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Chapter 291 - 291. Proper Rest

Midnight was leading the way with Onyx on her back. The two seemed to be in their own world only moving for when there was someone in their way.  Su still was a little flushed but her better mood was easy to pick up on no matter how tired she had looked before. "I guess we will need to go back to the cathedral later. I will want to show off the new gear anyways." Walker tried to make it seem like he was the one who wanted to return and help first. 

"Well we have to go back again before we head out to the deep sun hollow forest. I think they will need our help a few more times before the family\'s can move in to a new building." Su had immediately jumped on this chance. Feeling that he had given her the right chance Walker was secretly praising himself. 

The tired feelings that had been building up since the start of the whole mess was starting to catch up to all of them. They may have rested but the lack of rest in a real bed was starting to get to them. Since they were both not up for a long conversation while they walked, Walker was looking at the system notifications only to find the new skill he had gained while passed out. 

He had exhausted his mana another time while at the cathedral adding to the man times he had done so. Due to this he had unlocked a skill and learned it automatically which made him happy.  He cringed however at the fact that it was so costly.

Spending four mana only to store one of them away sounded like a pretty big loss of he tried to store it while he was out on an adventure. But here in the kingdom he had a safer environment and could at least start. Since he was heading off to rest he decided to give it a try. 

\'4 mana consumed. 1 mana has been stored within the user\'s body. 

Mana stored:1\' 

The system notified him of this but he was less concerned with the notification and more of the feeling he was having. He drew in a sharp breath as the feeling of heat spread in his veins. He was using his very body to store more mana than he normally could have. This means that parts of his body would be pushed past their limits due to this skill. 

When he first read the skill he had been more excited and thought it would be so easy. However he was being proved wrong. He forgot that his body already normally has mana in it and he would be forcing a greater burden on top it. This had been why the system warned him about storing too much in his body. 

"What\'s wrong Walker?" The concern in Su\'s voice was plain to hear. She had dropped the normal leader from her expression for his actual name showing that she had been thrown off. 

"I just tested out a new skill and it is going to be harder to use than i expected. I got too excited and rushed in to it." Su was looking even more worried since she could clearly see that his skin was flushed and he had started to sweat a little. To her eyes he was running a small fever because of whatever he had just done. 

Walker on the other hand was breathing through the pain that came with storing one single mana and decided that there would be some restrictions placed on this skill. "I don\'t think I can really use this skill until I level up moreā€¦" He said this to calm Su down but also so that he could reinforce to himself that he needed to be careful. 

The remainder of the walk to the  mansion Su would glance at him constantly. She was only able to relax when the two reached the front door. The two had looked at the two opposite sides of the mansion. One was the forge which was billowing smoke as the wandering blacksmith made some new tools and adjustments. The next day they would be working to make some of the long awaited gear. Su was much more focused on it. 

"We can ask to work on your shields first. I know you  must feel naked without proper ones to carry around." It was only fair to feel um protected without your main source of attack and defense. Walker would feel the same way without a staff or other weapon in his inventory. 

Su responded with a nod that she would be waiting. The other side of the mansion where the alchemy lab was, was also billowing some yellowish smoke. The old master alchemist and Remey were hard at work. Her promise to improve and learn how to properly use her new system was being realized. 

It was not a lie to say that she had all the information and the theory but none of the practice. She had been limited for so long by her system. She had the ability to help teach but never really know the true feelings behind the things she said. Walker couldn\'t help but think that she would work herself to exhaustion. 

"He will make her rest at some point. You have seen how he treats her like his own family." Su knew Walker\'s thoughts at a glance and reassured him. Her words were very true. As much as the two of them had argued or bartered in front of him it was just too easy to see that the two of them have shared a bind stronger than just friends or mentor and student. 

"Besides Remey we also have Gil out hunting with his father. He better not try to push it to the deep woods before us to scout. I swear if he does I am going to hit him myself." Walker was sure Gil would be wise enough not to risk such a thing but he also knew that He was excited. This made Walker consider using Remey\'s form of punishment if Gil were to act up in such a way. 

The mansion was eerily quiet as they arrived but this was not worth focusing on. Midnight and Onyx had immediately made for the shortest route to their favorite napping place in the dining room. Not wanting to be left out Walker headed to his own room and found that Su was doing the same. They could find everyone later and hang out. 

With their tiredness taking the lead they four went to sleep. They were too tired to realize they had not really eaten at all the past two days. This became evident to them when the stomach acted as their wake up call in the morning. 

Walker could barely keep himself from rushing off to get food while he changed and got cleaned up after sleeping. The smell of some freshly made bacon and eggs had taken up the entirety of the mansion. With the scent on his mind and the only possible place for it to come from being the dining hall he broke off into his furious pursuit. 

The one who was sitting at the table eating their fill was Su, she had woken up just early enough to start her own breakfast and had made much more than was needed. "I thought you and Midnight would be hungry too so I made extra." Su said this as soon as she finished a mouthful of fluffy scrambled eggs. 

"You know I think you may be a saint." Walker said this remembering the conversation about the saint guardians. 

"Speaking of saints, I would definitely like to meet one of the saint guardians when they are back at the cathedral." Su had the same thought as he had said his words. The two would definitely be able to learn a lot from a group that was dedicated to protecting others. While Walker was interested in a blocking skill that also healed the user Su was more interested in their strategies when it came to defending. 

"If we are lucky they will be back after our journey to the deep sun hollow forest. But they are apparently protecting some small villages so who knows how long they will be." The duty the saint guardians had was one that did not sound easily left. With their meal finishing up and Midnight looking full of energy it was time to head to the forge to get a start on the gear.




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