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Chapter 315 - 315. Blinding Light

"My eyes!"

"Ugh, why didn\'t I expect this!" Walker was the last to cry out his frustration at the new blindness he had. He could have used his all around appraisal skill to see if this had a dangerous effect. He could have looked in to the light element which was used to do similar visual skills. He could have just not focused on the arrow so much. Sadly not a single one of them thought of this. 

The four of them were stunned and crawling on the ground completely blind for ten whole minutes. When their vision started to return they were still unsteady in their feet due to how blurry their eye sight was still. 

"Arrow we shouldn\'t use unless we absolutely have to and are completely prepared," Gil said this while looking at the fuzzy outline of the training dummy he had just shot. 

"Yup, wither spike arrow with light element should be treated very delicately…" Walker trailed off as he rubbed his eyes again and again trying to fix his sight. 

"That was the worst thing that we have ever tested. If you use one of those and don\'t warn me in the future I will beat you." Remey couldn\'t tell which outline was Gil but she still held the murderous intent in her voice. 

The three of them heard a muffled voice that was definitely the wandering blacksmith, "perfect arrow." The arrow had somehow made him deem it perfect. This was surprising to them since it had caused them so much distress. 

"Well, I guess it does work really well for blinding an enemy for a long time. I think we can use it at night to double the effect." Walker just went with it even though he was surprised with the wandering blacksmith\'s reaction. 

The group waited a little more time and soon found that their eyesight had returned to almost normal. "Since I can see better, want to use the last arrow?" Gil was looking at the fire elemental wither spike arrow in the wandering blacksmith\'s hand. 

"Sure, let me just stand back a little farther." Remey was not taking any chances after the last arrow had blinded her. He did not trust that the fire would stay contained in any form. 

"I am going to have my magic ready too, just in case." With Walker also being more careful Remey and he gave each other a knowing look. The wandering blacksmith was not phased at all and eagerly awaited the last elemental arrow to be let loose. 

Gil drew the arrow and aimed at the group of training dummies that now looked rather rough in comparison to how they did before the start. Some visible sparks were coming off the arrow head of the wither spike arrow. This was different from the other arrows and made Remey step backward more. 

Gil released the arrow and the sparks became embers until they hit the training dummy. The result was a burst of fire similar to when Walker\'s fire doll would be destroyed. However, the difference was that the flames burn ed longer from the arrow. The spot that the arrow struck was burned to black ash while the flames spread around the target in an area a few feet around it. 

The other training dummies caught fire as well since they were just wood and straw mostly. Walker was looking at the flames, "Well at least we know it wouldn\'t burst in to a massive wildfire immediately." This was the positive he saw in the whole situation. "But we are still not going to use it in the forest. The impact point completely turned to ash." His analysis was supported by everyone there. 

"That was one of the coolest though, you need to admit." Gil was smiling like a fool while looking at the dummies on fire. His theory for what would happen with the arrow was proven correct which really made his day. 

"Yes yes it was cool, bit do you know who will have to put this out?" Walker was about to make the point that he was going to have to use his grand elemental manipulation to put it out when he noticed that the wandering blacksmith was pointing at the sky. 

The rest of them looked up just in time to see the large grey cloud overtake the sun. The first drops of rain landed on their faces. Before they had even looked down it had begun to pour, they were all completely soaked. 

"I did not feel like taking a cold bath like this!" Remey yelled in protest as she ran towards the inside of the mansion where she knew there would be a fire burning. 

"I will get Midnight and Onyx, you will stay in the forge and keep working right?" Walker figured that Gil would be too excited to stop at the moment so he just assumed that he would keep making more arrows. His answer was simple, Gil ran towards the forge. Within a few seconds, Midnight left through the door and seemed to be enjoying the downpour of rain that helped to clean her scales. 

Onyx was a different story, he looked unhappy to leave the forge since the rain was cold. He watched as Walker and the wandering blacksmith came inside the forge. When Walker was inside Onyx wrapped himself around Walker\'s. "Want me to bring in some light elemental crystals inside for you?" Onyx did not need to answer, Walker could feel the desire through their bond. 

Walker stored a few crystals away before he p[repared to run through the rain to the inside of the mansion for his own dry clothes. The warmth of the forge fire looked to be enough for Gil and the wandering blacksmith. The two were focused on the arrows on the table. "Just remember to make some with the paralyzing poison from the horned rabbits. If you run out of mana or we don\'t want to use mana we will need another option." Walker headed out running to the mansion on that note. Gil and the wandering blacksmith just kept at work with only a small glance at the door. 

When Walker had finally gotten himself and Onyx dried off he found that Su and Remey were in the dining hall with Midnight. Midnight had curled up by the fire and Onyx did not miss the chance to head over and join her in the warmth. Ramey was describing Gil\'s new arrows to Su who was the only one that did not see him test them. 

He decided to join them and quickly passed the night. When dinner came the old master alchemist was missing since he was completely absorbed in his research of the journals left behind. Gil was surprisingly absent as well, the wandering blacksmith was naturally still out in the forge with Gil. The two missing dinner was not a major problem, but Walker did worry that Gil might not rest properly. 

Remey had left the dinner early so she could sleep a few hours before she needed to be awake to store the antidot potions in to the vials. They were one of the most important things the party needed for their trip. 

Walker noticed that Midnight had eaten much more than usual for dinner and that even Onyx had joined in. The entire time he could only think that the two were going to be much longer in the coming month. By the time they returned to the mansion they might just look to be different monsters all together. 

The rain beat on the windows throughout the entire night. This set the mood for a cozy night wrapped in the blankets and made way for a slow start in the morning. 

When Walker finally opened his eyes he noticed that the rain was still coming down outside. He wondered if everything was going to be alright with their travels and decided to see if Lisa had any ideas on water proofing some of their gear. They already had some water and wind proof winter gear but having some water proof shoes or even socks would make their travels that much more pleasant. The real question would be if Lisa was up to the challenge. Walker set off towards his sisters\' work room. 



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