
Chapter 45 - 44

Chapter 45: Chapter 44

It\'s kind of weird that I hadn\'t seen Artoria in the past couple days, almost like she disappeared after I told her what time I would be taking her out.

Well, Rin wasn\'t to be seen either, I think she took Artoria out shopping and what-not.

Speak of the devil, I heard the door opening to their private quarters just as I stepped out of my own area.

Rin stepped out first, giving me a smirk as Artoria followed behind her.

"Saber wanted to know your thoughts." Rin said with a smile.

"Rin!" Saber, squeaked, her face turning red.

It\'s amusing because she was wearing just normal clothes, jeans, a blue blouse and a scarf around her neck. Except this was probably a big step for her, someone who never cared about her casual dress before.

"You look good." I said honestly

I heard Artoria let out a cute little noise as her flush deepened.

Rin just shot me a thumbs up, one I returned.

I offered my hand. "Ready to go?"

"Yes." She smiled brilliantly, offering her own up.

I opened up a portal, taking her through with me. There was no large pause between movements, one moment we were at the \'house\' and the next we were in between some buildings in another part of the world.

"Welcome to America." I said, helping her through.

She blinked looking around. "I am curious, what plans have you in store for us this evening?" She looked up at me as we walked out from our secluded little alley.

"Well, I had several thoughts initially." I admitted. "Maybe a romantic dinner somewhere? Perhaps something a bit more modern, like a movie or something, but then I realized that I just wanted you to have fun."

"Fun?" She questioned.

"Regardless of how our relationship turns out, whether it be staying as friends after today or maybe we pursue something more, I wanted you to enjoy yourself." We turned another corner, encountering a large crowd of people, fences up high and tents spread out everywhere with many decorations set up. "And I thought you would find this amusing."

It was a renaissance fair.

"W-why are they dressed like this?" She looked around in confusion, looking at people dressed, or at least attempting to, dress like people from her era. Some walking around in chainmail, others in fabrics that wouldn\'t look out of place on peasants.

"For fun." I replied with a chuckle. "You can consider the people to be actors of sorts, they play their parts and allow people to experience a culture long past." I explained "Realistically, it\'s far off from what you would be familiar with, but I thought you would get a kick to see how people interpret what you lived and how they enjoy it."

"Can we...?" She took a step towards the entrance, clearly interested.

"Of course, why else are we here?" I smiled, seeing the small bit of excitement on her face.

There was no entrance fee, one of those types of places that kills you on all the other costs.

"Mutton, fresh mutton for sale!" A larger man behind a stall shouted.

"Come test your luck, can you pull the sword from the stone!?" Another dressed as a knight was handing out fliers to passerby\'s. "Be our lucky winner and sit in the King\'s seat during the Joust!"

"Three tries, ten dollars, can you hit the bullseyes thrice and win the prize?" A third waved around his axes as he tried to goad people into playing his game.

A few women dressed in elaborate dresses passed by, flanked by a couple knights, giving us winks and flirtatious smiles as they passed, doing rounds about the fair ground.

There were a cavalcade of horribly fake accents and wrongly used \'old\' words that seemed to accompany every person dressed up.

"This is...." She said quietly, not quite finding the right words. "Do the modern people truly look back at us like this?" She let out a small laugh, growing quite a bit louder as she placed a hand over her mouth. "It is like I\'m watching a play from back home." She took a moment to calm back down. "This is wonderful." She finally said.

Good, I was hoping she would like the idea behind this. "What do you want to do first?"

She looked at me then turned her head every which way before finally pointing. "There."

She pulled me along towards the stables, offering horse rides.

"Ten dollars per person." The man standing at the entrance said as we approached. "Only got one in right now, the others are being used. You can wait or ride together, if you need help we have a trainer on standby."

Ah, the days before people needed to protect themselves so thoroughly from litigation. Give it a couple decades and I would have to sign a contract before even seeing a live horse in a place like this.

We stepped inside, a woman greeted us, brushing the mane of a beautiful stallion. She looked at us, setting it down. "Are you both riding together or separately?"

"Together." Artoria said.

I just blinked in surprise but didn\'t dissuade it.

"And have you ever ridden before?" the trainer asked.

"Yes, I am very familiar with horses, I raised several and rode them all my life." She nodded, clearly excited.

"Good, well, Pebbles here isn\'t he fastest, but he has a good temper and enjoys a nice ride." She gentle pat the big horse that gave a small noise at her ushering.

Artoria, with grace that was hard to describe, climbed up the horse. She looked at me, ushering me up as well. "I\'ve ridden horses before, but never as the second." I mused, setting myself up behind her. "How tightly do you want me to hang on, my knight." I teased as her face turned a tad red.

"M-make sure you wrap your arms around me tightly, I do not wish for you to fall off." She didn\'t turn around, but I could see her cute little blush.

