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Chapter 319 - 319. Out In The Rain

The noise of him changing slowly woke Midnight who had a drowsy Onyx on her back. Well good morning to you two." His greeting was met with a small groan showing that they did not want to be up so early. "If you both sleep the morning away we will leave late and you two won\'t get to join everyone for breakfast." This perked Midnight up pretty fast. Walker knew that the motivation of food was the best motivation for her. 

The three traveled down to the dining room finding that there was a massive spread of breakfast foods. Bacon, apple pancakes, and even hash were piled high on plates. The smell was enough to make anyone\'s mouth water. 

"Quickly eat faster before Walker starts to steal it all." Gul was already hard a work making sure the mountain of food disappeared. Su paid no attention and instead was enjoying fruit salad and tea in as refined a manner as one could while wearing armor. 

"Your mother was up early with Lisa and Maria to make all of this. I tried to jump in but just got yelled at. So instead I made a few more light mana potions for us to bring. They are in the table over there." Remey pointed to a small box of vials. Remey had already made a decent amount of potions in practice but had now made even more to bring along. 

Walker had counted that they had twenty antidote potions, thirty health potions, and thirty five mana potions now. They were multiple tiers so that they could use the ones they needed at the right moment. 

Walker wanted to sit down and dig in but stored the potions away first. When he turned around he saw that the last of the bacon had just been scraped on to Midnight\'s plate and was being devoured. Walker fell to his knees defeated. 

After properly mourning the missed chance to eat bacon Walker and the rest of the party headed to Lisa\'s work room. "You can all take your gear, but for Midnight I have something special." Lisa ran to a chest up against the wall and pulled out a matching clack. It was strangely shaped and had a braided tie around the top. "I made this to help keep you dry too." 

Midnight let Lisa tie the cloak around her revealing that it tied around her neck and kept her entire back covered. The rain would roll off instead of sticking to her while they traveled. Midnight strutted around the room showing it off and testing ut out. After she had found that it did not stop her from moving and jumping she seemed even happier. 

With everyone geared up, they all let Lisa walk around and take a final check. There were small tweaks here and there but after a few moments, they had reaxched her standards. "You are all ready to go!" She stood there looking at the hard work completed. 

"We will all keep am eye out for anything we think might be useful for you while we are out. If we are lucky we will find so,e herbs that you can use as a natural fabric dye." this promise from Walker made Lisa even more excited for when the party would return. Midnight gave Lisa one last bump before the party headed toward the entrance of the mansion.

The party had said their goodbyes the night before and they were all ready to head out. The system was right on time with their departure and finally issued the quest from the king. 

\'Kingdom quest: Slime investigation

There are two locations on the continent facing a new peril. Two new species of slime have been found to be wreaking havoc on the environment. The Crystal kingdom\'s allies are investigating but are looking for assistance. A strange demon like character has been observed near the slimes in question. 


Investigate the cause of the new species of slimes in either the deep sun hollow forest or the dwarven mines.

Gather the slime bodies and cores for research

Find possible solutions to prevent further damage



Gift from the king of the Crystal kingdom\'

This notification made the entire party feel the full weight of their new quest. They had not received a quest titled; kingdom quest before, having one now made it feel like the quest was much more important than any of the others previously. 

The party made their way out in to the soft drizzle, the streets were almost abandoned due to the poor weather they were having. The rain was one thing that would keep people inside and close to the fireplace. Many outdoor jobs would not be able to work due to the more dangerous conditions. This was evident when the party saw the structure of the carpenter\'s quarters being built. It was obvious that the heavy rain from the day before had slowed the projects. 

"Walker as soon as we leave through the gate we should take a quest to hunt something. I want you to try and learn my combo skill before we get in to the forest." Remey knew that this would be easier said than done because most of the minsters and animals would be hiding where it was warm. 

"Awe so that means no flame newts to hunt as targets…" Gil looked sad. He had hopes that he would be able to test his long range sniping against the smallest flame newts sun bathing. Sadly he would not have the chance because the sun was not looking to be able to peal out from behind the grey clouds in the least. 

"I don\'t know why you all seem to be so unhappy with the rain. We will be able to fight against the wide mouth tree frogs." Su had been fairly quiet while thinking on the new strategies Walker would be able to use when he learned the combo skill. However, when she heard that they were worried they wouldn\'t be able to train on the way she had to speak up. 

"Not sure how I feel about having to fight against slimy frogs." Remey was not the happiest to hear this but everyone else seemed to have no problem. 

"They aren\'t slimy." Su gave Remey a look while she explained "The wide mouthed frogs are just that. Frogs with very wide mouths that can use their long tongue to grab prey and swallow them whole. They usually go after the grey haired spiders after it rains. This weather is their ideal hunting conditions because they can find the grey haired spiders that get flushed out of their dens after the rain." Su had done a lot of reading up in her free ti,e to make sure she was prepared for the adventure. The fact that she had even taken weather in to account was impressive. 

"Wait, if I remember right they can be used in a lot of different gear because of their skin having elastic qualities." Gil had heard this as a child from a neighbor farmer who used it for some repairs.

"I wonder what we could use it for…" Walker started to ponder this as Su spoke back up. 

"I also read that the meat is considered a delicacy. Apparently, it tastes like a higher quality chicken." This got Midnight\'s attention. She started to look about and focus on where the party was walking. Since they were approaching the gate it was the perfect tie to sharpen their sense. 

The party passed through the gate with a wave and some see you later shouts from the guards. They recognized the identifications of the party and were happy to see them off. Many of the guards had either known Walker or had heard of the recent endeavors. Feeling a little more motivated at the happy send off the party got in to formation with Su at the lead. Walker was on the same side as Remey so that he could properly observe the combo skill he would be trying to learn. It was going to be a harsh day but hopefully very worthwhile. "Gil if you see any wide mouth frogs let me know, I will take the first one." Remey brandished her knuckles in excitement. 




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