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Chapter 14: A Smiling Farewell

Chapter 14: A Smiling?Farewell

UPDATE: the Termite Bloc is actually the White Ant Bloc. I have changed it.

The day after Noel was knighted Cynthia came carrying a large bag and was standing at Noel’s door.

After brushing it down, she knocked and raised her voice, “Noel, are you in?”

Noel opened the door as she raised her idiotic voice, “Yeah~, I’m here. I’ll open the door now, okay.”

Upon seeing the brand new uniform which triumphantly boasted a medal with a silver crown on its breast, Noel’s face broke into a smile. Her hair, as usual, was as brilliant as the sun, but had been cleanly trimmed to an even length. She seemed to have maintained it on her own before then; however, on the verge of the award ceremony the day before, Cynthia had made arrangements with an acquaintance. If she could only keep her mouth shut, Noel would easily pass for a noble’s daughter. Her personality wasn’t as well represented, but it made her look much more refined.

“Good morning, uh… Cynthia… …sir. The weather’s still good today. Those clouds over by the mountains don’t look good, though.”


Cynthia unconsciously sighed after Noel finished her greeting which had been as carefree as usual.

Noel is giving me a headache with how scruffy she is even though she’s become a knight… If she mishandles something it will stain the name of the viceroy. If I don’t train her properly… aaah, and I realise that only just now!

Cynthia could feel her stomach begin to churn. She wasn’t officially in charge of Noel, but she was the one who had taken her to the viceroy. There was little doubt that she bore a partial responsibility for the situation.

“Hey, why are you always quiet? Somehow, your eyes aren’t moving… You’re even clutching your chest. Are you hungry or something?”

“…no, I was just thinking about what happened earlier.”


“More importantly, I came today to tell you about some pressing matters.”

“Pressing matters? What is it, was my knighthood a mistake? I’d be surprised if it’s that though, eh? Hahaha.”

Ignoring Noel’s easygoing words, Cynthia held up a finger, pressing it roughly into Noel’s forehead and twisting it.

“Now isn’t the time for jokes! You have become a commander of one hundred. Furthermore, you rose to knighthood rather impressively. Even I want to think that there was some kind of mistake, but what happened is the undeniable truth. That also means you gained subordinates at the same time.”

Responding with a single word, Noel tilted her head, “Subordinates?”

“That’s right. In times of emergency, soldiers who have been witnessed performing exceptionally can, from the viceroy himself, be… Basically, you employ retainers under your command. Naturally, you’ll need to pay careful attention to your salary, but even so, reliable subordinates are hard to replace.”

After muttering “retainers, retainers,” a few times to herself, Noel vigorously slammed a fist into her hand in a manner that made it look like she finally understood.

“So you are saying that it’s fine to employ people I like, right? A group within a group, right?”

Her idea was slightly off, but the summary was close enough that Cynthia nodded. If she had to explain the minutia, the sun would doubtlessly set before she finished.

“Er, well, yeah, that’s about right. By the way, my retainers were inherited from my father. Their experience has aided me many times.”

“If you’d told me a little earlier it would have been great. You should have told Mirut too ’cause if he didn’t have to be a soldier, he might have stayed. That’s too bad.”

Mirut, who was from the same village as Noel, had already left from Madress to return to the place of his birth. The others, though, had decided that it was better to remain in the military. That scene of his parting had left a strong impression on Cynthia.

“I’ll return to the village after all. I’m worried about Cal, and they need to be told about Kraft’s death.”

“That so? It’ll be a little lonely, eh?”



“If you can’t find anything here come back to the village. The happiness you’re looking for might not be there, but, even still, it’s where, you know, your home is.”


“I’ll wait for you there… With Cal too. Until that day, I… no, it’s probably best if you don’t do that, and all.”

“… Oh, yeah, give this to Cal. It’s a precious picture book, but Cal wanted it so I’m giving it to her.”

Noel handed over the battered picture book: the pitiful picture book that she had always treasured.

“That’s your…”

“It’s fine. I’ve already had it long enough. Even if Cal has it, the fact that it is one of my treasures will never change.”

“I understand. I’ll make sure to give it to her… well then, now it’s goodbye. See you, later.”

“Yup, so we’re splitting up then. Thanks for being so kind to me until now. Bye bye, Mirut.”

Noel had been smiling.

For Cynthia it was impossible to read what Noel was thinking, but she thought that Noel had surely been sad.

