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Chapter 58 - 58. Too Many Legs

"We\'ve got trouble! Everyone form up on me!" Walker yelled. Gil was the first to get to him seeing the spider\'s angry approach.

"Wow, you really know how to draw a crowd." Gil was way too relaxed. Walker questioned if he even had a sliver of seriousness sometimes.

Remey and Su were right behind him. "What did you get a skill that makes every spider come bother us?" Remey was trying to hide her disgust. She really didn\'t like spiders.

The spiders were closing in almost within striking range. Midnight jumped out slashing through one with her claws. 21 left.

"Multi buff!" Walker took the momentary distraction midnight made to buff the group. Being used to walkers surprises by now the party didn\'t falter.

"I\'ll take range support!" Gil stepped back notching an arrow.

"Remey Su if you two can get them to group up I can unleash a big attack!" Walker was going to utilize the crescent moon skill again. It was a bit of a drain on mana but the less they had to deal with in a swarm the better.

"Remey I can do this by myself just watch my new skill!" Su broke character and was going to show off. The adrenaline must have gotten to her. "Come at me trash!" With her insult a slight glow engulfed her. Walker had seen this before when he was younger. His father once showed him a taunting skill.

The spiders all instantly turned towards Su stampeding towards her as if driven by madness. "Walker it\'s all up to you make it a good hit!" Su began jumping backwards to stay out of the way.

"Midnight I\'ll need you to pounce on the survivors!" Walker\'s call to midnight was met with a growl. He felt she understood due to their connection so he immediately looses his attack. "Crescent moon, crescent moon! He sent to waves flying at the spiders. Some were split in half while a few managed to survive but lost legs. 4 spiders remained alive.

Midnight pounced on the nearest, tearing it apart. Remey followed her lead "thrash!" She unleashed a series of punches at her fastest speed. They may not have been as strong as other punches she had but the amount of punches couldn\'t be perfectly defended against. 0 spiders survived the onslaught.

Falling to his butt Walker returned the scythe to his inventory. "Never again!" He yelled and laid back.

"You\'ll be paying for any nightmares I have about spiders." Remey came over softly punching his leg.

"If He\'s paying I want minotaur steak, I\'ve always wanted to try it." Gil joined in sensing an opportunity to tease Walker which was rare. "Hey Su, that was the first time I\'ve seen you use a taunting skill. Didn\'t know you could say mean things." Gil like the others had been surprised by her words not knowing she had a taunt skill.

"I learned it as one of my first skills but I really don\'t like to use it since I have to say mean things." Su was dejected due to using it. But realized if she hadn\'t they would still be whittling away the spiders.

Walker, Su, and Gil had all reached level 8 while Remey was on the cusp of level 9. Midnight was not level 6! Her stats still greatly overshadowed the other members but her leveling would greatly slow compared to them. Midnight would need over 700exp more than her party members to level up now. Realizing this walker thought she would be the last to reach level 15.

Gil and Su were smiling as they looked to distribute their points to stats. However, Remey looked more conflicted. "It\'s going to be hard getting to level 15, isn\'t it? I\'m the only one who didn\'t level up with the number of spiders we defeated I\'m only close." She was shaking her head in doubt.

" I\'m not sure how high we can reach in our test but if we really push ourselves and optimize those potions at the right time we just may be able to finish a step ahead." Walker was also thinking of the challenge. If they could work together and utilize Su\'s taunting skill they may be able to attract high numbers of zombies or skeletons. Walker decided he would start to focus on some large area magic while praying so he could maybe learn a light elemental skill.

Noticing Midnight had finished eating walker decided to store the remaining 15 spider bodies. A thought occurred to him, if we had another body we could increase our exp gains...walker hurriedly pulled the abyssal serpent egg from his inventory letting it bask in the light. The others noticed this and bore witness to a strange sight. The egg seemed to glow as it pulled the rays of the sun closer to it.

"Huh isn\'t that something?" Gil was entranced by this little egg.

"I guess I\'ll be carrying this today. Tonight I\'m going to form a contract with it so when it hatches we can easily welcome it." Walker felt confident that this was the right decision. Even if the progress is slow having another in battle could be a huge help.

They soon got back up and began walking again. Time passed as the sun soon set. They had made great progress so far noticing they could see faint outlines of buildings in the distance. Another day or so of travels and they should be at the start of the ruins.

After finding a nice spot near a large tree the party set up their camp for the night. With the help of midnight walker was able to gather some firewood and start a nice blaze. While Walker did that Remey and Su had managed to find a rabbit grazing nearby and captured it. This was a nice surprise since it was rare to find a regular animal in an area monsters hunted. Gil had set up the tents leaving the only thing left to cook and eat.

Once they had all shared their fill walker decided this was the right time to form a new contract."I\'ll have to ask you guys to take the watch tonight after I use blood contract I\'ll be out of mana and probably need some serious sleep." Walker knew it was risky but saw the benefits outweighing the negatives. "Let\'s do this then" walker prepared himself

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