
Chapter 396 - Transcendence: Part 1

Chapter 396: Transcendence: Part 1

The massive dark-red cave extended out above his head and under his feet. Lin Sheng stood at the entrance, looking ahead. The place was red, an endless plain that expanded out into all three directions before him. Above him was an enormous red-rock dome.

Glancing out, he could see a sparse number of dark spirits floating in the air. Unlike the dark spirits in the small cave, the ones here were more aggressive.

Lin Sheng had seen with his own eyes many dark spirits pounced on and ate their own kind while they were communicating with the other world. Some dark spirits would suddenly grow in size and strength while communicating; apparently the gains from the deal were no small deal.

Lin Sheng looked down at the ground, which was neither soil nor rock but clouds that squirmed like living tissues. Through the clouds, he could vaguely make out the snake-like living things zipping past under his feet. It was mysterious and horrifying.

“This place is no amusement park for sure.” Lin Sheng kept his guard on. Fortunately, the dark spirits he had seen so far were all within his control. The strength of a Six Winger was considered the mightiest here. More so because he possessed the powerful, dark spirit-suppressing holy power.

Lin Sheng thought for a moment before he stretched out his right hand. A slender green sword glowing in bright white light appeared in his hand. It was a special weapon, the bone and the blade of which were forged with dark energy and holy power respectively. But it was not as dazzling as the pure holy power-simulated long sword. This way, he could keep the fluctuation of holy power in the weapon to the minimum. So long as he was careful and keeping it covert, he could harvest these dark spirits without attracting their attention.

Lin Sheng clenched the slender sword in his hand, planting his feet on the ground before lunging out like an arrow. In the blink of an eye, he first pierced through the body of a dark spirit twenty meters away. It went up in white flames and turned into a dark spirit bead in an instant. With very swift movement, Lin Sheng caught the bead in his hand as he charged at the second dark spirit.

Except for the general-class, these dark spirits were defenseless before him. The strength of the dark spirits lied in their mind and soul, and it was these realms that Lin Sheng had subdued to perfection. He had absorbed too many soul fragments. In terms of soul strength and quantity, he was at least as strong as five Darkspirit Generals. Let not forgetting that he also had the support of an army of summoned commanders behind him. So it made light work of dealing with these ordinary dark spirits, one dark spirit at a time and not breaking a sweat.

In the world of red, Lin Sheng lunged up and turned into a white thread, hopping from one dark spirit to the next like a bolt of lightning. Every dark spirit he touched, it instantly burned and turned into dark spirit bead.

In just five minutes, a thousand dark spirits within a few hundred meters in the vicinity had vanished. After energization, Lin Sheng’s power was explosive and his movement was lightning quick. He was at least 2.5 times more rapid than before he got the Chaotic Blood. The noise produced when he killed the dark spirits with the slender white sword was low. At one time, when he was slaying a dark spirit, another one at ten meters away was totally clueless of what happened.

Each time when Lin Sheng got a dark spirit bead, he purified it with his holy power into pure soul-power bead and ate it at once. Just like that, his soul power swelled like a balloon. But there was no obvious qualitative change for the moment because of his already massive soul power. He did not give up. There were more dark spirits up ahead. No worries of food shortage.

A beam of white light pierced into the back of a lizard-like dark spirit. As soon as it opened its mouth trying to shriek, white flame broke out and consumed it instantly, all happened within a short one second. A dark spirit bead appeared and Lin Sheng collected it in his hand. This was the only General-class dark spirit in this area. It almost managed to scream before it died.

The attack strength of a General-class dark spirit was similar to a Six Winger; it was quick as a flash in its responsiveness. But fear not; Lin Sheng was immune to the soul attack as he had the suppressive power of the holy power. The same could not be said about other, though. The dark spirits would have devoured and made them their slaves.

Lin Sheng tucked his sword. The space behind him was now all empty; he had wiped out an area of a few hundred meters with no one single dark spirit left. Those farther ahead had long scattered and fled away except some powerful ones. They had grouped together trying to put up a fight with Lin Sheng.

As dumb as these dark spirits were, they had now come to their senses and knew that things were wrong. After witnessing how Lin Sheng had slaughtered their own kind like chickens, the dark spirits started to quake in their boots. They tried to communicate with him, but Lin Sheng sent an energy to his sword, it rattled and cancelled all incoming soul waves that tried to communicate with him.

“Vengeful Wail!” A humanoid dark spirit struck its fist at Lin Sheng from afar.

A blast of black light beam accompanied by dragon-like roar whistled towards Lin Sheng. It flew like a black comet with a tail, scorching and breaking the ground and vaporizing the water on its path. Even the light in the surroundings was twisting and dancing.

“Meaningless struggle!”

Lin Sheng struck out his sword. A crescent white light cut the black-gray comet in half in the middle. The two deadly beam of energy barely scraped past Lin Sheng on the both sides of him and struck the ground, leaving behind two hideously large pit in the floor.

“Not bad not too slow!”

Before his voice trailed off, Lin Sheng had come beside the humanoid dark spirit, striking his sword in a horizontal direction. While it was still admiring how powerful his comet was, the dark-green, dark energy-sword had compressed a glorious holy light in it. The move was too quick and too powerful for the dark spirit to react. When the dark spirit came to his senses, it was too late. The humanoid dark spirit vanished in the crisp slice.

Lin Sheng held the dark spirit bead in his hand. With the flash of the holy light, the bead disappeared into his palm.

“This one was more powerful, at least ten times the strength of other dark spirits with different shapes but same class.” Carrying the sword, he moved in the direction where most of the dark spirits had fled.

The habit of the weaker living things was such that they would group together to make them feel safer. So there were more prey available where the dark spirits went.

After absorbing the dark spirit bead, Lin Sheng stomped his feet on the ground, the earth quaked as he hurled forward like a bullet, flying past a vast expanse of dark-red ground. Quickly, he saw a sea of dark spirits up ahead.

He could not wait. Storming into the group of dark spirits, he silently burned and turned them into beads. The number of dark spirits here rapidly dwindled. He struck with his sword, one dark spirit at a time. He was burning through his holy power reserve. But in exchange, he got the dark spirit beads, which he could consume and turn them as part of his soul power.

He was now well above the limit of Six Wing. His newly enhanced Rock Dragon bloodline had once again experienced a qualitative change. As his bodily defence ability had got an upgrade, his capacity for the holy power expanded. So while he was rapidly exhausting his holy power, his soul was energized. His holy power was converting into soul power and then distributed throughout his body.

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