
Chapter 1241

“I’ll know when I see it. Keep your senses on alert.” I informed her and then headed for a spot that I hoped to get information.

That spot was none other than the inn. I knew it was cliché, but not only did information run through that building, but the innkeeper would be hard-pressed to run upon seeing us. There was another reason I wanted to go there as well. I walked into the building and was shocked to find the room was filled with foxkin. Nearly three dozen people were sitting with their backs to me, and at the front was a man who was standing up on a small table which he was using as his stage.

With Life Sense, I had seen a large gathering of people in this room. I hadn’t been certain what was going on. It appeared that I had crashed a town meeting in progress.

“Everyone relax, we do not need to flee Dioshin.” The man on the stage was saying with his hands up.

In many ways, he reminded me of our mayor. He was a portly man, although he had more hair and a thick beard as well. When he noticed me, his eyes widened as he locked onto us.

“They say there is a village to the east that accepts our kind. The lord there is a hero welcome to animalkin. He’s a great healer, maybe he can fix this.” A woman cried out.

“That place is as cursed as this place! Haven’t you heard the rumors? Those people are nuts for staying there. Plus, that’s where she came from!” A man stated.

As they were speaking, people started to follow the man I presumed was the mayor’s gaze, and the crowd quickly hushed up as more and more eyes turned my way. Behind me, The Wolf Pack entered as well. Overall, they were a bit of intimidating luck. These were all basic commoners. The best I could tell, this town didn’t even have an adventuring guild, although it did have a slaver’s guild. That would have been my second direction had it not currently looked abandoned.

Either way, a group of seasoned adventurers would be intimidating to anyone. Then again, I also probably appeared a bit intimidating, as Osterians often did.

“Don’t mind us.” I declared. “We’re just here for a drink.”

I walked over to the bar, where the only remaining seats were available, the wolves following behind me. We each sat down as everyone in the room continued to watch us.

“Give me whatever you’re best at,” I ordered, causing the man behind the bar who had been aimlessly watching us to jump before fumbling with some glasses and pouring us each a drink.

I took a glass that was full of some ale and then turned back to the crowd. They hadn’t moved or said a thing since we had entered. I glanced to the one standing on the table, raising an eyebrow.

“Well? They’re waiting.”

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