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Chapter 198 - 198. On Their Way

Once Maria had fallen asleep again, Remey and Su volunteered to ask around the guild to gather some winter clothing for her. Gil and Walker prepared some food for everyone since Midnight had started to hound them about being hungry, to appease her Walker gave her ten of the darkness crystals he still had stored away. Through the journey she had eaten about half of them. He wasn\'t sure how much it was influencing her growth but for good measure he pulled out some of the bones he kept for her to eat as well. Getting her scales and defenses stronger was definitely an all around benefit to the party, plus it might hello her fly sooner. Having realized that she had yet to practice flapping her wings he had Onyx go outside with her and practice for a bit. This also got her off his case wanting more crystals.

"So with us leaving tomorrow we will need to meet with someone to take the letter to our kingdom. We also will give them our documents, it will most likely generate a quest so we should have some good motivation to get back faster. My plan is to move in a straight line, we have a lot to do if we are going to be strong enough to potentially stop a war." Gil was not surprised by Walker\'s ideals at all.

"I knew you would want to get involved. If we are going to do anything like that I think we should get that heroic leveling system unlocked. We are all level fourteen but for Midnight so if we really push four of us can figure it out. From there we can help Midnight get there too; it just might take longer. Onyx will have a tough time though he doesn\'t have a title like us." Gil felt bad that Onyx was limited by his normal experience rate, but they couldn\'t force a title to show up to multiply his experience from battles. 

"Agreed, it will be the priority. We still have a little of those golden potions left, Midnight or Onyx can use them to catch up. I want to get our gear upgraded too, Su needs shields, you could use some better light armor, Remey needs new boots no matter how she will say she doesn\'t, and in all honesty I think I should get more variety of weapons. I need to do some serious training to enhance my style of battle, I am falling behind on using my skills to their fullest." Walker knew he would soon become a weak link if he let things keep getting too far behind. He also had remembered that he promised a certain someone he would work on his light magic Manipulation. If he did not hold up his promise he would embarrass himself.

Gil agreed on all counts, they did need these things. "I think we should do as many quests on our route home as possible. We should also try and hunt down more monsters. We are used to the snow imps and their strategies. They seem very common and troublesome, getting rid of more will only benefit more travelers." 

"Sounds good to me." with their short talk Walker had confirmed his course of action. Once Su and Remey were back they gave Midnight and Onyx a shout to come back in. Midnight rushed in like she had never eaten food in her life. They all ate making sure to save some for Maria who woke up shortly after they had started to clean up. Seeing the food Maria had another emotional moment since she had often been fed scraps or told to root through the trash. This was indeed too much for her heart to take. She passed back out soon after eating, obviously needing the rest. Walker used a few more light heal spells to try and make sure she was fully healed but found he was worrying for nothing as she was fully healed physically.

With an early dinner done the party took a much needed rest making sure they would be early to rise.

Luckily Walker was woken up by Remey who had asked a nice tamer who trained bats to wake her up at the end of their training. The two woke everyone else up and helped Maria in to fluffy green robes they had gotten from a tamer who\'s daughter had long grown out of them. With all of them looking ready to brave the cold they left the resting quarters, Laurence, Riley, and Stella were already waiting for them. 

"Well good morning, I am glad we could see you three before we left. It\'s going to be a bit more lonely without all of you." With Walker\'s words Elise started to hug each one of them goodbye even stopping to say a short goodbye to Maria. 

"It was fun." Riley was as much a talker now as he was before, however Walker could see a strange energy in his eyes. One could say Riley was giving off a wild aura of his own, a definite result of his training these past few days.

"Ribbolt was awake all night making these," Laurence handed each of them a small metal insignia. The tamers guild insignia attached perfectly to their adventures guild plaques. "You are from now and forever recognized as honorary members of our guild. If you are ever in need or require a place to rest you will be welcome in any one of our headquarters." This was a very touching gesture, one that made all of their hearts more full. "Also here are the bronze dragon scales that were promised to you." Laurence motioned to a larger crate on the ground. Walker knew better than ti try and lift it instead he just stored it away. These scales were much larger than the ones they had gotten from Midnight\'s dragon den or shedding. The difference in age and growth had a major influence on how the items crafted from them would come out. 

"It was really a pleasure traveling with all of you" Walker gave Laurence one last handshake.

"You as well, safe travels." Laurence knew he didn\'t need any more words, they all knew how great their journey had been. They would always cherish the memories and looked forward to venturing to Diamond city again so they could visit. 

Leaving through the lowered fence Walker nearly bumped into the larger gorilla trait guard, he had been standing right in their path.There were only four guards, the larger one Walker had almost bumped in to gave them a nod to follow them. This didn\'t seem like a form of goodbye escort but more of a way to show them where to go. The four guards took their sides and headed towards the large gate in the front, being so early the sun had barely managed to light the area. The silhouette of a very familiar general came in to view waiting for them at the large gate.

"I am glad to see you all well, Unfortunately king Rorick is too occupied at the moment with the recent capture of a national criminal." Scylla stood with her fan in front of her face staring down the parity as if she was going to start another tournament. " I\'ve brought the letters we would like you to deliver, I trust you have something for me as well to deliver?" 

 Walker quickly pulled the papers Gil and Remey had put together from speaking to Maria. Scylla took them with one hand, letting them fall in to her sleeve and seemingly disappear. This strange sight stopped Walker for only a moment, She gave him an amused look before speaking again.

"That little package is also for you, King Rorick said he enjoyed testing the swords you brought with him and thought to return the favor. He also wishes for you to improve your skills and show him what you\'ve learned the next time you all return here." She was gesturing to a bundle of wrapped items. There were two thin swords much like the two Walker had used in the tournament. However they held a strange aura to them. Using his all around appraisal skill Walker gave them a once over,

\'Twin blitz sabers

+6atk, +6agi

When skills are used that require dual wielded blades the speed of the user is increased by an additional 2 points.\' 

These were beautifully made swords that seemed to beg to be held in balance, Walker had never felt the need to use two swords at once this much. The look on his face was almost a mirror to the look on King Rorick\'s face when he had seen the sword they gifted him. This made Walker seriously reconsider using magic so heavily.

Looking back down at the remaining bundle of cloth, there sic gold pins in the shape of a lion\'s head. Each radiated a slight golden glow, Scylla had noticed his gaze drawn to the pins. " Those are similar to the travel medals your king gave you. We would never tattoo outsiders with a mark but for those that have done out city great good we created these. Any demi-human that is part of any tribe, faction, pack, you name it will know that you are backed by our king." 

With the most sincerity and thankfulness he could muster, "This is an honor, we never expected something so amazing." 

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