
Chapter 443: Matt Damon

  Because it is compared with Leonardo DiCaprio, who was favored by God and became a blockbuster with "Titanic".

  His promotion path was quite bumpy.

  After dropping out of Harvard, he plunged into Hollywood for his dream, but he failed one after another on the road to pursue his dream.

  The first film "The Wind and Cloud in High School" featuring a male supporting role, with an investment of 18 million, only recovered a box office of 14.7 million;

  The second "American Legend" starring in the film, with an investment of 35 million yuan, only received a box office of 18.6 million yuan;

Although the third "Life and Death" still lost money, the investment of 46 million in exchange for a box office of 100 million made Matt Damon out of the embarrassing situation where the box office could not even reach the investment, but the problem yes…

  His fourth film returns this beautiful progress.

  "The Rainmaker" had an investment of 40 million yuan and a box office of 45.9 million yuan, which made him fall into confusion again.

  This kind of hip-pull and hip-pull results in hip-pull, hit him hard as a dream chaser.

But Matt Damon was not overwhelmed by this difficulty. After successive failures, he was still able to settle down and created "Good Will Hunting" with his good brother Ben Affleck. back…

  The score of 225 million directly turned him over!

  Became the most shining new star in Hollywood that year!

   But, unfortunately...

   Afterwards, "The King of Gamblers", "The Genius Ripley", "Return to Glory", and "Steam" he participated in all failed!

As a result, he, who was a little famous, could only help Brad Pitt and George Clooney in "Ocean\'s Eleven", and when "Bourne Shadow" was released, he stood on the front line and became a real A-list.

  This kind of ups and downs in life is simply a manifestation of the tricks of fate.

   And he who can resist successive failures and meet the final success is even more a model of inspiration!


   This is all bullshit.

Although Matt Damon grew up in a single-parent family, because he didn\'t want to face the cold home after school, he joined the school theater troupe in high school, and became playmates with the guys there, But his family environment has never been bad. His mother is a professor at Lesley University opposite Harvard University and MIT. Not only that, but his mother also goes to Harvard to substitute for teachers all the year round. On a material basis, she never Treat your own son badly.

   To put it bluntly, dropping out of Harvard University is true.

   And even if you drop out of school, it doesn\'t really matter.

  Because he is the same as Bill Gates who can return to Harvard at any time. Even if he fails to pursue his dream in Hollywood, he can go back to Harvard, get a diploma again, and then come out to find a job...

  The pressure to drop out?

  Sorry, not at all.

   As for why break into Hollywood?

   This actually has nothing to do with chasing dreams.

Because the father of Matt Damon\'s friend Ben Affleck is a playwright and once worked as a stage manager for the Boston Theater Company. Since he grew up in this theater atmosphere, Ben Affleck Always like to play something.

   Over time, acting became instinctive.

   After the two sides met, Matt Damon, who was left alone, was thrown into the water by Ben Affleck.

At first, Matt Damon only appeared in student dramas. Later, when the crew of "Modern Cinderella" went to Harvard for filming and needed several small roles in the background boards, and selected people in Harvard\'s drama club, he was directed by Donald - Matt Damon in Petri\'s picture got the chance to appear in the show, and also has a valuable line.

   At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this kind of beginning.

  Because all inspirational actors have their own stories!


Contrary to everyone\'s assumptions, Matt Damon did not become very interested in movies after he participated in the movie, but his good brother Ben Affleck, The heroine has a great interest!

  Because the starring role of "Modern Cinderella" is Julia Roberts!

When Ben Affleck learned that his good brother was actually chosen by Julia Roberts\' crew, knowing that the other party was a little famous, he encouraged Matt Damon to strike up a conversation with him, and because Julia Roberts was also He is a newcomer, so he quickly became friends with Matt Damon, and after learning that Matt Damon has acting skills, he recommended him to his friend Liam Neeson\'s new work to play a role, and The name of the movie is "Good Mother".

   At first glance, this unremarkable movie title does not seem to be a masterpiece.

   But in fact, this is really not a masterpiece.

   Liam Neeson in the 1980s, that was also a rookie.

   But the guy who plays with him is a big boss!

  The heroine of "The Good Mother" is Diane Keaton!

   That\'s right, it\'s the Diane Keaton who has been pestering Woody Allen for decades!

