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Chapter 270 - 270. Real Understanding

The user can combine multiple elements to create different effect s and spells through experimentation. The strength of the spell created varies on the u understanding of the elements used to create it. The amount of mana depends on the elemental mana taken and forced to balance within the spells.\' 

Walker read this slowly and carefully once he had opened his eyes. He had not realized that the skill he had been using to fuse elements had been locked to a degree because of his small understanding of how the elements all worked together. 

With his new knowledge on how the elements could work together naturally he had some ideas of how to use the spells he had more efficiently. He also had an idea of how he would create some new elemental spells to use in the deep sun hollow forest. But first he planned to start with the basics, single elemental manipulations to understand and change the way he thought about each one. Then he would start to combine them in to new spells and work his way up to a proper understanding of the strongest combinations using the most elements. 

The door behind him opened suddenly, "See I told you he would have beaten us outside! He\'s excited to go see Alice." Gil was stepping out of the mansion a smug smile on his face. 

Walker looked around realizing that the Su had already risen well above the horizon and was shining brightly in the garden. He had been awake all night. "Oh…" He had nothing else to react to other than the mental kicks he was giving himself at the fact that he would now be going off to the cathedral tired. "Let me go grab the books for Alice then we can head put." He stood up stretching his legs slowly due to their stiffness. 

As he walked off he could hear Remey whispering, "I think he sat out here all night. We might need to talk to him about his feelings for Alice." Walker had no reaction to this and kept on his way. He would make sure remey was working extra hard today to heal those that needed it. 

The old man was equally late having spent his night toiling away with the last vial of the oozing vine sap. He had a medium sized bag full of health potions with different concentrations to use at the cathedral. He had cleared space in his journal completely devoted to these experiments. If he was able to find the closest measurement today then he would be one step closer to a major breakthrough for every alchemist. With his potions secured he found everyone but Walker standing at the front gate of the mansion. "Where is your leader? Is he skipping out today?" Midnight was the one who answered with a huff and shake of her head.

"Sister says that Walker was feeling bad last night and spent his time meditating. She snuck up using her skills to make sure he was Ok." This was a surprise to the rest of them who never noticed Midnight leave the fireplace most of the time they spent in the dining hall. This just went to show how good Midnight was getting at sneaking up on people. She could even gather information unnoticed now!

"Well he will be cheered up as soon as he sees his friends face I am sure. Something about the kid makes me think he won\'t stay like that long." With his words Gil and Remey seemed to relax. Midnight and Onyx agreed and did not push the subject at all. Su ion the other hand still looked slightly worried and decided that she would keep an eye on Walker for the day.

Walker meanwhile found his way back to the group waiting for him. He had grabbed some bread to eat on the way from the kitchen and even snagged some coffee which his mother always had brewed. He was not much of a coffee drinker since it was an  ingredient that could make someone only temporarily more awake. However this situation called for it. 

The party saw his tired complexion and knew that he had definitely been awake all night. Remey felt bad for not staying with him but realized that he did not seem to be sulking while thinking on what had happened. In contrast he seemed more open and accepting than usual. The feeling around him was actually calming and tranquil. "I talked to you father, you win our bet. But don\'t expect me to be happy about it." Remey said this then took the lead of the group. 

Walker looked on happy to hear that Remey had accepted that they would be going to the cathedral often to help. He knew that she was not much of a healer but with her knowledge of herbs and potions she would be a valuable asset to have. If someone came in injured she could discern what potion or medicine may have the best effects to heal them. This was based off of years of watching a master alchemist at work. 

"Hey, what does it smell so smokey around here?" Gil was sniffing the air and looking around. The strong smell of smoke was all around them. Voices were becoming louder and louder until the scene of black smoke billowing in to the air was finally visible. 

Walker was the first running, he feared that the cathedral had somehow caught fire and was burning to the ground while he slowly walked over. The view of a destroyed building in ruins soon loomed in front of his. It was many streets before the cathedral but it was a large building that housed many of the carpenters in  the higher tier. There were those with water magic already putting out the small flames left but the amount of healers carrying back those with burns was too small. 

Walker turned around to see that everyone was behind him. Even the old man was moving at a much faster pace to catch up with the party. "We have a job to do. Get as many of the injured to the cathedral to heal. Then start to heal anyone you can or help in any way." Walker was already to move before he finished. The system had already recognized this as a massive emergency and sent out quests to those who could help in the area.

\'Emergency quest: Fire!

There had been a massive fire in the carpenters quarters of the high tier. The heroes are on their way and require all able bodied citizens to put in their strength. Stand as one and assist where you can.


Heal injured citizens

Transport injured citizens

Put out fires and hot coals

Keep citizens away from the danger


Experience points based on performance.\'

The system sent this quest to everyone within the vicinity. The party saw this and doubled their efforts. The system was using their hero titles to send more to help. This was exactly what needed to happen. The old man even received a special quest, something he had not seen in years. 

"Hahaha! There is no time to sit around idle is there? Me and my old bones are going to heal you all before you even get to the cathedral!" His energy was high while he started to pull the weakest concentration potions from his bag. He knew that these were the safest to use and would start with those that had minor wounds. He would leave the people with the most life threatening wounds to the experienced healers who could properly manage the situation.

Remey heard the old man jumping in to action and decided to start up her own rivalry. " You won\'t help as many as I do old man! Gil help me carry that man to the cathedral!" Remey grabbed Gil and brought him over to a man rating against a wall. His legs had been burned and he needed help to even move. The healers would need to be the ones that worked with him. 

Walker saw familiar faces of the priests in training mending small wounds and the younger healers starting in emergency healing. There were many guards around who had been carrying buckets of water as they approached. They had received the same quest and acted immediately. The quest had even reached their commander who mobilized every inactive guard to go assist, When fire broke out it was a massive undertaking. There was a great chance of it spreading if there was not action fast enough to keep it in check.

Walker saw that the smoke was blinding some people and using his elemental manipulation started a soft upward breeze. The smoke rose higher in to the air keeping away from the guards and healers vision. However with the smoke out of the way more injured became visible nearer to the smoldering ruins that had been the carpenters sleeping  quarters. There was much more left to do.




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