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Chapter 274 - 274. Heroic Party


Heal injured citizens

Transport injured citizens

Put out fires and hot coals

Keep citizens away from the danger


Walker- experience points with title multiplier reached level fifteen requirement additional experience points delegated to party members.

Gil- experience points with title multiplier reached level fifteen requirement additional experience points delegated to party members

Remey- experience points with title multiplier reached level fifteen requirement additional experience points delegated to party members

Su- experience points with title multiplier reached level fifteen requirement additional experience points delegated to party members

Midnight- experience points with title multiplier reached level fifteen requirement additional experience points delegated to party members

Onyx- received remaining experience from party members, calculations commencing.

Emergency quest: Fire complete.\' 

"Wait so how much experience did we get?" Remey was trying to make sense of these system explanations. However the more she looked the more she noticed that the system was not responding. 

"It said we reached level fifteen, so does that mean we are going to get the heroic leveling system? Leader, what was the quest again?" Su was also finding that her system would not respond to her. 

"Well we needed to get to the silver tier adventurer party which we did. We needed to get to level fifteen which we did before the system stopped responding. Then…Oh yea complete daily quests which we have been doing when the pop up. Last It was to become known as a heroic party. That one is the last one I think." He was staring at his system window without any reaction as well. Even Midnight and Onyx were waiting to see what was happening. 

Alice was looking at each of them completely lost. She had no idea what any of them were talking about. She reached out and tapped Onyx on the head giving him a nod. "Alice says that you are all considered heroes already. The nuns and healers were talking about it the second the emergency quest went out. She says that every person that visits the cathedral has gossiped about you lately as well." 

Alice nodded along with this, much to the surprise of everyone. "So we are pretty much already known in the kingdom as a heroic party? I figured for sure in the demi-human kingdom but I thought it would be harder here…" Gil was scratching his head trying to figure out if that would mean their titles quest would be complete.

\'System calculations have been completed.\'

"Oh, the system changed!" Remey jumped seeing that her system window changed to this small message. 

\'Titled quest completed: Heroic party


Silver tier adventurer party- completed

Daily quests- completed 

Known as a heroic party- completed and continuing

Party members reach level 15- completed.

Additional party member not included due to lack of hero title. 

Rewards: Unlocked 

100 exp multiplied to 1000 exp

Unlocked: System upgrade or title upgrade for certain party members

Unlocked: Heroic boost passive skill

+5 to all stats when in combat with other hero title holders

Unlocked: Heroic inspiration passive Skill

+5 to all stats to those assisting the hero title holder.\'

Before any of them could even start to process these things another message forced the system screen to change.

\'Congratulations the user has reached the proper requirements to unlock heroic leveling along with other benefits. The system maintenance shall begin. Please rest well user.\'

Walker looked around but had no chance to say anything, his eyes started to close and his mind faded to sleep. Alice was the only one awake with Onyx as the two were shocked. Alice jumped up and sprinted to where she knew the high priest would be. Before even another moment passed there were ten healers checking the party and moving them on to cots. 

"They all said something about a quest and now they are unconscious.." Onyx had told the high priest the situation, he was understandably worried and hovered over Walker. "If it was because of their system quest try not to worry too much. This might be a requirement of their quest."

"High priest, we have all evaluated the heroes and we have not found any illness. They seem to have full health and full mana now. There is no sign of poison or mental trauma. We did try to heal them but the system notified us that we were not able to use them as a target to heal. I believe this is something to do with the system and we can not influence it." The woman that spoke to him was one of the best healers in the cathedral. She was fully confident in her evaluation and had even been in a similar situation before.

"It has been some time since someone\'s system blocked a skill being used to heal. Do you think they are receiving the maintenance that some masters receive from the system when they make a massive breakthrough?" 

"Yes high priest, I believe it is the same maintenance that happens when someone acquires their master skill for their system." Alice\'s jaw dropped hearing this. They were still young yet they were experiencing something that only those who had studied for years would have happened to them. 

"Make sure you all return to resting. I will rest nearby with Alice and Onyx to watch over them. They are sure to wake up soon, let\'s move them to my private quarters first though. They will need peace to understand what ever is happening." 

With his orders set they assisted in moving them to the private quarters the high priest would use. The cots and the bed rolls were placed side by side. Midnight proved a challenge to move at first but with a few guards who were still around helping friends they were able to get her there. Alice sat down on the floor watching them intently. Onyx had coiled up on her lap fidgeting. She stroked his scales softly trying to ease his stress but they both could not shake the feeling. 

"You two need to rest as well, They will be fine. If they wake up and need us we will be right here." The high priest sat down on a couch taking a serious look at the party resting before him. He had heard many impossible things and even witnessed some of them. This was part of his life that would stand out over any other portion. He was witnessing a true piece of history right now. While he himself drifted off in to a nap the only though on his mind was what would the future bring?

Alice had taken up the spot next to Walker\'s cot with her head resting on it. She was half in to sleep and half out, her worry keeping her awake while she waited to see a sign of someone waking up. Onyx was still with her not even moving a muscle watching every one of them. The only sign that he was in fact alive was that he was breathing. 

"Mhhhuugg" Walker\'s arm shifted and he groaned. His eyes opened slowly causing Alice and Onyx to perk up immediately. The unfamiliar ceiling and silent space around him caused his eyebrows to scratch together, "Where…?" He turned his head to find Alice and Onyx right in his face wide eyed looking at him. 

Lifting his hand he rested it on Alice\'s head, "Sorry, I got really tired all of the sudden. Onyx, thanks for standing guard." His voice was still full of sleep but his body was waking up. His voice seemed to cause a chain reaction making the rest of the part to stir as well. 

Walker pushed himself up looking around finding that they were all in the same room. The high priest was asleep with his hand on his chin holding himself up. "We really put you two out here...Thank you." His voice was much quieter but Alice only replied with a shake of her head. 

"Ugh, why does my head feel like I have been slamming it against the walls." Remey was rubbing her temples as she rolled over and on to her feet. 

"Your head hurts? I feel like I have a weight on my chest." Gil was rubbing the spot on his chest. "My chest is only ever sore like this when I use too much mana, but I didn\'t use any while sleeping…" He was inspecting his body wondering what was going on.

"Everything looks funny…" Su was sitting up now too but she was looking right ahead at the others. There was a strange glint in her eyes. A golden glow almost. 

Midnight had roused herself as well. Her claws dug in to the floor as she flexed and shook herself out. She looked like she was uncomfortable in her own body. 

"What\'s going on?" Walker looked to the system for answers. 



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