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Chapter 175 - 175. Show Me What You Got!

Heading out the other tamers that were training made plenty of room in the plentiful area around the tamers guild. They knew all too well that the guild master needed a wide berth when he trained himself, a few younger tamers always learned this lesson the hard way, the tales of lost eyebrows to dragon fire were more than one would expect.

Finally released Laurence refused to look at the party, it has been months since the guild master treated him in such a way. Laurence had basically been raised by the tamers guild, this made the guild master much much harder on him. He knew it was because the gils master cared for him like family every more so than the other tamers but it was still embarrassing for him to be treated this way. "Well boy move on up! You two are going to show off a little, Laurence, tell that lazy cat of yours they need to fight."knowing he did not have a choice Laurence called out Bengal, who did not seem to be happy in the least. However seeing Ribbolt, Bengal lost the normal lax attitude and became extremely serious. It was not only Laurence who had been raised by such a person. 

Walker really didn\'t want to spare with Laurence, he knew Bengal was much more powerful than they had seen. Reluctantly he prompted Onyx to move off his shoulders and on to Midnight\'s back, He would be doing this alone. This seemed unfair but if Walker really wanted to show Ribbolt what he had for strength he couldn\'t rely on Onyx or Midnight. Not surprised that Walker did not bring in his companions Laurence was prepared to dodge constantly, Bengal may be strong but as a tamer his greatest weakness was when he was alone. Bengal would need to attack Walker to keep him occupied while he avoided any attacks directed at him. 

Walker himself was starting to become excited, he had not wanted to do this a moment ago but thinking about the curveballs he could throw a tough enemy that wasn\'t going to kill him if he messed up got him excited. Pulling the remaining dried grass from his inventory he used a fire bolt to start it all on fire. This sudden appearance of grass was astonishing ro say the least, Ribbolt in his long years of being with the guild had only seen true spatial magic a handful of times. 

Knowing that Walker had many ways to bend the flames to his will he lamented allowing Walker the chance to prepare. Sending Bengal towards Walker he realized he was already too late the fire had taken shape, no longer was it a mass of uncontrolled fire. The familiar shape of a harpy flew in front of Walker blocking the flaming claws. Since the tigers slash had been enrobed in flames the harpy hadn\'t taken any damage at all, adding more fire to fire was not that big of a damage dealer. On the other hand since Walker had changed the shape of the flames in to a Stella inspired flame doll he now had an aerial companion to battle with. Not only had he carefully watched Elise and Stella train so he could learn their strategies but he also could use his flame cloak so that his flame doll harpy could pick him up. Seeing that Walker was using his skills to the best of his ability Laurence pushed Bengal to move faster. Before the flame doll even had a chance to grab Walker with its talons the tiger had already gotten in front of him. The oncoming slash was terrifying but not unavoidable, Walker fellin to a stance utilizing the dance of the wild rabbit skill. His spins dodged five consecutive slashes from Bengal which only enraged the tiger.

Earlier in it\'s life Bengal needed to work incredibly hard, always training with Laurence under a brutal guild member, always under pressure, and never a day of rest. Years of this made Bengal the prideful tiger he was, he could crush many enemies with his powerful claws, nothing would stand definitely before him. After Laurence had been promoted higher in to the guild Bengal finally found rest, he became lazy and temperamental not having any motivation to push forward. Laurence who had also felt the same allowed it to happen, This resulted in the current Bengal being easily pushed in to rage when things did not go his way. 

Seeing that Bangel was being consumed by his anger Walker let fly a fire bolt, it would not harm the flame attribute tiger much at all but it would sting a bit. The flame doll was also trying to get a few good hits, Walker constantly shouted out orders for it to attack in certain ways, these all stemming from what he had seen Stella do in other battles. Walker was really beginning to like the hit and run tactic. 

Coming in for another exchange with his claws Bengal pushed forward again, however Walker was prepared for it now. Using his elemental manipulation he began dodge backwards his dance of the wild rabbit beginning to escalate. During a second of pause Walker stomped on to the ground using his mana to form two dull earth swords. He made the thin so he could maintain his speed to avoid Bengal\'s claws. Laurence had yet to see walker do something like this, he had seen the earth spikes and walls but Walker had just made blunt edged swords? Narrowing his eyes Laurenece prepared for Walker to do something even more shocking than his usual antics. 

New weapons in his hands Walker couldn\'t help but remember the dual swordsman he had met, his father had once introduced Walker to his instructor. The instructor worked at the military academy now as he retired a few years ago. This being the case the instructor had somehow taken a large interest in the training of the guards. That being so he had developed many connections with every guard. Due to this while Garret was worried to find Walker\'s system he was one of the people Walker was taken to. They had given Walker various swords and shields trying to unlock something, however when Walker had witnessed the instructor attack a training dummy with blinding speed using both swords it became forever burned in his mind. This was a childhood dream long forgotten, but now as it resurfaced Walker knew he could  do more to learn. 

Approaching again Bengal leapt in to attack, narrowly avoiding the slash Walker crossed the two blunt earth swords. He copied the motions from his fathers instructor and brought them down. Not surprisingly Bengal avoided Walker\'s strike, he was much faster than Walker, the only issue was that utilizing the dance of the wild rabbit skill Walker could dodge attacks narrowly, which meant his speed did not need to be higher than Bengla\'s. The flame doll swooped down while the tiger was focused on Walker, able to land some annoying hits with its fire talons. This gave Walker the chance to read the new skill he had hoped the system would give him.

\' Skill cross slash has been taken from the dual swordmaster system. Through strong desire and users actions the skill cross slash has been automatically learned. 

Cross slash- 2mana cost

Requires two bladed swords

Using the user\'s strength and mana create an X shaped slashing attack. The two swords used sustain damage from the rioting mana poured in to them. The mana once released causes increased damage to the target.\'

Walker had seen this very attack slice a wood dummy in to four pieces years ago, now he would be able to sue it himself. His pace of dodging was picking up and so was his heart beat. His feelings intensifying he shouted for the flame doll to rush at Bengal, this went as expected, the flame doll flew in to Bengal who swatted it to the ground. Not letting up for a second, Bengal pounced, destroying the flame doll, the incredibly loud bang that resulted causing Bengal to falter for just a moment. Walker was already next to him by then, the swords crossed starting his attack. The cross slash landed this time on Bengal\'s side. The mana used in the swords caused them to shatter back in to pieces of earth, however the marks left on Bengal\'s fur were in a perfect X shape. Bengal saw this impromptu haircut and sung at Walker. The pace having built even faster, Walker was ready to move in to the dance of the rabbid rabbit. Now the real sparing would start, while dodging the next attack two more earth swords were pushed up to him however they were rougher than before. Walker\'s mentality was affecting his control over his manipulation of the earth, but this didn\'t matter. He was going to go all out against Bengal, the Tiger could shrug off Walker\'s soft hits with ease. 

Bengal slashed at him over and over trying to hit the annoyance in front of him, instead Walker spun around letting off small hits with every turn. These did nothing to hurt Bengal but did show Walker\'s skill. Slowly becoming embroiled in the dance of the rabbid rabbit Walker nearly dropped one sword to attack with his hands. Seeing this Bengal became much more angry, He needed to show this fly it\'s place!

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