   And when Matt Damon hooked up with Diane Keaton, he was already in the lap of the Jewish gang.

  After the short scene in "Good Mother", he was conveniently sent to study in the crew of "Dreamland" next door, and the starring role of this movie is Kevin Costner!

   So far...

  In the early 1990s, the three hottest actors, Matt Damon, all knew each other.

When Julia Roberts scored 460 million at the box office with "Pretty Woman" in 1990, Kevin Costner\'s "Dances with Wolves" was killing the market, Liam Neeson signed After reading Schindler\'s List...

Knowing that the time to become famous has come, Matt Damon decisively dropped out of school and entered Hollywood. With the recommendation of these three people, he directly got the male supporting role of "High School". , continue to sweep various projects.

   Without the endorsement of these guys...

  Which person can directly play the role of the second male in the tens of millions of investment when he has only played through three times?

   Without the endorsement of these guys...

   How many guys can get the Francis Coppola project after starring in three movies in a row?

  In Hollywood, a place that only cares about relationships but not people, knowledge is the least important thing!

  Because as long as you hold your thighs right, you won\'t raise a project!

  Of course, although Matt Damon also started by hugging his thighs, his luck was indeed a little bit worse.

   It is really rare in the world that four consecutive pounces form one and then continue four consecutive pounces.

   Immediately afterwards, the turnaround met Robert Hansen again.

   This kind of luck of stepping on **** continuously is gone.

If there is no Robert Hansen, the spy who slaps the American police in the face, then "Bourne Shadow" may be released in 2001. Although we don\'t know the box office results, but in terms of publicity, it will definitely be bigger than it is now many.

Yes, even though Robert Hansen’s sentence has come down, he and the prosecutor, who didn’t want to be executed, reached a plea deal and was sentenced to fifteen life sentences, but even if he dies of old age in prison, he can’t rewrite what has been brought The problem.

  What he did will shame the CIA, and even put the FBI on the pillar of shame.

  Because of this, the film "The Bourne", which tells about the incompetence of the CIA, is actually almost nothing in terms of publicity.

  Although there are 2,638 theaters across the United States that will show this movie, apart from the offline broadcasts in theater stores, the other online advertisements are just like three or two cats—

  ABC’s non-prime-time ad was the only promotion for the entire film on the cable broadcast network;

  The classified publicity bought on IMDb is the only window for the entire movie on the Internet.

  In this case, if the box office of the movie can rise, then there is something wrong!

   And the score of 27 million in the first weekend is the best proof.

   But even if the performance of this film did not meet the expectations when the project was approved, Roland actually didn\'t care.

  Because of the friendship with the FBI, or the friendship with the small bushes, the box office of this movie is really not important, let alone, this movie could have recovered its cost through long-term screenings.

  Since he won\'t lose money no matter what, then he doesn\'t care.

   But well—

   After the movie came out, he called Kathleen Kennedy.

He told the other party that he wanted to quickly advance the filming of the sequel of "The Bourne", and when the other party learned of Roland\'s real thoughts, she couldn\'t figure out what kind of medicine was in Roland\'s gourd, so she wanted to find out why .



   "Aren\'t you maintaining a good cooperative relationship with Washington now?"

   "Yeah! Any questions?"

   "Problem...Of course there is!" Catherine Kennedy paused and said, "Since you maintain a good cooperative relationship with Washington, why do you want to quickly advance the sequel of the movie "The Bourne"?

   It\'s a movie about the black CIA, it\'s a movie about criticizing the US government.

  If it’s normal, then it doesn’t matter how you shoot, it’s for entertainment!

   But now, when the real FBI and CIA are extremely incompetent, we continue to make this kind of movie, isn\'t that equivalent to disgusting them? I can understand others doing this, but you do this...

  I really can\'t understand. "


  In Katherine Kennedy\'s view, the hit of "The Bourne Shadow" was the best result for Roland!

  Because there is no sound and no breath, I can\'t turn over the waves!

   This kind of coming quietly and going quietly will not have any impact on those in power in Washington!

  According to common sense, Roland, who was wearing a pair of pants with them, should take this opportunity to lose his temper and directly push down the entire project. This will not only reduce losses, but also make Washington feel at ease.

   But now?

