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Chapter 53 - 53. Quest Progress

Upon exiting the building they saw Gil standing a bit from the door holding a small crate. "Hope your luck was good as mine! 13 darkness crystals and 40G. A fair price based off the market." Gil was proud to announce his success.

Perfect "hey midnight Gil got you a snack for while we travel!" Midnight looked excited knowing what they were already. She had been patiently waiting outside and Walker was very tempted to reward her. However, he knew she would want to nap after eating one so he held himself back.

Walker stored the crystals for later. "We found something challenging for your mother to grow." Walker smirked knowing if she succeeded in growing the angels\' wing seeds their funds would be ever increasing. "We also got some babies breath seeds so we\'ll always have nice center pieces. You should give them to your mother as a gift. Walker tossed Gil the babies breath seeds knowing that they may just help the mansion be more like home for the family who was used to the open fields.

"Come on you guys we\'ve got places to be!" Remey has started moving towards the adventurers guild with a mischievous look.

"Hmm Remey always rushes forward in to things." Gil made a general comment based off of what he\'d noticed.

"Yes, it can be good in surprise attacks but could hold us back in a situation that needs a delicate touch" walker agreed with the statement but also saw the good in her actions.

Unknowingly the two were completing Gil\'s daily quest. Their analysis of Remey\'s actions and tendencies was part of the understanding the roles each other played. This would show its merits in many battles to come.

The entire walk to the guild walker and Gil talked about what each person brought to the party. Surprising walker Gil was very hard in himself about his weaker defense but did recognize he had the highest ability to properly scout a safe path for their travels. Walker brought up the agility issue with Su and Gil recognized that it could be adjusted with the proper gear and leveling. Gil also was worried over midnight easily distracted attitude as she seemed to want to rush to new things constantly. Walker knew that would be a tough problem to tackle as it was one of many. However, he was more concerned about trying to work towards midnight gaining a speaking ability. This would solve a lot of communication issues between her and others.

Upon reaching the guild Gil brought up how Walker had easily become lost in thought and didn\'t even notice they\'d reached their destination. Walker couldn\'t argue this, the whole party already understood his diversity in skills and knowledge but this weakness could potentially lose an easy battle.

"Thanks for the talk Gil, I think we understand the party much better now. Once we get outside the walls we can put some things to use. Now we can open a party bank account, register for the advancement test, and hopefully sell Barry some potions." The errands had just begun and now they had the main reason for their outing.

Entering the guild they noticed more looks from the other adventurers than usual. Word had begun to spread of them achieving a title making them a popular gossip topic. Many eyes lingered on midnight as most people had a hard time believing a monster would gain a title of hero. Humans and other races often feared dragons.

Knowing the party was on their way Clara was ready to greet them at the counter "welcome back! I\'m glad to see everyone looking well rested. I was a bit worried the change of scenery would affect your sleep." Clara had truly begun to care for her new party as did many managers after accepting the responsibilities.

"Good morning Clara!"Walker was happy to see Clara was on top of her game and ready for the day. "Before we get to some other big things we would like to open a party bank account. I know you recommended it a little while ago and it would really make us more efficient in sending quest rewards directly to the bank."

Adventurers whose parties opened accounts with the bank were able to directly send their rewards there to pick up later. This included items, gold, and even some amount of paper works. This was very efficient for longer journeys away from a place they could receive such rewards.

"Yes I\'ve actually already filled out the paperwork for you, all that\'s needed is each members fingerprint to complete the seal. This will be required for each withdrawal or deposit. Also I will require 100G as an opening deposit." Walker handed over the gold and each took turn fingerprinting a contract. When it came to midnight they used the tip of her tail. Unknown to the party Clara informed them that she had been reading up on dragons and found that the tips of their tails had unique scale placement for each dragon that would stay the same their entire lifespan. This news surprises walker who committed it to memory.

"Now that should finalize your account. What are these big things you all have planned?" Clara had become curious since they hadn\'t mentioned anything else as of yet.

"Before we get to our main reason for today\'s visit we were wondering if Barry was around?"

Clara was a bit surprised by the question but the party was in luck.

"Barry is actually out in the training field, we were short an examiner for a new adventurer today and he jumped in to fill the spot. He finished up moments ago and is still out there, you should be able to catch him."

Walker and the party knew they were in luck "thank you, we\'ll be back in as soon as we talk to him. The main reason we can is to take an advancement test. We know there are many things to look at and prepare so we wanted to come early." Walker let Clara know their main reason for visiting so she could prepare while they spoke to Barry.

"Ah yes I had a feeling you\'d want to test sooner than later, I\'ll have some things ready for when you come back inside."

Clara began grabbing papers from here and there. The party turned and headed out the door leading to the training field.

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