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Chapter 94 - 94. Claras Advice

The party drew many looks walking the streets, this time many weren\'t as negative as usual. Just the addition of nicer clothing and a metal was enough to change the onlookers perspective.

The guards had recognized the kings travel medal and immediately allowed the party to pass. This was proving more useful than usual since the party normally had to stop and wait for them to allow them in or out of the higher tier.

They also attracted looks from those out and about in the lower tier. The difference here though is every once in a while someone they knew with give a shout.

"Hey walker y\'all headed to a fancy party!?" One guard who recognized him teased as their patrol passed.

This scene reoccurred three more times with a few craftsman and even one of his mother\'s friends who thought they all looked cute. Overall it was an embarrassing morning so far.

The guild came in to view and they sped up soon entering the door. Surprisingly the guild was fairly empty today. Easily finding Clara at the front counter " good morning Clara!" They all said their hellos and good mornings.

"Ah it\'s nice to see you here early, already dressed for the auction I see. Here are you tickets." Clara produced five tickets with inscription of the garnet family. Clara had been planning on giving them five so midnight could attend how\'re found midnight not to be present. " is midnight not feeling well?" Her worry evident in her voice.

"Oh no she\'s just sleeping away after the trip. She\'ll be asleep for a while longer. By the way why is it so empty in here?" At this point everyone seemed rather curious to why the lack of commotion in the usual busy guild first floor.

Clara had heard this question more than a few times today therefor the response was instant. "There\'s a mug merchant party that left and hired many guards. It\'s heading to another country so it\'s expected for them to get many guards to properly protect the cargo around the clock." They had all left before the sun rose this morning making for a fairly peaceful sunrise. For those that worked on paperwork today was a lucky day to get ahead and really maximize their effort.

"So on to another matter, the research and dissection division finished the evaluation. In total the equipment, weapons, monster parts, and other items were traded for a significant amount of gold. Your total within your party bank now is 3476G. Please do not get too excited tonight at the auction. I would hate to see another party loose itself in greed." Clara\'s advice was not unfounded it was fairly common for some parties to fall in to the trap of spending all their money as soon as they got it.

"Actually about that, can we pay using our plaque as identification? We all received a quest and will be making some purchases tonight as well as selling." Walker definitely didn\'t want to show off their gold by brining it with him. It would have been much too shower to use special magic over and over to pull out payments.

Clara was surprised they didn\'t already know, "those plaques are bound to your specific mana, if you use it as identification the auction house can accept it and the payment will be transferred from the party bank." This was a relief. One less thing to worry about. "I know it may be rude but I don\'t remember you having a tattoo Walker, where did it come from?" Clara was a bit worried walker had u kicked a strange skill or even worse fallen in with a sketchy group.

Walker looked down remember onyx who was still asleep. " oh would you like to meet our unofficial sixth member?" Claras eyebrows hunched up in confusion. New member? While Clara looked at his hand walker used his connection with onyx to softly nudge him awake, it would also be good for onyx to meet Clara and get used to busier streets.

The black ink started to pool up over walkers hand revealing a small black serpent wrapped around. "This is onyx an abyssal serpent that recently hatched! Onyx this is our parties manager, her name is Clara and she works here at the adventurers guild. Well come here often, it\'s lucky it\'s not too busy today so you can take a better look." Onyx\'s head was on a swivel, he couldn\'t take in the new sights fast enough but eventually focused on Clara. She was extremely smitten with the little black serpent which had miraculously appeared. This type of magic was rare for a contracted beast/monster to have. Knowing this Clara had an idea of what a manager should do.

"Ah well nice to meet you onyx, and welcome to the adventurers guild. Once you grow large enough we\'ll figure out a plaque for you as well. Walker, should I take it you\'ll need more information on how to properly raise such a creature? Also maybe more materials on dragons like Midnight?" Walker nodded his head since Clara perfectly saw his plans. "Good then as your manager I\'ll take a look through our archives, we gather many materials not necessarily housed within the libraries due to the guild specifically gathering them." Clara skilled triumphantly knowing she had executed a perfect move for a parties manager.

"Yes that would be excellent, we were going to search bookstores in hopes of finding something on dragons or abyssal serpents. Now we can focus on other things." Seeing that their afternoon would be free the party started thinking on what else they may do.

They said their farewells to Clara who seemed excited to go find some different materials from the archive. It was a rare opportunity to be able to peruse the archives for something related to rare monsters. Especially dragons.

Now with the afternoon off Remey had decided to drag everyone to the orphanage, she may usually be a bit rough around the edges but since almost everyone was with her she wanted to show them off.

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