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Chapter 138 - 138. Muscle Man

"Laurence I swear for all I do to shock you I think you are trying to shock me more. It\'s nice to meet you Otis my name is Walker and I\'m the leader of the omnipotent party. We are currently escorting the tamers to a few locations in this area." Walker he been the first to quickly recover his wits after seeing Laurence run to the jacked rabbit tribesman.

" oh an escort, how fancy. I am Otis the head warrior of the rabbit tribesman. So Laurence what brings you and your escort our way? There aren\'t any orcs prowling the plains to hunt in the winter you know." The tamers were well known for hunting orcs in the warmer days of summer. This was due to the high fat content in their meat. Once properly preserved it was very nutritious for tamed beasts which feed on meat primarily.

"No no of course not, we can to see the tribe. During my stay with my friends here we talked over many things. Since we are traveling this direction we took a detour so I could introduce them to you. I\'m fairly certain you will find them as interesting as I do." Seeing as Laurence didn\'t explain why they would be interesting Otis became curious but as he carefully scanned the party which had fully come to greet him even Gil he did see something unusual.

" so they\'ve tamed a dragon! You\'re right how interesting! Here I thought I would be waiting all day to figure it out." Midnight growled slightly at these words. She wasn\'t tamed she was an equal. Every onyx began to become slightly agitated, he did not like the insult to his family.

"Midnight is not a tamed beast, she is family we\'re are equals. Same with onyx here on my shoulder. Please refrain from thinking anything less." The three were glaring intently at Otis who did not expect such a reaction.

This party leader must be a strange tamer to feel like this about his beasts, but equal in the party? Equal in the family? Very odd. " I see, well I did not mean any insult. The tamers guild will be blessed to gain another tamer who cares so much for their contracted beasts."

Walker knew having midnight and onyx with him would make him a dead ringer for a tamer but he didn\'t want to be just a tamer. " I think I should properly introduce myself and the party. That is Gil our ranger, Su our shield bearer, Remey our growler, midnight our rogue so to say, onyx our abyssal serpent, and I am walker the jack of all trades. We are the omnipotent party which holds the title of hero." Otis didn\'t fully understand this second introduction. The first few members sounded normal, to call a dragon a rogue made sense they were wild in nature. Otis had never heard of an abyssal serpent so just decided to brush it off. But the leader wasn\'t a tamer? Jack of all trades? What did that mean?...wait title?

"What do you mean title? How can all of you have a title? You can\'t share a title." Otis had become much more serious now, it was one thing to claim you had a title but share one? Impossible and insulting to his intelligence.

"Yes five of us each have the title of hero. It\'s a long story. We do not share it we always have it. I\'m surprised the rumors haven\'t traveled this far yet, must\'ve a result of the slow winter trade." It was natural that the word of those with a new title hadn\'t spread from the kingdom much, the trade routes being hard to traverse would often be left untouched until spring. That could also be said for the gossip that the merchants carried with them.

Otis didn\'t want to believe the kid in front of him, five hero\'s? He glanced at Otis who was nodding his head with a smile. " Hmm since Laurence brought you here I will believe you for now, but I will see the truth in time. If you are lying to me there will be consequences."

A moment of intent stating happened between Otis and Walker before Walker spoke again. " I won\'t force you to believe however the words I spoke are true, we have a title, they are my family, and we can do anything." Gil was worried Walker\'s words would set the muscle bound man in to anger but instead the two were standing their ground.

"Well since you are so adamant I will take tour word. Not many have the nerve to stand to my face and dispute what I say. I\'ll allow your courage to speak to your character. Now, Laurence who are the two new tamers with you, I\'ve never seen them so they must be green as can be." Otis had wrapped the matter up for now. He would be keeping a close eye on Walker to see just what kind of person and system there was within him. The girl with Laurence seemed unable to tame her energy, she had been bouncing side to side since she came over. The exact opposite of the boy with him so seemed to be sleeping on his feet. Leave it to Laurence to bring two opposites together.

" oh yes of course this is Elise she specializes in avian beats and this is Riley he specializes in wild beasts." Otis was again confused, how could the sleepy one be a wild beast tamer? He seems so tame and soft. The girl definitely seemed like a tamer of birds, high energy and hyper focused.

Luckily Elise knew if she bombarded this man with questions she would be strictly lectured by Laurence. It was just a blessing she had realized and held back.

"Ah look at me keeping my friend out in the cold. Bring your escort and green tamers. We can celebrate in our makeshift village. It\'s been a while since we had guests." Laurence smirked at this, he knew exactly when Otis meant by make shift village. Glancing at walker his mischievous smirk did not go unnoticed. Just wait until you see what they do in the winter.

While Laurence laughed internally they all followed Otis. Walking for nearly an hour Otis seemed to be getting restless. He most likely didn\'t want to move so slow, every step he took looked like it was held back. Laurence started to laugh to himself a bit drawing a little attention, he knew that Otis would normally run full speed home after a hunt. Naturally as a Demi human his speed was fairly fast, the fact that he had rabbit traits meant that fact was emphasized even more so.

More time passed and a large mass of snow seemed to be rising in front of them. The closer they all got the less it blended in, it wasn\'t just a mass of snow it was perfectly crafted snow walls encompassing a large area. "Holy lord they made a giant snow fort." Her voice was filled with awe as Remey and Elise eyes each other.

"I think we should race to the wall." The energy elegies had was only rivaled by Remey.

"Mhm good plan, we\'ll see who gets their but kicked." The others heard this and took this challenge in as well.

"Well if I need to show off I guess I will" Gil stepped equally to the other two and soon followed everyone else. Otis was looking in amusement.

"Ready...set...gooo!" Walker called out and sped off towards the wall. Even Laurence was in hot pursuit.

Noticeably faster Su was making her way toward the snow wall as well. Midnight was trying to jump in the air and glide a bit which was very intriguing. Walker knew she was still a bit young but seeing her want to fly and practice flying made him excited for the day she would actually take flight. Pushing this excitement away he promised himself not to rush her, she didn\'t want any harm to come to her in pushing her wings too soon.

Gil took the lead over Remey, his better footing in the snow giving him the advantage. They were closing in on the wall with every step about to make his win final.

His hand was stretched out reaching for the wall when all a sudden a shadow appeared next to him. With a small breeze, Otis placed a hand on the wall softly. "I win. Hahaha I even gave you all a head start." Not a single one of them had noticed Otis run, he was too fast. He reached the wall in an instant without even breaking a sweat. They had been robbed, Gil most of all was stuck not knowing how to feel. Impressed or angry? Ah why\'s the point forget it he thought to himself. "Welcome to the temporary winter home of the rabbit tribesman." Otis stood proudly in front of the snow wall which was Triple his height. They had arrived!

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