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Chapter 254 - 254. Mystery Bidder

"I do not think they would discount something that can be used to craft. It would make the value of the other materials they sell later seem too high or too low. The price is based on rarity." Su chimed in sharing her own opinion. The logic was sound and no one had any reason to argue. Gil thought on this himself and came to the same conclusion. 

"Number thirteen four thousand gold!" There was a wave of whispers, the high bid from the start had unsettled everyone. This high of a bid on something like this was completely uncalled for.

"Who just bid so much on our greater ice imp bones.?" Walker was leaving almost over the railing looking for this number thirteen bidder. The others were also right next to him trying to get a look at who was willing to bid so much at once. They had only expected the total to hit two thousand gold if they were lucky but this bidder had blown that out of the water.

"To the left there in the white robe, he is hiding his face." The high priest was similarly intrigued. Out of the corner of his eye he had seen that this man raised his number card then lowered it very fast to keep attention away from him. 

The party locked in on the man who was keeping all of his features hidden very well, not a single one of them thought they would be able to do anything if they wanted to talk to him later. "Walker, can you get an appraisal on him from up here?" Gil was similarly interested in who this person was. 

"Let me give it a try, we should thank him after he stays around. His bid is very out of the ordinary." Walker looked carefully and tried his all around appraisal skill.

\'Target distance is too great, some information is unable to be discerned.



Golem builder system


"The distance is too far to get much but his name is Grey and he had a golem builder system." Walker wished he could get closer but if he went downstairs he could risk bidding on something else. Not to mention he did not have enough reason to pry in to this person;s business.

"Golem builder? That is usually a dwarven system right leader?" Su could swear she had seen this in a book once. 

"Yes, I think one of the forging books in the library has a chapter about the kind of system that can create golems. They are one of the biggest forces in the dwarven army. What would one be doing here." Walker\'s question would go unanswered since the auctioneer had already pronounced the item sold and the next item was being brought out.

"The next item we have is just as rare as the last. We have the shed skin of a steel worm! These monsters live in mountains consuming various metal ores to create stronger and stronger skins. When they grow a stronger one they shed the outer layer of skin leaving it behind. This material is tough like metal but flexible like leather, only the best blacksmiths can form it in to a good armor! The starting price will be four hundred gold!" Remey had shot up in her chair hearing the properties this material had. 

"Walker, get that for my new armor, it\'s perfect." 

"I was just thinking the same thing." Walker had his eyes glued to the forty foot long silver steel like skin. It took ten attendants to bring it on to the stage due to the large size of it alone. They were quick to show that they could bend and twist the skin easily but also could not pierce it with a simple knife. With any of the bidders\' doubts taken away, a decent amount of attention was drawn to it. 

"This is just a theory, but if that man that just bought out bones has a dwraven system, do you think he is selling this skin?" Su broke the thoughts and kept Walker from making the first bid. 

"This would be too much of a coincidence if it wasn\'t true." Walker echoed her thoughts before he prepared to place his bid.

"Number three one thousand gold!"

Walker waited a second seeing that there were four other bidders that looked to be about to bid then held up his sign with three fingers. "Number seven three thousand gold!" The bidders were hit again with a wave of whispers, another crazy bid right after the other. The man in the white robes shuffled a bit as they glanced up towards the balcony. Walker looked down at him with a smile on his face. He could not see the white robed man\'s face but could tell that his look had been seen. With a little luck he may be able to talk to this man later.

"Going once, going twice, sold for three thousand gold to number seven. Congratulations!" Walker was happy with his purchase but Remey was a little less happy now. 

"You didn\'t really need to spend such a crazy amount on me you know." She huffed a little but Gil knew she was happy to have her own unique material for armor. 

"Well he needed to make sure our brawler would be well protected right? Can\'t fault our leader for doing his best." Remey\'s face grew red when Gil said this, so much so that she got up and grabbed some water farther away from where they were all sitting. Gil had scared her away a little. 

"I also think I want to try to talk to that golem builder. I may have something he is interested in." Walker had a mischievous smile himself. The gears were turning in his head, he happened to have three golem cores and nothing to do with them. 

The others gave him a look but the high priest seemed to catch on that he was looking to build another connection. This young boy was starting to catch on to the real reason these VIP auctions were held. 

"The next item we have is much more unique. There was an adventure group that was out by the sea and was lucky to find a dual elemental crystal growing out of the side of the sea cliffs. The light element and the water element are perfectly balanced in this high crustal and normal crystals. The fifteen dual elemental crystals and the one high dual elemental crystals will start at a price of three thousand gold!."

This was the item that Markus Raven had told them about, they would want to bid on it to try and make it theirs. They did not have much use for the dual elemental crystals but that was not the biggest deal. If they could procure it then they would be able to hold on to it for when they needed it. The light element and the water element were not Walker\'s strongest elements but one day he would need them to be up to par with his fire element and earth element.

"I will bid on this one, if I can get it maybe I will have to find other crystals to work toward a new staff with all the elements affinities." Walker was talking to himself but everyone around thought it was a good Idea. 

"If you are able to get the dual and high elemental crystals for such a staff I believe that you will have a very good weapon leader." Su was right there to support this. She had seen what the elemental magics had the possibility to do and could only see merit in having a staff that was aligned for every element. 

"Do what you want, I have what i need." Remey was still in a happy zone after getting the steel worm skin for her armor so she would not have any opinion on what the others wanted.

"Go for it, I think it is a good goal to have for our only magic attacker." Gil also had no qualms with this. They had the gold and Walker should have a staff that would make use of all the elements. If he used his current staff to use light spells it could be harder for him since they were opposite elements. So far it had not been a problem but if Walker learned stringer spells the fine tuning that was needed may be disrupted.

"Good luck, this bidding war will be very tough, many will want those crystals." The high priest had nothing to say on what they bid on but he already knew that any of the bidders there today were there just to fight over this one item. The adventurers that had found these crystals had gone right to the auction house and after dropping them off spread the rumors about them to every high class individual they could.



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