“…if there is an opportunity, it would be good to contact him. He isn’t that far away after all. You haven’t been permanently separated.”

“Nah, it’ll be fine. It’d be impossible for Mirut to live here… but farewells sure are lonely, eh?”

“…ah, what’s with that? The weather’s great so cheer up. When you’re feeling down, it brings down the mood too.”

Cynthia’s efforts did not pay off.

“Haha, that’s harsh, but, yeah, I guess.”

“… I don’t know if it helps you feel better, but please accept this.”

After saying that, Cynthia handed Noel the large cloth bag she had been carrying.

“This is awfully heavy, what is it?”

Noel raised it with one hand, and the weight caused it to sway, the contents rattling against each other with the movement.

“It is your reward from the viceroy. It serves as both your reward for your actions in the battle, as well as a congratulatory gift for your ascendance to the knightly class. Gratefully accept, and be sure not to squander it.”

The bag was full of gold coins. Grohl had taken great interest in Noel. Despite the fact that she had become a knight, that amount was more than what was expected. It was enough that a frugal farmer could likely live off of it for his entire life. Grohl would face no reproach, but a treasurer had undoubtedly sported a grim expression on his face when he received the order.

“Yup, it’s money.”

“What’s with that face? You surely can’t be dissatisfied with the amount? You can buy almost anything with that.”

“But if you use money, it all dries up, and I’m not even that happy to have it. Doesn’t everyone have it to some extent? Well, that made me think it can’t become a treasure, you know.”

Noel took out a coin and flicked it into the air with her thumb. It was a brand new coin that glittered golden, but it seemed like it wasn’t even a match for her special glasses. It was true that money was hardly rare as everyone owned some, but only a great fool would make a troubled expression when presented with a large sum. People would work for money, even kill for it. It wasn’t a pleasant thought, but money had that sort of value.

“If you have money, you can buy something you like. In that case, is it not the same as treasure?”

“Aren’t there tons of things that money can’t buy, though?”

Noel said words befitting a priest with an earnest expression befitting a nun, creating a moving performance. The unfortunate reality of her personality, however, was indeed the opposite.

“… Those are some seriously profound words coming from you. I’m a little impressed.”

“Is that so?” Noel asked in response.

At that rate the day would end before the conversation progressed, so Cynthia finally broached her main topic. It wasn’t tedious to speak with Noel, but their time was limited.

“Anyway, it would be good to spend those funds on hiring subordinates. I know I’m repeating myself, but absolutely do not waste that. Spending it all on useless items in the city is an inexcusable act.”

“Ahaha, I wouldn’t do that. I’m a commander of one hundred after all. Ahahaha!”

Having been seen through, Noel averted her gaze despite having proudly stated moments earlier that there were things money couldn’t buy. It was blatantly apparent that she would have gone out and bought all sorts of rubbish. Gripping Noel by the cheeks with both hands, Cynthia pulled her close with all her might.

“Do not squander it. What is your answer, Noel, Commander of One Hundred?”

“I-I won’t. I understand.”

Noel nodded even as her cheeks were still being stretched and Cynthia only left after reminding her twice to report on how she intended to use the money, ignoring the tired sigh coming from behind her. Checking her pocket watch revealed that no less than an hour had passed. She didn’t have infinite time. There was no particular obligation for her to help Noel so much, but if left alone, there was no telling what she would do. There was no way she would let Noel tarnish the honour of everyone who had been knighted by Grohl.

… I’m anxious after all. I think I’ll go check up on her after my shift.

Having finished her duties by the afternoon, Cynthia went out to the area surrounding the castle. It had begun to rain at some point, and the merchants in the plaza were hurriedly beginning to pack away their stalls. Squatting in a corner of the square were some soldiers in brand new armour. Cynthia approached them, and called out to the girl with characteristically red hair who was powerlessly slumped in the centre of them.

“What are you doing?”


There was no response from Noel, who simply remained with her eyes downcast. Her wet hair was sticking together in a strangely provocative way. Doubtlessly, no man of insignificant character would be able to leave her alone. Unfortunately for them, she was a cheerful, yet hungry wolf. She waited for a while, but there was still no response. The others of her village answered in her stead.

“Err, this is… Captain Noel was going to gather subordinates, but nobody would take a young girl seriously. Well, that’s only natural though…”

“She did that here?”

