
Chapter 452: 【Small Mouse Flying In The Sky】Into the Depths of the Labyrinth

Chapter 452: 【Small Mouse Flying In The Sky】Into the Depths of the Labyrinth

  1. Small Mouse Flying In The SkyInto the Depths of the Labyrinth

Bashun, bashun, bashun…

Listening to the mysterious sounds of battle coming from somewhere in the distance, Takataka and the others, leaving Gishi on the ship, were hurriedly moving through a back alley that cuts through the lower district of Neverfall’s East District, following Ijokis’s lead.

This narrow back alley is dimly lit, with little pedestrian traffic.

The sides of the road are cluttered with luggage and garbage from nearby residents, making the already narrow path even narrower.

Looking up, clotheslines are strung from roof to roof, with laundry hanging…

In other words, it’s a perfect path to move through while hiding, with poor visibility.

Moreover, this road is outside the patrol route of the security soldiers who patrol the city to maintain order.

For those reasons, Ijokis, the maid who knows the geography of Neverfall like the back of her hand, chose this path as their route.

Now, fortunately, Takataka and his comrades’ journey had been very smooth so far.

To be honest, they haven’t encountered any obstacles.

‘We might be blocked by the security airships under the command of the Air Force, and have to deal with some trouble.’

Takataka and the others anticipated that kind of situation when infiltrating Neverfall.

The current commander of the Sky Kingdom Air Force, Kokiatsu, has a history with Takataka… and he’s the kind of person who would even oppress civilians, a concentrated form of the negative aspects of the Prime Minister faction.

If that man found them, they wouldn’t have been able to infiltrate Neverfall so smoothly.

But that kind of accident didn’t happen.

Instead, the security airships completely ignored the small Small Mouse and hurriedly flew away somewhere.

Perhaps the sound of battle, still faintly audible, has something to do with it, but…

Takataka and the others don’t know the truth of the situation.

(No, I have to put that sound of battle aside for now. I have to focus on rescuing Air…!)

Putting aside things that he can’t do anything about…

Takataka renewed his focus, and desperately tried to keep up with Ijokis, who is so well hidden that he might lose sight of her.

“…This is it.”

After walking through the back alley for a few dozen minutes…

Ijokis brought Takataka and the others to the very back of the narrow path… the deepest part of a dead end, cluttered with stones and lumber, with no sign of people.

“Huh? It’s a dead end. Have you gone senile, old hag?”

“Shut up.”

Ignoring Yuuhi, who was scratching his horn and spouting insults, Ijokis (who’s a beautiful woman in her late thirties, at least in appearance, and doesn’t look like an old hag) easily lifted and moved a stone larger than her body.

And then…

“Ah! A door!”

That’s right, hidden on the wall at the dead end, revealed by moving the stone was a small door!

Takataka, surprised, his ears sticking out from his hat twitching, involuntarily exclaimed.

That door, hidden in the shade, is made of metal, with super ancient magical writing densely inscribed in its center.

“I’m the princess’s personal maid. It’s only natural for me to know the ‘secret escape route’, just in case.”

“Experience comes with age, huh?”

Silently punching Yuuhi in the stomach after his continuous insults, this time making him vomit gastric juice, Ijokis inserted the key she took out and opened the door.

“Now, it’ll be troublesome if we’re spotted. Everyone, quickly inside.”

And so, with a serious expression, Ijokis led Takataka and the others into the room.

This hidden room they arrived at.

There’s only one thing in it.

A staircase leading underground.

Takataka, following Ijokis, the maid, who was descending the stairs without hesitation, heading into the dimly lit basement, looked around restlessly.

A narrow corridor awaits them at the end of the long stairs, with walls, floor, and ceiling made of dark metal.

A hard ‘katsu-katsu’ sound echoed with each step.

The path ahead is illuminated by blue, cold magic lamps, but the light is minimal.

It’s dimly lit, with a musty smell and an eerie, oppressive atmosphere… Takataka shuddered.

“Ijokis-san, where is this…?”

Ijokis, the maid who was guiding them, finally stopped at a fork in the road, turned around, and answered Takataka’s question.

“This… is a labyrinth. The ‘Great Neverfall Sky Underground Labyrinth’.”


“Whoa, seriously!?”

“It really exists!?”

“I thought it was an urban legend!”

The ones surprised by that answer were Takataka, and Nui, Lusa, and Litto.

‘There’s a great labyrinth spreading out beneath Neverfall’.

It’s a rumor that everyone living in Neverfall and the residential plateaus has heard.

“It’s not an urban legend. As you can see… there’s a labyrinth spreading out beneath Neverfall, and entrances like the one we just entered are cleverly hidden all over Neverfall.”


Takataka, slouching, his shoulders drooping, raised his hand slightly, asking Ijokis, who was calmly explaining, an additional question.