I of course followed directions. There was the urge to tease her, not sexually mind you, I had standards, but maybe see her get more flustered. But...she was really excited for this whole thing, who knows how long it\'s been since she\'s been on a horse? I would rather not distract her too much and allow her to enjoy the experience again.

The horse practically stood at attention, it straightened up and moved out with a grace I could only assume came from Artoria\'s servant nature.

Did she having a riding skill? I\'m like 90% sure she did.

The specialist led us out into an open field behind the building. There were a couple other riders, gently trotting around, I think I spotted a little girl riding a horse with her mom walking right beside her.

Artoria was gentle on the reins as she ran a hand down the horses\' mane. "Hello Pebbles." I heard Artoria whisper. "Let us see what you can do, shall we?"

Almost as if understanding her, Pebbles made a noise of compliment. The horse began trotting lightly, slowly picking up speed.

There were a few hurdles set up I don\'t think we were intended to use them? But that didn\'t seem to deter Artoria any.

"Yah!" She called out, giving the horse a command as it took off.

A little surprise made me hold onto her a little tighter.

Without any effort the stallion cleared the first hurdle, jumping it with no issue. Moving between each one, clearing all of them as the majestic animal excitedly did a lap around the field at Artoria\'s ushering.

She expertly led the horse to continue several maneuvers and parade around the entire arena as if he owned it.

"Well done, Pebbles, you are a fine steed, and I would have been honored to ride you into battle." She pated the animal who seemed overjoyed at her affection. She just allowed the horse to trot around, moving him in any which direction, just enjoying the ride a bit longer before returning.

"Want to feed him?" I poked my companion, as we slid of the horse, getting her to eye the carrots in the corner.

"Yes, he did well, he deserves a reward." She grabbed a couple carrots, slowly feeding them to her new friend. "You may have a few years on you, but you ride like a young stallion." She cooed to the happy animal.

"Where to next?" She asked as we left the stables, smiling brightly.

I could only imagine, riding horses were an intrinsic part of her past, probably something she grew up doing and loving as a result. How long had it actually been since she\'s sat behind the reins?

"I saw something interesting before." I smiled, walking at her side down the fair grounds.

"Three throws for 10 dollars!" A man shouted, wearing some kind of wool or leather clothing. "Hit the bullseye three times and win a prize!"

"What\'s the prize?" I asked, as we got close.

He gestured towards his stand with some large stuffed animals. "A pick of the lot."

I smiled, handing him the money for two sets as I handed one over Artoria, giving her a look. "A competition, then?"

Her lips curled up. "You dare to challenge me after our last bout? Mayhaps you intend to propose more terms for this competition once again?"

"Well, I hadn\'t planned on it, how about you make the stakes then?"

"Your arrogance shall be your undoing." She beamed with confidence. "If I win, I shall sample all the food-stuffs here at the cost of your purse."

Well, technically its Zelretch\'s purse, but okay. "Then if I win....I want Rin to pick out another outfit for you to wear." Rin has good taste and I wanted to help Artoria break out of her shell without being too forward.

She stiffened, her face turning red again. "T-the terms are acceptable." She said quietly, taking up a position.

Huh, was I missing something here?

"Ladies first?" I offered, gesturing for her to step ahead.

She nodded politely, standing still holding one axe up. With a casual throw, it imbedded itself deep within of the targets, a cut off log with a painted bullseye on it. "It seems I have taken the lead."

I tossed my axe up, getting a feel for the weight, aiming towards the same target. I turned my heads towards her, making eye contact as I threw it.

There was a loud \'thump\' as I knew I hit the target and saw her brow furrow. "Well then." I smirked.

She huffed cutely, getting a bit more serious. She truly is a very competitive person, but it is still just as adorable as everything else about her. "Haah!" She threw with a bit more force, the axe burying deep inside the log.

I gave no fanfare this time, copying her motion and also hitting the bullseye, though mine barely made it inside.

"Careful, one misstep and you may very well lose." She smirked herself.

"Someone sounds confidant, why don\'t I go first on this last one then?"

"I do not mind, may you have any perceived advantage, you shall need it." She said simply.

Well, alrighty then. I aimed up, and my foot dug into the ground as I pulled on more strength than before. My axe hurled towards the target, burying deep inside and cracking the piece of wood, making it fall to the ground.

"Oh no, it looks like the target is destroyed, I guess I win by default."

"You cheat!" She exclaimed.

"I have no idea what you\'re talking about." I looked away.

"Dastardly cheater."

"Oh look, prizes." I ignored her complaints, moving towards the booth.

"Well....I guess that counts." The man at the counter just shrugged. "Which one you want?"

I turned towards Artoria. "Well?"

"..The Lion" She looked at it a bit expectantly.

The man smiled, picking the large, stuffed lion, off the wall. "For your girlfriend." He handed it over to me.

