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Chapter 194 - 194. Making Sense

Heading back to the tamers guild, Remey took the responsibility to carry the girl who had now fallen in to a stress induced sleep. Walker was worried that there was more than just serious emotional trauma, but possibly a curse left over from Vincent.

\' unnamed girl

Demon race

Level 6

Light benders system

Forced out of her home due to her system based on the light element. Passed around as a useless servant until she unlocked the light bending ability allowing temporary invisibility. Taken in by Vincent and used to cause constant suffering, many emotional and physical scars were created. Surviving  many curses under the torment of Vincent but currently is free of any curse.\'

Walker was able to breathe a sigh of relief seeing that the girl was not currently cursed, he would have had to do everything in his power to l;earn a purification skill to free her. He tried not to dwell on the horrid treatment she had to go through since she unlocked her system, it may be the way the society in the demon kingdom worked but it was still wrong in his eyes. Everyone had worth and did not deserve such hate. 

Using the system he checked the quest rewards wanting to see the total of experience they had all received. 

\'Chain quest: Justice for Ordist completed

Requirement : 

shut down the sale of cursed objects


100 exp multiplied to 1000 exp


Pursue the target and rescue the unnamed girl


300 exp multiplied to 3000 exp

requirement : optional 

Defeat the demon Vincent



Requirement: Optional

Assist the guards to capture the Demon Vincent 


600exp multiplied to 6000exp."

This all came together to ten thousand experiences, it was a major contribution to their growth. The had gained much more than usual from these quests making Walker believe that the bigger the heroic action the bigger the reward, This was plain in the choice to subdue Vincent and not defeat him. Walker was itching to look and see what levels they were but stopped himself. The party needed to get their rescued friend somewhere safe and speak to the tamer\'s guild master about what to do now. Things were definitely going to escalate. 

The moment they were seen by the tamers watching the fence it began to lower, Laurence and Ribbolt were standing there dead silent. Walker knew there was a lot to talk about, Robbolt headed towards his office with Walker in tow. Walker gave a nod to the others to head to the resting quarters with the girl so that she could rest and they could take some time to make sense of what just happened. 

After taking a seat at the coffee table in Ribolt\'s office the first thing out of Laurence and Ribbolt\'s mouth was, "What the hell happened!" 

With a bit of a sigh Walker told them every detail starting with the tournament the day before. From there he went on to explain that they denied their escort from king Rorick and even tried to use themselves as bait. Their plan naturally did  not work but they instead were unintentionally guided to the merchant selling strange items by the adventures guild within the city. This all added up to both a lucky and unlucky discovery. It was true that the party had saved many more demi-humans from cursed items, and death. However they had also gone up against an opponent whose skills could literally curse them to turn to dust. This thought still made Walker shiver as he told them. Seeing that Walker understood the danger that the party had been on either Laurence nor Ribbolt reprimanded him.

"So now they have their culprit, I am not sure if this is good or bad. If they execute that demon the hate for demons will only grow more. And if they manage to get him to spill the names of his leaders then they could go after the demon kingdom. However if they are wise they will only punish the one demon and pursue more political avenues. War would not be good for any kingdom on the continent." Ribbolt knew more than anyone how war could severely harm the guild  and people in the continent. The loss of safe travel would cripple any adventurer, tamer, merchant, and even public relations. The stress of war would breed a whole different generation full of hate.

Walker understood what Ribbolt was thinking and was also having his own silent prayers that war would be avoidable. If they could just find a peaceful resolution for the demons and the demi-humans maybe years of bad blood could be washed away. 

"Why would the demons send someone to poison the populace and curse them now? It seems too random." Laurence had made a good point, one well worth investigating more.

"That is what I have been wondering for a while. If they wanted to do something big against the kingdom to weaken them this would be it. But to what end?" Walker was not well traveled enough  to fully understand the relations all the kingdoms had, the only one he really knew was the demi-human and human kingdom. The Crystal kingdom and the Kingdom of Ordist had long shared trade, food from Ordist and manufactured goods from Crystal. This was a nice balance and they saw each other as equals. 

"I can lend some wisdom to this, long ago the demons played a trick on the tribes of the demi-humans to get some of their land. This made the demi-humans angry and they tried to fight the demons to get it back. As you can imagine it was a physical attacker against a magical attacker. The demi-humans suffered huge losses and the demons were in turn overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of the demi-humans. Both races nearly brought each other to extinction. The demons speak of a deal that the demi-humans made and went back on. This has fueled the conflict between the two for a long time. It doesn\'t help that both races are stubborn and prideful, it really makes things harder." Ribbolt had often dealt with the stress between the two nations,it was rare for tamers to need to travel in the land occupied by the demons but when they did it was very dangerous. He had gained quite a few wrinkles on his face trying to mediate some problems during the border crossings. 

"Walker, I think the real question you need to ask yourself at the moment is what will happen to the girl your party rescued? She is a demon right? If she stays here she will be treated just as poorly as in the demon\'s territory." Laurence brought up a good point, one that Walker was thinking about just now. 

"She has no home with the demons, and she can\'t make a home here. She may as well just come with us back to Diamond. My party has a huge mansion with plenty of space. Demons may rarely come to our kingdom but I can\'t say there is an overall hate like here. Maybe she will be able to find a good place for herself, I know some people who use light magic too." Walker was thinking that the girl would fit in at the cathedral, she may not necessarily be a healer but if she used light magic maybe she would be welcomed anyways. From what he remembered growing up people did not necessarily hate the demon race but the stories they heard had definitely put them off. This could be a good way to start a better relationship. If the demi-humans started a war with the demons it was safe to say that Walker\'s kingdom would end up involved in some way. He may be able to convince the king to act as a stopgap between the two and clear things up. Walker\'s mind was flooded with all these things he had never once been part of, it was overwhelming. 

"Then i recommend you all head out soon, with today\'s incident i am sure things will escalate here, you are all bound to be dragged in to more drama the longer you stay. You\'ve already seen the King\'s sly tricks with his tournament. You didn\'t think it was actually a tradition did you?" Walker had wondered but in the end just went with the flow. 

"I did think it was too convenient, but it was a good way for us to build up some respect with the kingdom as a whole. I hope it worked, We will need as much respect and credibility as possible if we get involved even more than we are now." Things may not be rushed in to war any second because the political aspect of leaders would drag things out, but that did not change the amount of pressure Walker felt. He, like most people did not want to see anyone hurt or die, no matter the race and kingdom. "I\'m going to head over to where everyone else is, we told Scylla that we would gather some information from the girl to give here, once that is done we can get ready for the journey back. 

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