“Then, as the rumors say, are there man-eating monsters in this labyrinth…?”

‘Man-eating monsters live in Neverfall’s great labyrinth, and eat any humans who get lost there’.

That’s the rumor about man-eating monsters that always accompanies the rumors of the Great Neverfall Sky Underground Labyrinth.

The man-eating monsters eat the humans who get lost, so the labyrinth’s existence remains hidden.

It’s a common logic used when talking about urban legends.

“There’s no such thing.”

Yuuhi, the red-skinned giant, answered the question with a snort, looking bored.

He’s usually eager to go monster hunting in these situations, but his reaction was strangely subdued.

Takataka felt something was off, but before he could ask, Ijokis continued explaining, following Yuuhi’s words.

“That’s right, there are no monsters living in this labyrinth. However, like this… we can’t let our guard down.”

Saying that, Ijokis took out a small, claw-sized iron ball from her pocket, and casually threw it towards one of the paths branching out in front of her, the right side.

And then… the next moment!


The ceiling of the path on the right suddenly fell!

Crushing the iron ball Ijokis threw!

Takataka and the others gasped at the sight.

“There are no monsters… but this labyrinth is full of traps. If you don’t take the correct path, you’ll die. Always follow my instructions. Understood?”

Takataka and the others repeatedly nodded, their faces pale.

“Gahahahaha! There’s no time to be scared, brat! We’re going to save the princess, right!?”

Yuuhi laughed heartily, roughly patting Takataka’s head through his hat.

“O-Of course!”

After confirming that fighting spirit was rekindled in Takataka’s eyes, Yuuhi stopped laughing and made a serious face.

“…Well, I’m not worried about getting through the labyrinth. We just have to follow this old hag. And the ‘Ritual Room’, where the princess is being held captive, is at the deepest part of this labyrinth… right?”

“Yes… However, the problem is…”

“The Three Knights of the Royal Guard, right?”

The Three Knights of the Royal Guard.

Hearing those words, Takataka’s expression clouded again.

The strongest three people in this country, the Sky King’s personal elite force… they are the Three Knights of the Royal Guard.

They’re already strong on their own, but they’re also granted powerful weapons from the royal family’s secret collection, and it’s said that each of them is strong enough to match an entire army.

“If I remember correctly… ‘Byun of the Wind Bow’, ‘Shito-Shitorin of the Rain Staff’, and ‘Nikkor of the Sun Sword’…”

“Oh, you know a lot, brat.”

“Of course I do, the Three Knights of the Royal Guard, are heroes of this country. Everyone knows them.”

Takataka brushed off Yuuhi’s large hand, which was continuously rubbing his head and distanced himself from him.

And then, he looked at Ijokis.

“So… those Three Knights of the Royal Guard… will be our enemies?”

Ijokis nodded silently, answering his question.

“Yes. His Majesty… King Sekiran, is trying to force the ‘Princess Sacrifice Ritual’, sacrificing Princess Air’s life for the prosperity of this country. In that case, according to ancient custom, the Three Knights of the Royal Guard, will be stationed in the three ‘Trial Rooms’ leading to the ‘Ritual Room’. We can’t avoid a fight.”


Hearing that, Takataka gulped.

But the fighting spirit in his eyes was still burning.

The ‘Princess Sacrifice Ritual’, a ritual where a woman from the royal family is sacrificed to pray for the prosperity of this country.

He can’t let such a horrible ritual happen.

Air is Takataka’s important…

His precious friend.

“…Heh! If you can make that kind of face, then there’s no problem!”

Yuuhi nodded in satisfaction, seeing Takataka’s renewed determination, and then slapped him on the back.

“Whoa!? Ow!”

“Well, this great me is your bodyguard! I won’t lose to those fledgling Three Knights! Takataka, you just focus on running away, okay? GAHAHAHAHA!”

Takataka, rubbing his back with teary eyes, sighed, dumbfounded by Yuuhi’s confidence, calling the Three Knights of the Royal Guard, ‘fledglings’.

But it’s also a fact that this Yuuhi is incredibly strong.

He never talks about his past, but… he must be a renowned warrior, without a doubt.

…Although when Takataka met him, he had already fallen to being a mere drunkard…

“Now, break time is over.”

Ijokis clapped her hands.

“We’re now going to go deeper into this Great Neverfall Sky Underground Labyrinth, defeat the Three Knights, and rescue Princess Air. We don’t have time to rest from now on… are you ready?”



“Of course!”

“I’m ready to fight!”

Ijokis nodded, hearing their enthusiastic replies, turned on her heel, and started walking forward.

“Then, follow me.”

Katsun, katsun, katsun…

Making hard footsteps, Takataka and the others cautiously began to advance through the dark, musty corridors of the labyrinth.

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