“That’s right, she’s been recruiting here since morning. Curious onlookers were fairly common, but not a single applicant came.”

There shouldn’t have been anyone dumb enough to call out “gather here if you want to be my subordinate,” in the streets. Normally, one would salute a promising recruit and approach him respectfully. Politely inviting people would be the obvious thing to do as the goal was not to mass recruit like the regular army would, but to acquire skilled retainers. The local residents who witnessed her recruitment drive likely thought that the Coimbran army looked pretty unreliable. Cynthia knew of her immense martial skill, but that could not be discerned by her outer appearances alone. She merely looked like a young girl to those who saw her for the first time.

“I see. So that’s why a Coimbran commander of one hundred, a knight no less, was sulking dejectedly by the side of the road. Would that be correct?”

“Uh, yes, that is correct.”

The young man nervously saluted. Noel was sulkily pulling weeds.

“Nobody seriously listened to me, I got tired, and it’s fucking raining. It’s really not my day today. Aaaah, it’d be great if rain just died or something.”

Noel tossed the weed she picked carelessly aside.

After briefly checking the gloomy skies, Cynthia snorted and told Noel, “That’s true, but did you know that something even worse is going to happen to you today? Are you prepared for that?”


“Try thinking about it with that head of yours.”

“I don’t get it at all. It’s raining so I don’t want to think,” was Noel’s sulky reply.

Cynthia smiled, and conveyed her condolences to Noel via a fist to her skull. A frog-like ‘gue’ resounded as she struck.

“I’m going to have to lecture you now, you retard! I’ll beat the demeanor of a knight, of a member of the army, into your skull from square one! I’ll bring honour to Coimbra today, and make sure to be thorough!”

“Like I thought, today isn’t my day. Right guys?”

Noel sent a pleading gaze to her troops, but they all averted their eyes, only getting involved so much as to apologise.

“What’s this? Averting our eyes, are we? Your captain is in a predicament, you know.”

“The rest of you may leave! Let’s go!”

“Somebody help~”

Clutching Noel by the scruff of the neck, Cynthia began to walk towards the castle. Noel, with no will to resist, was dragged along limply behind her.

Having finally been released after six hours, Noel’s eyes were as hollow as if her soul had been sucked away by some god of death.

On the following day, Noel made an attendance at the castle as she had received summons from the viceroy Grohl. Her soul had safely returned from it’s brief exodus at the hands of her recent lecture, and so Noel had regained her usual demeanor. Above all else, the skies were clear. She was full of energy.

“Oh, Noel, eh? I was waiting. Don’t hold back, it’s fine if you come closer.”

“Yes sir!”

Grohl was in a good mood and in accordance with his words, Noel approached, her back straight. Even Noel understood that adopting her usual mannerisms would be unacceptable. She boasted her proud glasses, and obediently adhered protocol. There was also the lecture that she had gotten from Cynthia the day before. Silently stepping slightly forward, she carefully knelt.

“I didn’t specifically call anyone else. In truth, as you —one of great valour— would expect, there is an important mission I would like to entrust to you.”

Raising her head, Noel waited for his continuation. Contrasting Grohl’s good mood were Wilm and Gaddis who flanked him with sombre expressions.

“Viceroy, I believe this is too trivial a matter to entrust to Noel who has only recently been specially promoted. The matter at hand is currently being handled by Dirk, Senior Commander of One Thousand, and his suppression operation.”

“Since you’ve mentioned it, exactly how many months do you think it has been?”

“Would one not expect him to act cautiously?”

“There is no way that is the only reason. Dirk is from the north, and therefore likely harbours some sympathy for his rebel opponents. Of course if he has severed his ties to the past, the earlier logic doesn’t follow. That is why I would like to try having our valourous Noel here keep in touch with them. She has caught Elgar’s interest too.”

Grohl leaned forwards and began to unravel the details of her mission.

“Listen well, the north of my Coimbra fief has many abandoned mines… once having been a valuable gold mining district. That region is where the former miners who resorted to banditry are fortifying themselves. I would that you subjugate them.”

“Yes sir, understood!”

Standing, Noel performed a crisp salute after which she adjusted her glasses with a flourish. She did not feel a shred of anxiety over her mission, and had the attitude of an old veteran general. Even the officers who feared mockery at the tiniest show of hesitation were taken slightly aback.