  Roland actually wanted to make a sequel when the movie was on the market?

   This, this, this...

   This is simply straightening up, wanting to put eye drops on those people in Washington!

But Katherine Kennedy\'s worries are not important to Roland at all, because those people who black Washington are politically correct, "Katherine, you don\'t have to worry so much, because Steven and I are preparing to remake "House of Cards." " up.

  In this case, things like "Bourne Shadow" will not annoy them. "

  This kind of rhetoric made Katherine Kennedy frown, but after a while, she eased up again.

  Because she understood that what Roland said was the truth.

  When Washington supported Roland to shoot political satires, it seemed insignificant to black the films of other departments.

  I can make you black myself!

   What about other branches?

  Of course, even though that was the case, Roland\'s real thoughts were actually not like this.

After he has clearly seen which camps the political power in the United States is composed of, weighing the pros and cons has become what he wants to do most. This time, he is running errands for the energy giant behind the small bushes. Push shale oil, and next time, he\'ll have to side with Goldman Sachs on some things to sicken the bush.

   This kind of behavior of jumping from side to side is indeed a behavior like a boy, but...

   is also the only means of self-protection.

   After all, the United States does not have the final say, no matter which side it leans on, it will be beaten.

  Time Warner supported the Elephant Party, but when the Donkey Party was in power, they couldn\'t do anything smoothly.

  Citigroup supports the Donkey Party, but after the Xiang Party came to power, they had to split up their business immediately.

   This extremely chaotic development track is not what Roland wants, because after trying to subdue (suppress) people (people) with (power) virtue (power), no one wants to become a target from a shooter!

  Under such circumstances, only by being able to live both ways can we live for a long time!

  Of course, it is also possible to die faster.

   But what can this do?

  When a company has developed to this stage, if it wants to break through, it can only do so.

   When Roland decided to immediately promote the filming of the sequel of the project when "The Bourne" had a possibility of losing money, Goldman Sachs was also very happy to undertake the 75 million mortgage financing plan.

  Although this project is losing money, as Roland thought, the promotion of this project is very beneficial to Goldman Sachs.

  Because this is a counterattack in public opinion.

  However, when the establishment of the sequel appeared, there was no reaction from Washington.

  They don\'t seem to know that the "Bourne Shadow" that they were holding on to before is about to make a sequel.

  Although this kind of ignorance is a silent protest.

  But for a shameless guy like Roland, a silent protest is consent.

  If you don\'t tell me, how do I know that you are suffering?

  You are not my wife!

  Why should I guess your mind?

   While Roland was happily in front of the boy, on June 17, a bald man wearing a peaked cap also approached the door.

  Although there was an appointment in advance, when Roland He Qi met, he was still taken aback by the appearance of the other party.

  The dark circles under the eyes, the withered face, and the unshaven appearance are almost as good as those who are terminally ill.

  If he didn\'t know that the other party was safe and sound, Roland would even wonder if this guy could burp at any time.

   But even so, after shaking hands with the other party, Roland still asked with concern: "Kevin, what\'s wrong with you?"

   Facing the boss\'s question, Kevin Feige blinked his eyes and said wearily: "Boss, don\'t worry, I\'m not sick. These are all the results of two months of script revisions..."

Note: ①Although Matt Damon can’t be regarded as the rich second generation, he can be regarded as a middle class, and Ben Affleck is actually similar to him. His mother, like Matt Damon’s mother, is also in college It’s just that Matt Damon’s mother is at Lesley University and his mother is at Harvard. ②Matt Damon was indeed brought up by Julia Roberts, this is what Matt Damon himself admitted. In that year\'s "Ocean\'s Eleven", the role of Matt Damon was originally designed for Xiao Li\'s good friend Mark Wahlberg, but after Steven Soderbergh invited Julia -After Roberts took the role of the heroine, she expressed that she wanted to ask for a role for the younger brother who was alive and dead, and then that role belonged to him. ③The Robert Hansen incident had a huge impact on Matt Damon. Before he was sentenced, because no one knew what the final outcome of "The Bourne" would be, so Matt Damon, who played the leading role, made an appointment They couldn’t receive any, this was what Matt Damon admitted in 2016. He was unemployed for half a year and was waiting for the result.



  (end of this chapter)

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