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Chapter 383 - 383. Unique Item

Walker wanted to respond with a thank you and surprise since he didn\'t expect that Alma would have such a skill. But it made sense that she would be able to channel the natural mana in some form due to her ability to manipulate and grow plants in the environment around her. 

With her additional assistance, Walker could feel that he was able to shape the inside of the crystal ball in a much more efficient manner. The natural mana added to his own was a much better at changing the shape of the earth elemental mana than the mana produced by his body. 

The crystal ball slowly gained a bubble in the center and appeared to gain cracks. Walker already knew that these were the passage ways he needed for the elemental manas to flow. "Please add the darkness and light elemental manas." His cue made the dark and light mage act. They held the same intense focus as they added mana.

Walker felt more push back since the crystal didn\'t want to allow more mana in to it and tried to resist. But Walker felt this happening and utilized his high earth sculpting to hold back the earth elemental mana. This made the crystal ball able to take in the darkness and light manas.

The color of the crystal slowly changed and before Walker knew it the light and dark mages removed their hands. Without their guidance, Walker now had three different elemental manas to deal with. He knew the crystal mage had just had the earth elemental mana submit and fuse, but he had a different idea. 

Since he could manipulate all three of the elemental manas he decided to make them fuse in harmony. His mana was pushed back yet again since the strain of controlling three different elemental manas was more than he had ever attempted. But with Alma backing him up, it started to bend to his will.

The three elements started to bond little by little until the crystal changed in to a sparkling tan color. There were multiple shades of dark and light tan blending like shadows and sun on the sand. This was the ideal bond Walker had wanted to make and as soon as he felt them balance and work together within the crystal ball he let out his own held breath. 

\'The skill crystal crafting has been learned due to user actions. The skill crystal crafting has been taken from the crystal shaper system.

Crystal crafting-mana user action dependent

The user can more easily shape crystals with earth magic skills. The user will be able to more easily infuse elemental mana in to any crystal based item they create. The amount of mana used is dependent on the other skill used in tandem with the crustal crafting skill.\'

Walker felt that the effort had all been worth it reading this skill. It was a very general sounding skill but held a lot of promise for his future weapon making endeavors. His gaze then lay on his crystal ball, the differences in his and the crystal mages\' were striking. He had not expected such an ideal result in his first attempt.

"Thank you, Alma, you two as well. The three of us working on the crystal ball gave us an amazing result." Walker was happier than ever as he used his all around appraisal to check out the crystal ball.

\' Moldable crystal ball

This item does not add any benefit to any stat. This crystal ball houses three elements: earth, darkness, light. Due to the creator successfully bonding three elements the crystal ball can be manipulated by earth shaping skills. The crystal ball can display skills with light and darkness elements. This item is mana bonded to the true hero Walker. No other can wield this item. This crystal ball can be used with a unique fusion skill.\'

"The appraisal says it can be used with a unique fusion skill!" Walker\'s shout brought enthusiasm to the mages. They started to ramble on about their accomplishments and learning abilities. They appeared to be entranced by the crystal ball that had been created.

"Of course we make a crystal ball and they are different. Congratulations sir hero, you definitely learned one of my skills." The crystal mage had seen the change in the mana and realized that having a better understanding of the earth element would have given him the same result as the dark and light mages. He just needed to train a little more.

"Thank you so much for your help. But now we need to see how to change the shape of the crystal ball." Walker was worried about this part and wanted to see if the crystal mage could demonstrate.

"Changing the shape is easy. If I want to make a spear like the dark spear I just use my earth shaping and slowly change it."The crystal mage started to pour mana into the crystal ball that he had created. The shape changed slowly in to a spear shape. The mana inside stayed the same but now spread throughout the entire crystal spear. Walker jumped to his own and started to try and change the shape. He was about to use his mana when he realized he had no idea what the best shape would be for the crystal to take when being used for a unique item\'s fusion skill.




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