“That’s a good response. I’ll supply you with the necessary soldiers,” Grohl nodded in approval, and turned his eyes to Wilm, “Wilm, make the arrangements.”

“――Understood. Captain of One Hundred, Noel, though your opponents are bandits, they are numerous. They number no fewer than 500. They are skilled in mountain terrain, and their forte is concealment. They will no longer directly confront the subjugation force as they have countless times before now. Do not underestimate them; at most, scorn them for their banditry. Take care that they do not trip you up.”


“Viceroy, Noel may require a lieutenant due to her lack of experience. I would like to appoint my daughter Riglette to be her aide, would that be acceptable?”

Grohl paused at Wilm’s sudden suggestion.

“There’s no issue with that, but… but wasn’t your daughter also a commander of one hundred? In fact, I believe her duties had something to do with imperial security. Would she not refuse the transfer to a position as Noel’s lieutenant? I think it would be best to assign someone else.”

Grohl crossed his arms as he thought. In peaceful times, he could accurately assess relatively everything. At the time of their victory in battle, however, his usual irritation had been enough to cause the retainers considerable concern.

“There is no need to consider it so thoroughly. Naturally, I’ll make sure she knows her place. My daughter may not be very valorous, but she has an abundance of military knowledge. She will certainly be useful to Noel.”

“I see. Then as you say, we’ll appoint Riglette as her aide. Noel, aside from consulting your aide, you must report the soldiers you need. Depart as soon as your preparations have been completed. My son and I will await good news.”

“It is just as the viceroy said, Captain of One Hundred, Noel. I’ll send my daughter to you later. Be sure not to disappoint the viceroy’s expectations.”

“Yes sir, understood!”

Noel performed a crisp salute. There was no anxiety visible on her face; only an aloof expression.

Having received summons from her father Wilm, Riglette’s face warped to its limit with naked displeasure. Seeing that, Wilm too became increasingly exasperated; however, Riglette, who was not yet angry herself, could not notice another’s irritation. Her greatest weakness was an inability to read people.

“Unfortunately, I cannot accept that. I came as you commanded, father, but I am a member of the honoured Imperial Guard. That is: why should I, having finally gained command of my own troops, suddenly be made aide to some newcomer? If I did something wrong, please tell me.”

“Pfft, whether it is the imperial guard or anywhere else, anybody can lead troops. Proud words are for someone with troops that can be freely moved like Leue’s. All you do is relay orders,” continuing under his breath, Wilm added, “just like that foolish viceroy.”

Leue, standing beside him, couldn’t suppress a grimace.

“I am commanding with a time honoured tradition. No one thinks so lowly of it.”

“If you are satisfied with that, retire now. There are already countless replacements for you.”


She expressed her objection with a scowl, but Wilm paid it no heed.

“I’ll say it once more. Resign from the Imperial Guard, and become Commander of One Hundred, Noel’s aide. That is an order.”

“Does it have to be so?”

“Naturally. That aside, it isn’t as though you’ll eternally be an aide.”


Riglette shot him a doubting glare as it was an everyday occurrence for him to break his word.

“Besides, it would be troublesome if you were too close to Lady Sarah.”

Riglette was the sole commander of the Madress Imperial Guard, and was notably a woman, the same as Grohl’s wife Sarah. Using that position, she had influenced various things at her father’s request. Riglette had been the one to arrange for Sarah’s injuries to be attended to by a doctor who sympathised with Wilm’s agenda. This was likely a way of keeping distant so that no suspicion would be cast their way in the event of something happening to her. She had a vague sense that her father Wilm likely had a friendly relationship with Bahar, but those words would be kept to herself for she ever let them out, she felt that she would surely be killed.

“Haha, whatever is the matter, o sister? I will take full responsibility for the protection of Madress. Be at ease, sister, is it not acceptable for you to accompany a hero recognised by our viceroy?”

Leue looked down at her as he mocked. Her younger brother, though born from the same parents, did not resemble her at all. With a personality that anybody could like, and being accomplished in both military and literary arts, he had surely been born to be a military man. On the other hand, Riglette had a gloomy disposition, and her body was frail. She had a good memory, but she couldn’t think creatively. The very model of a civil official, she was unwanted by the militaristic Grambull house.

After running her hand through her long, black hair in irritation, Riglette spat, “What’s so funny, Leue? Is your sister’s misfortune so amusing?”

“Is there a brother who would not delight in his sister’s advancement? Haha, know that I truly believe that you are quite the fit for your new duties.”