Artoria turned just a bit redder, making me laugh a little. "Can I offer my prize as a peace offering, my lady?" I bowed my head in an exaggerated manner.

"....You are forgiven for this transgression." She happily grabbed the stuffed animal, inspecting and prodding it with a bit of glee.

"Well then, I believe you have a wager to uphold later." I smirked.

"Rin is going to be relentless with her teasing."

"How about we get something to eat then? I wanted to try all the foods here, I heard fair food has its own charm."

"I would like that." She gave a smile that could melt ice.


"What is that?" A dainty little hand pointed towards a food stall.

"Looks like a turkey leg wrapped in bacon."

"How obscenely decadent"

"...want one?"


This is about how the next hour or so went. As we tried the various foods all around the fair grounds.

"What are those?"

"Deep fried bananas."

Surprisingly yummy.

"What about these?"

"Looks like a cheeseburger with donuts for buns."

Once again, my gluttonous side thanked me.

I think we got through all the staple foods at the fair and even moved through their own little niche of \'medieval foods\' as well. I thought I could hold my stomach well, but this little girl out ate me at every turn. Not that I really cared, if it made her happy, I would keep going.

"I\'m a little curious, why did you agree to go on this date with me?" I was honestly curious.

"You were willing to fight me " She replied. "Mayhaps.....I was moved, to be willing to go to such length." She stopped for a moment, deep in thought. "I wished to understand..." Her head ducked down, unable to grasp the correct words.

"Are those caramel apples?" She suddenly grabbed me hand, dragging me towards another food stall. "I wish to partake."

Subtlety, thy name is not Artoria. Well, I wouldn\'t push if she didn\'t seem to understand it herself. Just let the chips fall where they may.

Regardless, it was pleasing to see the sheer joyful expression that Artoria wore for most of the day. It made this entirely worth it without any secondary thoughts.

"Oh, lets play this one." I pulled on her this time, she followed my direction without any complaint.

"Five darts, pop as many balloons are you can." The man sitting behind the counter casually said, grabbing a few bills I put down.

Artoria eyed one of the darts, moving it between her fingers before aiming and tossing. "I missed." She seemed annoyed with herself.

"I don\'t suppose you\'ve ever used darts before?"

"Nay, it was something that never came up in my life." She shook her head, throwing another and popping a balloon. "Yes!" She happily blurt out, before regaining her composure, and tossing another with a loud \'pop\' following.



Her few more darts finished up.

"Good job, you got the small prize." The man said, gesturing towards the back. "Which one you want."

"The dragon." She pointed out, towards a green stuffed animal.

I guess it\'s not surprising that it follows a certain theme based on the place.

"This one is yours." Artoria handed it to me, clutching her own Lion, cheeks just the slightest pink. "You had gifted me with one, so it is only proper that I return the favor." She looked rather pleased with herself.

"I love it" I said with a smile, happily accepting the gift. He shall be named Ddraig junior.

Today was one of the most fun days I\'ve had, but all good things had to come to an end. We both noticed the sun starting to dip in the sky, the people begin to head out as stalls and shops began to close up for the evening.

"Thank you." Artoria said quietly, dipping her head. "This....I have not had so much enjoyment for a very long time."

"Believe me, the pleasure was truly mine." It\'s not like my life was filled with days like these.

"Rin had explained to me what Dates were the other day, differentiating between this and what courtship was back from my Era." She looked pensive. "I find the idea agreeable, a preliminary outing to see if individuals would be good matches to further pursue romantic goals." She stopped looking up at me.

Oh, was that my que to ask her out again? "Artoria." I said firmly. "I would like to make it clear that I like you. If you want to keep going, do more dates, get to know each other better and maybe go a step further, I would be overjoyed." I gave her hand a little squeeze. "But I do have some things you need to know if you want to walk this path. Take some time to yourself, figure out your own feelings then get back to me when you\'re ready."

She didn\'t look put off in the slightest, maybe even a bit relieved. I think she was under the misconception that she had to give me an \'answer\' right here and now.

"Thank you." She said lightly, seemingly content.

"Why don\'t I take you home then?" I chuckled softly, taking her to a secluded corner and opening a portal for both of us.

We stepped through to an empty \'house\' it looks like Rin and Zelretch were no where to be found.

"Well, usually it would be my job to walk you home, but that whole procedure is a bit wonky here." I just shook my head,

She looked up at me, cheeks splashed with the faintest pink that I recognized all to well at this point. "I had a wonderful time." She turned her head looking every which way before standing up on her toes and placing her lips against my cheek ever so quickly.

She disappeared almost immediately into her room, leaving me there brushing my hand against my cheek.


Author\'s note.

Just realized we passed 100k words, woot! Anyways, there may or may not be a chapter tomorrow i\'m going to be super busy.

Also, if you want to read ahead 5 unedited chapters, or maybe just encourage my coffee addiction, visit my pat /Astoryforone

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.