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Chapter 376 - 376. Fusion Skills

He made the wind halo wrap around the earth arrow and even created another to wrap around it as well. He felt the strain and draw on his mana and mind. This was his absolute limit at the moment. He had wanted to create a third wind halo but if he did he wouldn\'t be able to control the wind and it would break. 

In an instant, he released the arrow and the wind halo spells pushed it forward at an extremely high speed. The earth arrow moved faster than their eyes could follow and pierced directly through the wooden dummy. It sped still in to the solid vine wall burying itself nearly hallways. Walker\'s jaw dropped at the fusion spell he had used.

\'The fusion skill has been taken from the sand mage system. The fusion skill stone piercing arrow has been automatically learned. 

Stone piercing arrow- 8 mana cost

The user creates a condensed stone arrow out of nearby earth and fuses it with strong wind currents. The arrow can be aimed and fired at high speeds while being propelled by the wind. The user can increase the speed and density of the arrow with applicable wind and earth elemental skills.\'

Walker was feeling his victory. He had used this combination what felt like ages ago. Now he had a fusion skill that was slow to prepare, but very powerful. What was better was the fact that he had been able to gain another skill this time of the wind element. He could feel that his elemental spells were starting to balance out. 

"What skill is that!?" One taller earth mage pushed through the group of mages and walked right up to Walker we was still staring at the aftermath of his skill. 

He focused on the tall earth mage and grew more excited. "It\'s called stone piercing arrow! I fused the wind halo with my high earth sculpting skill and with a lot of mana and force I managed to make it. I almost tried to add fire elemental mana or water elemental mana, but I have no idea how well they would fuse with the earth. I am also not strong enough mana or mentally to do that yet. The only thing I can do with three elements is make lightning. But the two times I did it, I couldn\'t control it or gain a skill." 

The mages were stunned yet again. This human had just admitted that they were going to add more elements in to the fusion spell when he was stronger. Not to mention they had created lightning. Their brains felt like they were full of slowmovinge slime. "May I ask...How many elements can you control?" The earth mage was afraid to ask, he had the worry that he was about to hear another crazy thing. 

"I can manipulate all of the, with my grand elemental manipulation skill. It makes it easier to manipulate them so I can learn skills much faster." With those words said most of the eavesdropping mages started to approach him. They were still silent, but their faces showed their desired to learn everything they possibly could.

We have plenty of mana potions. Feel like demonstrating a few more skills for research?" The earth mage was ecstatictoi hear they had skills they could research. Alma saw the looks from all the mages and called for one of the nearby young mages. "Please set up some more wooden dummies. I have a feeling there will be a lot of spells used." The young mage rushed off and started the task. 

While Walker was bombarded by questions and asked for meanings between skills the wooden dummies were set up. When they were finished Alma joined in and got everyone focused. "Now please don\'t be too hard on our guest. I am sure he only wants to show off a few skills. Let him choose. Here is a mana potion." She handed Walker a mana potion and let him breathe for a moment.

"Thank you. I was running low on mana after making that skill. Let\'s do a fusion skill. I have a fireball that uses darkness elemental mana and a little light elemental mana. The best part is it is technically using three elements but it just pulls in the elements from the air and doesn\'t use as much of my mana." 

Walker used his firebolt skill first and shot it as a dummy. The fire mages were happy to see the basic skill but were wondering how it was going to change. Walker smiled and created a fireball in his hand. It was much easier with the condensed fire elemental mana. He used his black flame skill and the fireball turned in to a darkness elemental manipulated fire ball. 

"You can balance the light and dark elements in the fire!" There was one mage that wore dark clothing and was standing the farthest from the mage wearing pure white.

"I told you it was possible. But noooo you and you just didn\'t want to put the effort in to balancing them." The mage from the fire side looked at the white and dark clothed mages and gave them a knowing look. Walker nearly lost his cool and laughed. Instead, he threw the fireball in an effort to distract from the laughter starting to break out on his face. 

The fireball caused the dummy to break in to a black flame. It slowly ate away at it until it went out leaving a slight rotting effect. The three mages that had been glaring at each other now looked inspired instead of annoyed. Walker was willing to bet they would be trying to replicate this flame after he left.

"Oh, then this is a newer skill to me." Walker created his frost whip then activated the frost ring skill. The water mages were very happy to see this and even a few started to copy him to create similar water whips. 

Using the fire elemental mana Walker felt he could make a flame doll without fuel. He still directed the skill at the wooden dummies just in case. The flame doll copy he started to mold from fire elemental mana was similar to Alma but lacked details. "This is a flame doll. It can take basic orders and survives as long as it has fuel. When it is beaten it explodes to stun an enemy. Please go and keep Alma company." Walker directed the flame doll to stand next to Alma. 

He was wracking his brain with more to show off. He proceeded to use the different light orbs and more of the high earth manipulation skill. He knew he had some other skills like mana shot and some dangerous skills like mana desolation, but he didn\'t see the point in using them since they weren\'t elemental skills.

Walker was caught up in the exclamations from the mages that he barely ran himself dry on mana again. He took another mana potion from Alma and sat back down. This was when the mage in white robes approached him. "Have you ever thought about condensing the light elemental mana in to a solid form?" 

This question was a little off to Walker since he had not yet been able to do such a thing. "I didn\'t really think it would work that way. Is there a way to do that?"

The mage smiled brightly, he wanted to teach their guest something since they had been making him show off for the entire time."This spell is called light blade. It condenses the light element to its highest solid state and can leave a cut on the soul of an enemy. The physical damage is always small. But you will directly damage their mana reserves. This can end a fight with a mage much faster."

That skill is very similar to darkness elemental skills like dark spear which can cause decay to the physical body." 

Walker heard the darkness elemental mage join in and saw a new fusion skill formin in his mind, he did not hesitate to speak. "What if we fused the two skills? We could cause decay to the body and mana bleeding to the soul. It would be very hard for large tough opponents."




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