“You think it suits me?”

“It’s strange that you were ever even in an elite unit like the imperial guard. There was the constant worry over when you would bring shame to the Grambull family name, but from now on I, Leue, will ensure we can spend our days at ease,” Leue had continued his mocking.

Riglette’s hand was on the hilt of her sword before she knew what she was doing, “If you say any more…”

“What doesn’t suit you is that attitude. You’re smart, so I bet you know it too. You wouldn’t beat me once in a hundred, no, not even once in a thousand fights. Why don’t you come and see just how good I am?”

There was murder in her eyes, but Leue did not care. In the heat of the moment she had thought to cut him down, but her skill in swordsmanship was enough to land a lethal blow on him. She hated how well she knew it, and all she could do was channel that hatred into a glare. She was smarter than most, but as a result, she became quick to give up on things. She had a bat habit of not taking action for fear of all her efforts going to waste. Riglette’s philosophy was to accept her flaws as inevitable; however, regardless of what she told herself, she was unable to accept it in her heart, which only served to further worsen her mood. Such emotions were eternally plastered all over her face which served to distance her from other people. Her family was no exception. The only one who did not mind her mannerisms and was able to get along with her was the gentle Lady Sarah. Lady Sarah, whom she would betray. Lady Sarah, whom she could not save. Riglette’s life was a vicious cycle of negativity that spiralled ever further out of control.

“You’re pathetic. If I had been insulted to that degree, I would have broached no pointless arguments. Instead, the killing would have already started.”

“Father, please refrain from inciting her. Even I would feel a little remorse over killing a family member.”

“Hmph, fine. People are of different calibres. Riglette, your new task is to observe that hick… however, there is something that worries me about that girl. I want detailed reports about any strange actions.”

Wilm was stroking his beard. Riglette was biting her lip in vexation. Though her hand still rested upon the hilt of her blade, she could not draw it. Having been once more reminded of the difference in calibre, her despair only grew. Composed enough to have become self-aware, she only hated herself more for it.


“What’s your answer, Riglette? If you don’t want to be disowned, be sure to do as I say. The most fortunate thing that ever happened to you was being born as my daughter, and the least fortunate thing that ever happened to me was having brought you into this world. Indeed, what bothers me above all else is that I can’t get rid of you easily.”

Wilm’s threat came in a quiet voice, and Riglette cast down her eyes and nodded.

“I’ll…do it… sir.”

“Leue, from now on you will gain command of Riglette’s troops. In total you will command three thousand. I’ll need to prepare a suitable rank to match.”

“Haha, I gratefully accept.”

Wilm and Leue continued their friendly chatter as they left the room. After seeing them off, Riglette collapsed on the spot. Silent tears leaked down her cheeks after she clutched her fists in frustration.

A few hours later, having calmed down, Riglette stopped thinking about pointless things and went to visit Noel’s quarters. She sought to shrug off her idle thoughts by mechanically carrying out her duties. After knocking, and confirming the response from inside, she entered the room to see Noel and Cynthia were sat on either side of a wooden board.

“Excuse me. I am Riglette Grambull, Commander of One Hundred, and I have been ordered to commence duties as your aide from today on. I look forward to working with you from now on.”

“Y-you are Noel’s aide, Sir Riglette? There is surely some mistake. I thought you were in command of a company of the Imperial Guard?”

“No, there was no mistake, Senior Commander of One Hundred, Cynthia. I am no longer in the Imperial Guard, and have been ordered to provide counsel to Commander of One Hundred, Noel. We share the rank of commander of one hundred, but the hierarchy is to be absolute. From now on I will refer to you as Captain Noel.”

She directed an irritated glance at Cynthia. Cynthia oversaw Sarah’s escort, and Riglette had overseen the Madress castle defences because they were both female knights. Riglette made an effort to avoid Cynthia despite how similar their positions were. When she saw Cynthia’s exemplary performance as an officer, a foul jealousy boiled in her, and she had developed an inferiority complex over all the qualities and skills that Cynthia possessed and she did not. If Riglette had been a person like her, Wilm couldn’t possibly have made light of her.

Every time her mind raced down that jealous road, an intense self-loathing would attack soon after. During such times, Riglette wished for death, though she had neither the will nor the courage to die. In the end she would simply reaffirm that she was simply no good, and her melancholy would deepen. Cynthia was likely aware that she was being avoided, but in reality she was mostly concerned about how to speak to one with whom she had never before properly conversed.

