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Chapter 62 - 62. Swarm

"Gil grab those five zombies over there! Meet us in the square when you can. Midnight back him up in case things get too close!" Halfway to their location they\'d spotted five zombies following a stray cat and decided these would be the first lured over.

Once Gil had run over the zombies focused on him, the cat glanced back and almost seemed thankful for its pursuit to end.

Meanwhile, Walker, Remey, and Su made their way to the square as fast as possible. They took note of some collapsed arches that would slow the undead as they followed Su. "We\'ll be leaving now, we\'ll be back make sure you yell for us if anything happens." Walker and Remey took off in the opposite direction they had come.

Remey and walker ran down another overgrown road. The two noticed a caved In Home larger than the others and decided to head towards it. As they approached three skeletons were idling nearby. Two had damaged axes the other had nothing. Remey ran towards them leaving a wide area between them.

The two skeletons raised their skulls and teeth clattered. With her key movements, they began following after Remey. Walker followed slightly behind the group eyes watching the surroundings. He felt there would be more around a bigger area like this.

Walker glanced down an alley way and noticed that there were doors boarded up on the sides. This was the outer area of the ruins it would make sense that previous adventurers would have boarded off places that had access to the underground. Dangerous ideas entered Walker\'s mind.

"Remey you go ahead I have an idea!" Walker made his way to the alley way and used his staff end to pry the boards from the door. He could hear scratching from the Inside and prepared himself to run out as soon as the door was free to open.

The board fell to the ground and Walker felt the door pushing back towards him. He quickly jumped back and ran to the opening of the alleyway. He didn\'t know how long this place was sealed but it was long enough for many undead to become trapped as they tried to escape the underground. Seeing them begin to follow him walker lured them towards the square he wasn\'t able to count how many were behind him but there were over twenty in view.

Walker quickly used his party chat function "I found a bunch trapped behind a boarded up door I\'m not sure how many but I\'m coming to the square. We need to get them there and prepare to wipe them out!" After notifying the other members he continued to let the zombies get close then ran forward away from them. He repeated this over and over for almost half an hour. These zombies were just so damn slow.

Over the groans and sliding of feet, Walker could swear he heard a loud thump here and there. But over the vibrations of the zombies following him, he thought it may just be nerves.

Once he approached the square he was impressed to see 13 skeletons with various or no broken weapons following Su. Behind them were 9 zombies some of which didn\'t have arms or broken limbs. It seemed Remey was trying to mitigate their attack ability so Su could easily keep them contained. Gil and midnight were waiting on top of a roof of a nearby building that seemed stable. It was a perfect vantage point of him to use his arrows and also for the party to meet up and take potions.

Remey had appeared next to Su pointing towards Walker. This was her signal to go meet up with Gil and midnight on the roof. Walker proceeded to run faster still allowing the zombies to flow in to the square while he caught up and found Su and Remey climbing a rusty ladder.

Upon getting to the roof himself walker was able to see the square now almost full of rotting zombies and grey bones skeletons. They were slowly approaching the building the party stood on. Walker had unleashed much more than just twenty zombies. They seemed to filter in to the square without end. He was not beginning to believe he had made the wrong choice in opening that door.

"Here we\'ll all drink half a potion that\'s twelve hours we have to maximize our hunting. We may take longer than that to deal with all of them. We\'ll need a few days to rest after this so don\'t worry about going all out but let\'s be smart about it." Walker had accepted that they would need time to recover from this battle, but the rewards will be well worth the soreness of a few days.

Pulling the potions from inventory they all drank half a potion, Su had helped midnight with this. Leaving just one growth potion remaining. Walker thought this would be held on until midnight needed it to get her heroic leveling function. That seemed the best use, however there was not any time to dwell on it now. Ignoring the system message saying they had consumed the growth potion they continued.

"Su can you taunt from up here? We need them to group up for the first hit." Walker was ready to use his spell but if the undead were to spread out it was pointless.

Stepping to the edge of the roof Su took a deep breath. "Get your asses over here you rotting pieces of garbage!" She banged in her shield after letting out the uncharacteristic shout which still stunned the party. They did understand she needed to yell insults to properly activate her taunting skill but it was too shocking.

Su\'s body gave off an aura and the undead seemed to all focus on her. The echoes of her voice seemed to still reverberate through the outer area of the ruins. The barren walls and broken buildings allowed sounds to travel much farther.

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