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Chapter 90 - 90. Healing

It was almost a blink of an eye for the night to pass. Walker woke up refreshed and ready to go. However he found midnight eagerly waiting at the foot of his bed and he knew exactly why. She wanted the condensed understanding.

"Is there somewhere comfortable you want to process this?" Walker wanted to make sure midnight was ready for the days she would be passed out to absorb and understand this.

In response midnight started moving to the kitchen. Hilda had long set up a place for her to nap next to the oven and that was the place chosen. Seeing this walker retrieved the condensed understanding from his inventory and offered it in his palm. Midnight cautiously grasped it with her teeth before fully swallowing it.

The effect was grey and black strands of energy flowing around her scales and a cloud forming in her eyes. Her eyelids dropped as she began to fall off to sleep. Walker could feel a huge amount of energy from their connection and realized a minuscule amount was also effecting him. He wasn\'t sure what this would change in him but decided it wasn\'t too important since it was only natural since the two were connected.

Walker waited a little while worried midnight would be hurting but was instead finding her to be sleeping much better than ever. He knew that trusting a monster to have given them something safe was a ridiculous notion. However something told him that immortal king wouldn\'t have lied. Shaking off this strange feeling walker left midnight to her rest.

He slowly walked through the mansion thinking about what element he wanted to try out next. Should he get earth magic? He could try to use it to make earth walls for defenses. Su would be able to breath easier too. Should he try wind magic? He could speed up Gils arrows even more to pierce through the toughest defenses. He could play with fire more and get some basic fire manipulation, it would help since the colder season was upon them. Soon as the snow fell ice wraiths, yeti, frost trolls, and other snow affinity monsters would be able to travel near them. This was always a tough time for young adventurers. Winter was a completely different environment to maneuver. Many who were sure footed became clumsy where those who specialized in water and wind element magic needed to be more careful not to effect their party negatively.

While pondering these things Walker suddenly bumped in to something. Taking two steps back he realized it wasn\'t something but someone. "Leader shouldn\'t you be paying attention to where you are?" Luckily Su had steadied him.

Walker was fairly embarrassed since he knew it was his major flaw to be lost in thoughts. "Sorry about that Su I was thinking about learning more elemental magic. Would you like to go use the scroll now?" Walker wanted to push past his embarrassment and get to the main event.

"Yes, I was actually looking for you. Mother and father are waiting for me in their room. I\'ve yet to tell them why. I just told them we had new medicine." Su didn\'t want to push their hopes too high in case things failed. This was a big deal, healing her mothers frail constitution would be a massive blessing.

The two headed a few doors down to find Su\'s mother Helena still laying in bed looking fairly pale. Frederick he father was in a chair sitting next to her. They had obviously been chatting about what kind of medicine their daughter may have and were extremely curious upon seeing walker as well.

Walker didn\'t waste a moment and pulled the scroll from his inventory. Su took it from him readily. "Mother, father this is a scroll that holds a single healing spell from a master healer. It should be able to heal mothers weak constitution permanently. Walker and I are going to use our mana to activate it with your permission." Su was looking at her mother worried she wouldn\'t allow them to since this was such a valuable item.

Helenas face was wrinkled in thought. Should she tell Su to save it for when their party was in dire need? Or should she let greed take her and let them heal her. "Use it on your mother, I know this could heal any of you from near death but I love you and Helena so much more than my own life. I\'ll happily sell myself to get another healing item to replace it." Frederick spoke up. He knew this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity and had decided to bet it all on it.

Helena and Su looked pained, Frederick had just offered his very life to the party in exchange. Walker knew the magnitude of this and responded first, "this scroll is not something owned by the party, I\'m just holding on to it for safety. My friend Su here earned this herself and may I say she could have chosen anything. Yet she chose the one thing she cared for most in her heart. Her families well-being. I could not want someone better in my party. So there is no need for any exchange, I\'m here to help my party member, no a member of my own family." Walkers words brought a tear to Helena\'s eye. She was so happy Su had found someone so reliable in her life. Frederick was speechless he tried to say something but the words escaped him, he could only nod his head over and over.

Su smiled wider than she ever had before, "walker let\'s use the scroll." Su usually called him leader but walker was happy to hear his name. Su and walker stood by Helena and opened the scroll. Each had one end in one hand as they channeled mana within it.

A green glow emanated from the open scroll and soon small glowing sparks came forth. These sparks encompassed Helena. The glow grew brighter and bright for more than ten minutes until it abruptly faded.

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