“Is… is that so? Listen Noel, she has a deep understanding of military affairs. It will surely be of assistance to… oi, are you even listening to me?”

With a clack, Noel placed her piece on the board, “I am, and checkmate. At this point, I’ll win no matter what, so I’ll leave the rest to you.”

It seemed that the two were practicing tactics with a board game. Even though there were many other games they could have used to practise, it was a tabletop game created to train officers after the continent had been unified and the chances of experiencing war became too low. It was marketed as a tool for cultivating forward thinking, and calm judgement. To simulate real combat, the principal focus was on the commander’s tent; the locations of stockpiles; and the placement of infantry, cavalry, and ambushes. It was still unknown if the game really helped.

“Are you kidding me? How did I lose from an overwhelming advantage? I’d almost taken your commander’s tent!”

Admitting defeat, Cynthia scowled as she sat back down.

“That’s ‘cause it was on purpose. I wanted to lure you there. My ambush did a lot of the work, see? Wherever you run, I’ll get you before you capture my commander’s tent.”

“Did you say… checkmate? T-there’s no way. Such a large body of troops couldn’t possibly have been concealed way out there, and it would have been meaningless if I hadn’t used that specific rout!”

“That’s why I agitated you. When the blood rushes to your head, you don’t see as clearly, right Cynthia? Since it’s like that, I’ll help myself to this, okay?”

After a short groan, with no choice but to concede, Cynthia limply rested her head on the table. As far as Riglette could see, it did appear to be a turnabout victory for Noel. Standing a victor, Noel thrust her fist to the heavens, completing the tableau of conqueror and conquered. Apparently satisfied, Noel approached her with a smile.

“My name is Noel Bosheit. You’ll be my first assistant. We’ll be working together from now on, eh?”

Noel reached out for a handshake while making a stupid face. Her over-familiarity was irritating, but giving her the cold shoulder would only worsen their relationship. After quietly tutting to herself, Riglette brusquely accepted the handshake.

“Yes, I’ll do my best. I hope we don’t work together too long.”

Her response had been malicious, but Noel was oblivious to the situation. Riglette found herself tutting again.

“Oh yeah, if you’re free, do you want to join? Cynthia seems pretty useless at the moment.”

“U-useless? There’s, a mistake… that’s right, there’s some kind of mistake…”

Riglette ignored the voice that sounded like it came from a vengeful spirit, and replied, “Unfortunately, I am rather busy at the moment and must decline. Also, about referring to a superior officer without honorifics…”

“It’s fine here since it’s a private room.”

“I see. Then it’s fine, and this is sudden, but is there any advice you would like regarding your current mission?”

At her emotionless enquiry, Noel merely tilted her head with an, “Eh?”

Cynthia rose from her sprawl behind Noel, and asked instead, “Sir Riglette, what’s this about a mission?”

“Ah, yes. Captain Noel’s mission, as given to her by the viceroy, is to subjugate the roaming bandits inhabiting the province’s northern mines. I was assigned to assist.”

“The northern mines? No way, is this about the White Ant Bloc!? Does this mean that, against all expectations, Noel has been given heavy responsibilities?

“It is troublesome for you to say that to me. It is something that Captain Noel has been directly ordered by the viceroy to do. Whether or not it is a lot of responsibility is not something I would know.”

Cynthia was unexpectedly ashamed at Riglette’s curt response. She had responded in such a way as to make that happen, so it was only natural. Noel, however, did not appear affected at all. Wilm had expressed worry about her, but she was, after all, only from some desiccated husk of a village. Cynthia, who lost to her in a practice game, was basically the same. Riglette snorted, and Noel made an interesting face.

“Hey, ‘White Ant Bloc’ is an interesting name, though eh? Do they consume houses as the name would suggest?”

“They were named as such for their use of the abandoned tunnels to hide. They not only use them for concealment, but also as bases from which to attack, so the subjugation force has had difficulty with them.”

“My outpost was raided by them countless times. They claim to be honourable thieves, but are no more than a collection of bandits. I want to exterminate them, but when approached by a large force, they disappear like rats. They are truly irksome lot.”

Cynthia crossed her arms, and scowled in a bad mood. She had participated in the subjugation effort, but had achieved no meaningful results.

