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Chapter 148 - 148. Elders Knowledge

Hearing the elders\' words Walker first retrieved the five snow imps from his storage and placed them in front of them. " these are the snow imps that tried to ambush us by hiding within the snow and dirt piles. If the first one hadn\'t let its blue horn poke out of the snow we may have not reacted fast enough. Thankfully we did notice them and instead ambushed them. The battle was fairly simple until one let out a screech attracting the greater ice imp." Seeing the elder wanted to speak walker waited a moment.

With a pensive look the elder said his piece, " Otis has told us the ways of these snow imps. They often would not do so but seeing that they were guided by a greater ice imp it makes sense. These five may be small but can be used to make some tough ice resistant leathers. Their horns will be used in spears to channel water mana, I\'m sure you will hunt more in the coming days until you\'re ready to leave." The elder was hinting at walker to collect a few snow imps of his own. Hearing that the horns could be used to craft arrows that could channel water mana walker had a few thoughts. Could Gil use them for his arrow heads with the withering wood arrow shafts? If so maybe he could use wind element and water element to make a form of ice arrow like the others from the auction. They had t bought the other arrows but instead opted for the arrow shafts, this meant that Gil could make a few unique arrows, if so he could put together a collection of unique hand made elemental arrows to use in different situations.

"I see, it would be wise for us to go hunting more in the time before Stella\'s wing is fully healed. I would also like to see those trainees answer the question Otis gave them after my little test." This got the attention of all the elders, having yet heard of this since it had just happened the elders were extremely interested.

Recounting his idea and actions to create and earth greater ice elemental target, walker spoke of manipulating it to block. He also spoke of pushing them away and filling it with water for when it was defeated. Hearing that he taught them a lesson on blindly rushing in after experiencing the near risk on the real greater ice elemental the elders were glad. Only a select few warriors had the strength such as Otis to rush in and crush an enemy quickly. Since the trainees lacked experience in battle learning the lesson the hard way in the safety of the village would prove fruitful.

" Ha Ha Hoo how sneaky, and here I thought Otis was a harsh instructor. We may have to use your tactics in the future. They must be terrified of your use of the elements, I can\'t imagine their faces." Having a good laugh the elder was thinking just how valuable having walker around was so far. What else could this boy do.

Feeling it was the right moment walker pulled the greater ice imps body from his storage. The larger body fell to the ground with a thud. The dense blue ice in its arms showed no sign it would melt anytime soon. The skin definitely was tougher than the snow imps and it\'s horns were fatter and definitely going to be valuable. "Elders I have spoken to Otis about keeping this defeated monster but I hope that you can share your knowledge with me about its uses. I lack the proper experience with these subjects." After his admittance to lack of knowledge the other elders began to nod while harshly gazing at the greater ice imps body.

After some time the elders started to look back at their tea and speak in turn.

" those arms covered in ice are useless, it may not melt easy even in the baking sun.

But don\'t plan on using it for anything more than keeping food cold long term." The old floppy eared woman dismissed the arms covered in blue ice quickly. Maybe this was something walker could sell in the beast kingdom for a small amount of gold to merchants.

" what your after is the thing that creates that ice. Inside by its heart is a special water crystal. It\'s called a condensed water crystal it\'s more potent than a regular water crystal so it\'s not used in the same way. It\'s so concentrated that it forms ice instead of water. Very useful in crafting staffs." Another rod the elders spoke finishing the firsts thoughts. It was almost as if they shared a mind.

" that skin there is good for the joints in armor it keeps out the cold and is strong but stretchy." Another elder piped up with more valuable information.

"Those horns and teeth are also good for weapons crafting. They can channel water mana which at a higher rate." Lastly the one eared elder finished the lecture in uses, walker could really swear they all acted as one.

" I thank you for the knowledge, I believe I have many ideas to ponder now that I know what uses this monster has. I would not have known that there was a concentrated water crystal by its heart without your input." Walker lowered his head in thanks shaving off the desire to drop in to thought into what else to use the monster parts in. He stored the body away so that it would not deteriorate.

With things seemingly wrapped up the one eared elder had his own further questions. " so what is your plan moving forward. How long will you stay?" This was something Laurence and walker had already talked about , Laurence who had wandered off while walker had tested the trainees was most likely already back at their little camp. Knowing he already knew Laurence\'s thoughts out him at ease before he answered.

"I\'ve spoken with Laurence and we decided on three days, Stella can get additional healing to make sure she is in tip too shape. We can assist in hunting during the mornings. I also plan on testing the trainees a bit, I think Otis wouldn\'t mind having a teaching assistant for a few days." This last mention seemed to greatly please the elders who valued walkers unpredictability. When training new warriors there was always an element of control and safety for them which often lead them to be a bit lackadaisical at times. Therefore adding the natural unpredictable factors the monsters had would better prepare a young warriors minds. This also would allow the elders to glean more information on walkers skills and the party as a whole, they were sure that this information would be very valuable and as the party\'s fame grew so would the desire for their information. This thought seemed cruel to use the party but it was part of the world especially since the tribe moved and communicated with many different groups through the warmer months.

" well then tomorrow I shall personally come to watch the trainees, I haven\'t been to the training grounds in a week or so. Maybe it can get my blood flowing a little seeing the young ones sweat it out." Otis became Stoney faced remembering his harsh training years ago under the hand of this very elder. The trainees may fear Otis for his training but Otis was the same at their age.

" We look forward to your input tomorrow elder, I\'m sure that the trainees will prosper much more than usual." Otis knew that starting the compliments early would lessen the strength of the elders words come the next day, he also knew he himself could very well end up participating in training as well.

" oh well if it\'s going to be such a big event I have a new fire spell I just learned that I can use some practice on. Between that and recently showing off not to rush in we can focus on timing of attacks and retreats." Walker wanted to practice his fire spell and maybe even try to unlock a more basic version to use less mana in combat, but first he needed to know the danger radius of his new spell. Testing it out in a training would give him all his answers, especially to how long the spell takes to cause an explosion of fire.

" oho already have a lesson plan how studious of you, are you sure you\'re going to be an adventurer and not a teacher? Maybe a magic scholar?" Hearing the plan for the training the elder was pleased. After a bit more chatting they two were dismissed, Otis was visibly on edge.

" something wrong with my idea to work on timing with your trainees? I\'m sorry if I overstepped the boundaries I know I\'m a guest here" walker was worried Otis was not happy about him taking it upon himself to plan the training.

"It\'s nothing to worry on, I just can\'t help but remember being trained by the elder. He is very strict even now I fear he will drag me in to the lesson. Tomorrow could be rough" Otis had fallen in to thoughts of out memories walking off in to the clusters of igloos leaving walker to head off back to the camp. Otis sure had it tough if he was that afraid of the elder the training must have been brutal. Tomorrow was right around the corner and it would be busy.

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