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Chapter 289 - 289. Ideas

"Exactly, the two carpenters I hired happen to have a little daughter who unlocked her system and needs a little guidance. I figure that since they also need somewhere to stay they can just come to the mansion which will be their work site. We have plenty of space in the training field for them to use as a work space." He still was proud of his quick thinking to help someone and also move their comfort level ahead. 

"That does sound nice. But again, what system?" Su was a little less patient than usual since she was fairly tired from running around helping with the healing. 

"Oh, their daughter is a storm wielder. Or at least that\'s what the system is called. So far she can make a little storm in her hands but it could easily grow if left unchecked. I was thinking of introducing her to Ibis so he could help find a good mentor for her." The look of clarity came over Su\'s face. 

"She won\'t be able to practice much here in the city or even outside the walls. She will need to go out into the open areas of the kingdom, maybe even the plains." She was brainstorming out loud about the dangers such a system could have. 

"I am worried about that too, the storm she made in her hand was pushing back a little when I forced it to stay there. I doubt it can do much but make some small personal rain clouds now but when she levels up I think it could take over an entire area." Walker could only see now that the little girl could literally change the weather in to a terrifying storm. She would most likely be able to cause entire kingdoms to lock themselves down. 

"Did you see if they were interested in the military academy?" Su was thinking of faster ways for the girl to obtain structure but didn\'t look happy saying it out loud. 

"That was the first but I didn\'t think her parents would go for it since the military is too easy to manipulate by some high ranking nobles. Especially students at times." Walker nodded as he spoke. "Oh, and coincidentally her name is Gale, apparently she was born during a wind storm and got the name. Now she is a storm wielder. Funny right?" Su raised an eyebrow at the coincidence but didn\'t argue against it. It was very strange. 

Walker felt a slight weight on his shoulder and looked down. Alice had finally fallen in to sleep and was resting on his shoulder. Walker lowered his voice while he talked Su through the choices he had made when he told the carpenters what they would be building. She was excited by the idea of having more training dummies since she wanted to try and practice dodging around more opponents, even if they were dummies.

After some time the high priest started to show signs that he was waking up. His breathing became deeper and he mumbles slightly while opening his eyes. He was still not as energetic looking as he could have been but overall his health was in great condition. 

"So you went and used a skill like that and then ditched us to sit in awe?" Walker\'s greeting was a little rough but hearing these words the high priest allowed a little rose in to his cheeks. 

"Well if I couldn\'t trust you all to hold things together after that then why are you even here?" The sharp retort was on point and the two gave each other a look. 

"Congratulations on the mastery skill. It was a very amazing sight to see. Who knew a healing skill like that even existed." Walker was still entranced as he remembered the countless stars. 

"I couldn\'t believe it myself, the endless stars that flooded my mind when I started the chant was almost too much to bear. I did not expect the information flood to be so strong. There is a good reason it takes years to get a mastery skill. I was trying to adjust to it for...Well actually how long was I resting?" he realized that he had no sense of time right now. The high priest had been resting since he used the mastery skill and been in an unconscious position. 

"Just a few hours now. Alice was trying pretty hard to stay awake to wait for you but well…" Walker looked at her asleep on his shoulder still. "I am pretty sure you will be busy with everyone who wants to ask about your mastery skill or thank you for it. You\'re going to be the talk of the town." Walker laughed a little in the hope that some of the gossip may not be about his party. 

"Well if I am reading this right I can only use it once a month at the cost of all my mana. I will need to be careful with how I use it. If there is another accident like this and I wasted it then I will be letting many people down." This new stress fell on the high priest\'s shoulder heavily. Having a mastery skill was great, the feeling was one of the best due to the accomplishment. However there was also the added responsibility of using a mastery skill at the best time. Not to mention that his mastery skill was one with the potential to save many lives all at once. 

"For now you should just relax and rest. You said a month right? Just wait for your month and use it when the feeling is right. Who knows what will happen when people start to return from the horned rabbit outbreak." Walker figured taking the logical route might help the nest. 

The high priest appreciated this knowing that Walker was trying to keep him from his worries. However the high priest was not so foolish to believe that his position and the mastery skill would not be used by others as leverage somewhere. The church was very influential because of their healing beliefs in the kingdom. They were very different from most religions that worshiped gods or monsters. The fact that they solely held faith in the systems and the world was a bit different. They had been able to carve out an influential existence helping many injured every day. This had brought many people happiness and safety. 

"I think I will take your advice and go rest longer. I will leave Alice to you for a while longer. I would hate to wake her up when she seems to be sleeping so soundly." The high priest stood up with some help from Su while winking at Walker. 

"What is it with winking today.." he mumbled under his breath at the weird new trend of people trying to give him more meaning behind words.

Seeing the high priest leave Onyx, who had been with Midnight, slithered over and made a home in Walker\'s lap. "Brother I think we should start to head home soon. The nuns have been saying they will start to clean up and that they will be asking the guards to make tents in the square for some people to sleep." 

"We could try to help with that, but I think it would be best to bring out new guests home so they can find a room to rest in." He was torn over staying to help more and getting Gale\'s family to a place to rest themselves. When he looked at Su his mind had been made up though. "We will head home in a little bit since we all need some rest." 

With Walker\'s words directed at Su she gave a weak smile. She would gladly stay longer but if she pushed her body to it\'s limit she would end up causing more work than help. Seeing that Midnight had also been tired out by the children only enforced the fact that they needed to get to the mansion and settle themselves first. 

Su went over to Midnight and chatted with her about how she liked the babysitting job. Onyx joined them to translate clearly since he was also interested in what jobs she had taken through all the healing. 

Walker couldn\'t help but stare at Alice resting on his shoulder. There were many beautiful things he had seen but he could not compare a single one to her. This realization anchored itself within him before he even knew what had happened. The thought somehow seemed to cause Alice to stir. 






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