“I see. In that case, I’ll see if I can scout them out. If they get away, it’ll be a pain after all.”

“Wait, do you intend to go alone?”

Noel responded that it was obvious, though Cynthia’s eyes were wide with shock.

“I’d be spotted if a lot of people came too.”

“In that case, I will accompany you. I can at least serve as a guide.”

“I guess we should leave tomorrow then?”

“I understand. In that case, I will make the arrangements.”

Riglette was about to give a backhanded salute, but was interrupted by Noel’s voice.

“You know, we’re the same rank, so it’s fine not to bother with honorifics.”

“That will not happen. You are an honourable lady who has been directly recognised by the viceroy. You were the one who luckliy obstructed the rebel army’s surprise attack. Someone like me could never do such a thing.”

Her drawn out praise was riddled with sarcasm to the point that most, after showing a displeased expression, would never approach Riglette again. She would return the favour.

“I see, so it’s a no. See you tomorrow.”

Noel responded with a bright smile and a perfect salute. Having suddenly witnessed a sexy salute from a person with little military experience, Riglette left the room, slightly confused.

What a strange woman. I don’t think she’s smart though, so father was probably overthinking things. There’s no way she’d be able to properly suppress the White Ant Bloc. I want to be relieved of this duty quickly. Then I’ll return to the Imperial Guard.

Even though she told herself that, she already knew that she would likely never return to the Imperial Guard. After her observation mission ended, she would likely be gotten rid of by being set to some unimportant task, or simply married off. Her future held a boring and tedious lifestyle.

How stupid. So stupid. If life and death are the same, death is better. How asinine.

Giving in to her pessimistic thoughts, Riglette fiddled with her long black hair as she began to walk.

Meanwhile, in Noel’s room:

“I’m shocked that she’s your aide.”

“Your face went really white. It’d probably be best if you spent some more time in the sun.”

“I don’t like how rarely I manage to get out. Also, her personality is exactly as it appears… that is to say, she’s a bit of a difficult person.”

“Oh yeah?”

“And you say, ‘oh yeah?’ Did you not feel anything from what she said? She’s blatantly a difficult person.”

Cynthia was shocked that Noel was puzzling by that.

“No, not really. I did find her pretty funny though. Speaking to her, I almost felt like I was going to laugh. Pretty intense, eh?”

Trying to think about what had been so funny, she quickly shook her head. It was obvious who the real difficult one was.

“Ah, yes… I’m sorry. I forgot that you have way more problems than she does. You wouldn’t be able to tell if someone is only a little bit off.”

“I guess we’re the same then.”

“Don’t group me with you!”

Cynthia pinched Noel’s cheeks while denying their similarities with all her might. Unable to deal with her, Cynthia released Noel with a sigh. She was exhausted after the conversation with Riglette. She wanted to avoid a more tiring situation.

Looking at Noel as she seemed to be having fun, Cynthia asked, “By the way, do you think it’ll go well with her?”

“Yup, if we’re together, things don’t seem like they’ll get boring. I’m sure it’ll be great.”

Noel plucked a piece from the board, and flicked it into the air. Spinning as it flew, it landed beautifully atop her fiery hair.


“All right, stop playing around, and let’s clean up, okay? Let’s make it like that last match never happened. Like it was only a minor mistake.”

“Yup, that’s fine. A minor mistake it was. I’m fine either way. Hey, let’s make it look like you won.”

Enduring Noel’s pitying gaze, Cynthia somehow managed to squeeze out a, “No, nevermind, just leave it as it is. A loss is a loss. That wouldn’t be acceptable for an honourable knight, nope.”

Author’s Note

Secret talk:

Congratulations on your survival, Mirut.

I thought it was a bit too dark, so I changed things up.

Translator’s Note

There was one sentence: “Sarah was Grohl’s wife,” that I merged with the following sentence as it flowed really poorly, and was also redundant information.

If Wilm wants a detailed report about every strange thing that Noel does, he might die of old age before he ever finishes reading them all.

The “board game” was 棋 (go), however what was described in the text sounds like it has very little to do with actual go. As such, I simply referred to it as a “board game.”

“White Ant Bloc.” I swear I am going to die of names.

The “backhanded salute,” is supposed to be like a backhanded compliment. That is: superficially polite, yet rude in intent.

At this point, I think I’ll need to make a page that compiles all the names of everyone and everything because I keep having to check back to old chapters for spelling.

Editor’s Note


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