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Chapter 132 - 132. Winter Gear

Lisa was standing there arms full of cloths. She couldn\'t even see over the stack in her hands. There were red and white hats and gloves along with winter cloaks to block the wind. Scarves hung down every which way almost trying to escape her grasp.

"What is all this?" Remey had stood up and jumped in to a fighting stance at the door being kicked open. She relaxed and now was fairly confused by all the cloths Lisa had brought.

"It\'s what I made from the silk you brought me! Don\'t you like it? I made hats and gloves and claims and even scarves! I wanted to get them done since the snow was coming and you\'re all going by to be out adventuring!" Walkers adorable sister had pulled at the heartstrings. Not only had she worked herself ragged to get them done fast but she had been so thoughtful to make them the perfect kind of clothing for the cold they would face.

The red and white patterns would match so the party seemed very professional. The gloves had perfect shaped fingers so they could move their hands and grasp weapons without issues. They even seemed to help grip them better. The cloaks ran down to their knees allowing enough room to properly run and stretch their legs. This was much more important than the average person would think, simply because they needed these qualities in battle. Walker did worry that the hats would cover their ears worsening their hearing. However he was very surprised to find that his ears were covered and warm but his ability to hear did not Diminish at all. The scarves gave them a nice way to cover their faces from an chilly wind along with their necks which would be left open to the cold air otherwise.

"Lisa you have done a spectacular job, I couldn\'t imagine finding better winter gear anywhere." Su patted Lisa\'s head. Lisa was standing tall as the party members had all grabbed their gear. Lisa was left holding some strange looking gloves.

"I even made midnight some that are able to stretch for her claws. Her claws can come out the hold and the rest of her feet are covers by the silk! I even made it so it repels water so she won\'t worry about getting wet!" She was much more proud of this fact, meaning it must have been a challenge. In reaction midnight rushed over eager to have her very own matching gear.

Lisa helped midnight try them on and in turn midnight walked back and forth getting a feel for them. They seemed perfectly tailored to fit her without any error whatsoever.

Walker put on his cloak finding a weird extra pocket on his shoulder. "Hey Lisa what\'s this pocket for?"

Lisa had a smug look all over her face, "onyx of course! Do you think I wouldn\'t rush to add a place for him to be able to see what was goi by on? I am a professional when it comes to my orders after all." Walker scooped her up crushing her in a huge bear hug. "Nooo you\'re squishing meeeeeee! I\'m gonnna get squished flatttt" Lisa may have been protesting but her words were hard to believe since she was giggling all too much.

After a few moments Walker finally released her. It was time to check out their winter gear with his all around appraisal skill. This was the best part.

\' arcane silk gloves

+5mdef, +2def

Water resistant

Small chance to deflect weak magical attacks.

Arcane silk hat

+3mdef, +1 def

Water resistant

Small chance to deflect weak magical attack

Arcane silk scarf

+4mdef, +2 def

Water resistant

Wind resistant

Small chance to deflect weak magical attack

Arcane silk cloak

+8 mdef, +6 def

Water resistant

Wind resistant

Small chance to deflect weak magical attack\'

Walker said the appraisal out loud as he did them. These would be idea winter gear to block some of the magical attacks from ice wraiths and freezing attacks from snow ghouls. Not only that but since they were water resistant the party could forget about always being soaked by melting snow. The wind resistance was an added bonus since the plains were Notorious for their constant breeze. If they encountered a storm they would be much better off than the average traveler.

The amount of defense was to be expected, this was a flexible very light silk. But that was not the main focus, the silk was made by arcane silk worms this meant that it had mana imbued within it. Therefore the simple fact it could give a chance to deflect weak magic spells was phenomenal. If they were caught off guard by an attack there was a chance it would just roll off them. Even more so if it did land on a member of the party they had the added magical defense to reduce the damage.

"You\'re right this is a true masterpiece crafted by an amazingly talented seamstress." Remey joined the bandwagon praising Lisa as well.

"Thank you Lisa your really did a great job." Lisa had been waiting to hear these words from walker since she finished the last out of gloves late last night. She had wanted to rush to wake him up but decided to wait until later. She had been disappointed and frankly a bit angry finding the had all trained the. Su and walker had gone off to the forge. The worst part was that sounded to be a quick trip turned in to a long trip that took hours. She had no idea why they had taken so long!

Gil was looking at everyone smiling like a fool. "Am I the only one that thinks we are starting to look like a professional party? We all match now, actually we look pretty cool." Growing up in the fields Gil often saw party\'s and guards all matching showing their relations. Now that he was among them he felt he had truly become one of the great adventurers he idolized.

Laurence had been holding back Elise trying not to Interrupt them. This was a touching moment for the party and he felt it would be rude to butt in on it earlier. "Well now with your all escorting us we will look rather splendid. We have our takers insignia and you will all have matching red and white winter gear. We might just look like an important envoy."

"Yes we\'ll look perfect! Everyone will want to steal away out escort party, but don\'t worry we won\'t let that happen." Elise interjected as she excised Laurence\'s grip. "Lisa your too cute, you make such stylish gear. I\'ll need to come back with Stella to ask you to design some spring outfits for us." Lisa\'s face lit up once again.

"Of course I\'m always in the lookout for future orders. It would be a pleasure to do business with you. Especially if you provide new materials for me to use." Her sudden professional attitude brought a chorus of laughter to the room. They all were in high spirits the new gear really looked great on them. Any worry of the cold had been forgotten now replaced with a full heart and excitement for the journey ahead.

\' request for the omnipotent party received:

Escort quest:

Escort the three tamers guild members to their final destination; tamers guild headquarters number three in the Demi human kingdom of Ordist.


Travel with the three tamers to their destination.

Protect them from potential threats.



Special reward from the tamers guild master

Relation with the tamers guild

Increase in fame as a heroic party.

Do you wish to accept the request?


"It\'s here!!! Your request went through we can accept it as a quest." Walker suddenly jumped front he chair he had just sat in and hurried to accept.

\' escort quest accepted, meet the clients at the east gate upon their notice.\'

"Hey Laurence do we really need to go all the way to the easy gate to meet you three or do you think we could all leave here together." The question was sarcastic enough for the others to laugh to themselves a bit.

"Hey the paperwork said I needed to put a meeting location. And what if you five had decided to run off somewhere else. We all know you made an excuse of going to the forge to visit the cathedral. You could have decided to stay there with your girlfriend." Laurence threw a perfect retort. The games were on, walker didn\'t flinch away from this and instead went all in on his own quips to Laurence.

They all went on this way for the remainder of the night. As the other family members came to the dining hall the party showed off their new gear and Lisa basked in the praise. Not everyone was happy that the party was again leaving for some weeks or even months but it was something they had to accept since they all were adventurers now. The meal finished and everyone had agreed to be up at daybreak to head out. Tomorrow morning was the start of another journey. This time they would venture in to the plains of the Demi human territory.

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