, "I don\'t understand what you mean. Isn\'t time reincarnation just to let a person live the same day without limit? In this case, John Kang, who was caught in a time cycle, How does Na defeat Skynet?"

"This is where the soul is!" Roland flicked off the cap of his pen and said while writing: "First of all, let\'s clarify the first point. If we really want to shoot "Terminator 3", it will mean the final ending of "Terminator 2". ,it is wrong.

  What is the ending of "Terminator 2"?

   Judgment Day has not come, world peace.

   And why did Judgment Day not come?

Because T-800 and Sarah Connor, who were sent by John Connor to protect himself in 1995, discovered that the reason for the emergence of the Skynet system was that humans discovered the first generation of assassinating Sarah Connor in 1984. The chip in the body of the T-800.

   That is to say, human research on Skynet began with the first assassination in 1984.

   It is with this setting that the T-800 will self-destruct at the end of "Terminator 2".

  Because the T-800 and Sarah Connor want to destroy it all at the source.

   Only when all chips and technology from the future are gone, Skynet will cease to exist.

  But once "Terminator 3" is going to be filmed, it means that their ideas are wrong!

Regardless of whether they destroyed everything related to T-800, Skynet will be born, which means that the world of "Terminator" is actually a multiverse. Everything he does will not affect the future he is in, because what he does is to create a new timeline!

do you understand? "

"Oh! What you\'re talking about is the grandfather paradox." Kate understood. While stroking back the hair hanging in front of her body, she also drew a line with her right hand on the paper written by her husband, and wrote a line at the starting point on the left. 984, write 2030 at the starting point on the right, and write 1995 in the middle, then she drew a fork outward at the time of 1995.

   "You mean, with the intervention of Skynet and John Connor, there were two universes in \'95, right?"

   "Yes, that\'s what it means."

"Then what?"

   "Then it\'s easy! Both Tiantianwang and John Connor discovered that going back to the past cannot change the future, and they knew that only by defeating each other at this point in time can they win the final victory."

"Wait..." Kate interrupted her husband\'s words, "But the problem is, because Skynet couldn\'t beat John Connor, that\'s why they wanted to go back in time to deal with John Connor\'s mother! If "The End" That\'s what happened at the beginning of "Zhou 3". Doesn\'t that mean that Skynet lost if it didn\'t fight? This movie is also boring!

   Besides, isn’t what you’re talking about the same as the prelude written by Gail Hurd? "

   "Oh! My! God!" Roland had a headache, "Can\'t you understand such a simple thing?

  Assuming that "Terminator 3" is a story that happened in universe A, then in the case of the "Terminator" world with the concept of multiple universes, at the same point in time, there must be countless Skynets!

The Skynets in universes A, B, and C may all be facing the fate of being defeated by John Connor, but the Skynets in universes D, E, F, and G may also be targeted by John Connor. A silver lining!

  And in this case, how does Skynet in universe A break through?

   Isn\'t that simple?

  Go back to the past, move rescuers!

So at the beginning of "Terminator 3", Skynet, who was aware of the concept of the multiverse, opened the portal frantically, allowing robots such as T-800 and T-1000 to go to the multiverse where Judgment Day has erupted, and send Skynet in that world Bring it to Universe A to strengthen your own strength and fight against John Connor!

  And when inexhaustible robots appear, how can humans resist?

  John Connor can be beaten out of **** by Skynet! "

When Roland excitedly wrote A on the 2030 written by his wife, then marked 1998 on the timeline, and drew several branches facing that point, and then marked B, During C, D, and E, Kate, who was sitting in his arms, fully understood what kind of nerves her husband was going through right now.

  Plunder the resources of other universes to strengthen yourself?

  This brain hole is really...


  But after thinking about it, when the Terminator appeared all over the sky, the scene was like a scene of locusts crossing the border...

   It’s really shocking!

"Then according to what you said, humans can also go back to rescue soldiers!" Kate became interested in what her husband said, but as soon as the words came out, her expression changed, and she said: "No! Humans can\'t go back to rescue soldiers !"

  In fact, when Kate said that humans can also copy the words, Roland had already raised his left hand, wanting to touch his wife\'s stupid head, but when Kate changed his words...

   With a \'snap\', Roland snapped his fingers in approval.

"That\'s right! Humans can\'t go back to rescue soldiers! Because Skynet can grow itself only by plundering, but human beings are different, transporting humans and weapons from universes B, C, D, and E to universe A? Other universes People definitely don\'t want to! So...

  Humans have to hang up!

  Because only then will they win!

   And when humans also know that they can only survive at the current point in time, time reset is the only way for them to defeat Skynet, just like playing a video game, if you die, you will start again! Come back when you die! Come back when you die! !

  As long as you load enough files!

  Humanity will win!

  In this situation, how to lead more human beings to survive has become what John Connor must do! "

   That\'s right!

  When the concept of time reset appeared, the first reaction in Roland\'s mind was "Edge of Tomorrow"!

   No way, who made the idea of ​​this sci-fi war film perfectly solve the problem of unbalanced combat power in "Terminator"?

  In the case of extreme disparity in force between the two sides, the only way to win is to keep reloading and reloading!

  As for why Skynet is adding weight, the reason is very simple.

   That\'s just a simple reloading of the file, which is meaningless!

  Although "Edge of Tomorrow" has a high score, it is a hit movie after all.

An investment of 178 million yuan was only exchanged for a box office of 370 million yuan. This disparity caused Warner to lose all his underwear, and the factors that caused this movie to hit the street are also obvious, that is The crushing of the hero from the beginning to the end makes the supposedly brisk clearance unattractive at all. When the audience learns that no matter what Tom Cruise does, he will not die. The refreshing energy to kill the enemy disappeared without a trace.

  So, Roland wanted to modify this part.

  In his setting, at the beginning of the film, the director needs to spend 20 minutes explaining the future of 2030.

First describe the excitement after the failure of Skynet\'s strategy from the human point of view, and prepare to launch a general attack on the remaining Skynet, and then describe the regret after the failure of its own strategy from the perspective of Skynet, and then the emergence of the idea of ​​dying together. When human beings fight to the death and want to make a killing, Skynet, which has calculated the existence of parallel universes, feels that the opportunity has come. So, T-800 set off again, going to the year after the outbreak of Judgment Day, and instigating those Skynet robots to 20 Thirty years.

In the next twenty to forty minutes, it will be Arnold Schwarzenegger\'s T-800 one-man show in 1998. He will search for traces of Skynet in the post-nuclear world, and then establish Manufacturing plant, producing robots.

  This place will use a lot of special effects to show the desolation after the nuclear explosion.

  What two-headed dog! Nine-tailed cat!

   In short, spend a lot of money to make some disgusting creatures.

   Be sure to explain the distortion caused by nuclear radiation clearly.

  Even if the plot is filmed in a thriller way, that\'s fine.

  What the Lord requires is a sense of substitution.

  The next forty to sixty minutes will be the battle of John Connor in 2030 to wipe out the remnants of Skynet.

  There is nothing to say about this aspect, it is purely a formation of troops to encircle and suppress.

  But when the movie was released to 60 minutes, when John Connor was about to lead mankind to completely destroy Skynet, a transition similar to the final battle of "Avengers 4" made the Terminator appear in front of mankind.

  With the appearance of countless T-800s, the Jedi counterattack from Skynet caused heavy casualties to human beings.

  Describe the **** massacre in ten minutes—

  Humanity paid more than half of the price of the casualties before they broke out from the encirclement of Skynet.

  Ten minutes to describe Skynet’s **** hunt for humans—

   It wasn\'t until the vengeful Skynet took away the human lair that this one-sided pursuit war finally came to an end.

And when human beings learned that Skynet could go back to the past to rescue soldiers, the despair of the end of the world shrouded everyone\'s heart, but John Connor, who refused to admit defeat, discovered that the portal that went back to the past could actually be able to send short messages in large quantities. When time allowed them to be "reborn", he chose to use the trick of reading files to lead mankind to victory after being put to death.

  In the next 30 minutes, it will be the battle between the file-loading warriors and the violent Skynet!

  Under Roland\'s composition, "Terminator 3" is a purely cool movie!

  What technology, ethics, morality?

   Doesn’t exist, okay!

   It’s the end of the world, who will discuss these bourgeois topics for you!

  Live and die bearish!

   Do it if you don\'t accept it!

  Humans beat Skynet for 20 minutes first!

   Then Skynet crushed the human hammer for twenty minutes!

  In the end, the two sides fought each other hard for 30 minutes!


   And under Roland\'s adaptation, the setting of the protagonist\'s unlimited life has become a hot spot!

  When the ignorant humans are reaping victory in ecstasy, the audience who know that Skynet can crush back at any time will feel it!

  After Skynet starts the revenge massacre, audiences who don’t know how humans can resist will be nervous!

  Finally, when human beings read files and type back, the rhythm of rising first, then lowering and then rising makes the audience feel comfortable!

  And as long as the audience enjoys it...

  Then the meaning of the existence of "Terminator 3" appears?

   Roland admits that he is a leg hug king.

  He is not capable of pursuing art.

   But business...

  In the case of avant-garde cognition, it is still possible for him to make up a story about the cool film outline taught by two old men!

   However, this arrangement method actually has a big problem.

   "If you just listen to it, this script is indeed interesting, but..." Kate put down the pen, turned to look at her husband, and said with a smile, "If you really follow your instructions, the cost of this movie will probably remain high."

   "Money is a trivial matter, and Enron only made 900 million yuan!"

  Roland doesn\'t care about these yellow and white things at all, because he is poor now and only has money left.

   "What about John Connor? Who are you going to let play?" Kate gave Roland a blank look, and now she doesn\'t care about money.

   After all, after getting married, Roland lost something called a wallet.

   All the cards are with her, and she signs the bills when shopping.

"John Connor? That\'s definitely not me!" Roland counted on his fingers, "I was eleven in 1991 and fifty in 2030, so John Connor must Find an actor in his forties or fifties to play.

  The last time was more than 30.

  Actors in their 30s, 40s, 50s...

  Brad Pitt?

Tom Cruise?

Tom Hanks?

  Hey, leave this question to the director, anyway, we are not short of money..."

  After his modification, can "Terminator 3" be profitable?

   Roland didn\'t know.

   But he doesn\'t care about these things.

  Because as long as Arnold Schwarzenegger sees his sincerity and other guys who want to get close to him understand that Roland is a guy who rewards for his merits, that\'s enough!

However, just when Roland felt that the matter of the script could be over temporarily, and that he could hug his daughter-in-law to wash Xiangxiang and go back to the room to sleep, Kate, who was holding his neck, smiled even wider, "Then, the most important The problem arises.

  Director, who do you want to invite? "

  ‘Director? \'

  When Roland heard his wife\'s question, he was a little impatient, and immediately stopped moving.

  Because of this problem, he...

   I really didn’t think about it.

   Note: ① "Path of Glory" was banned by France as soon as it was released, on the grounds that the film insulted the French army fighting for the glory of victory. Standing is the basis for a war film to be profitable. If the **** is not right, it will not even be released. Film censorship is very strict all over the world. It is really stupid to say that foreign directors can make whatever they want.



  (end of this chapter)

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