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Chapter 442 - 442. No Running

"It took years upon years upon years to grow some of these plants. There are some that only bloom or give fruit after seventy or a hundred years." Trish may have known the danger but she answered honestly without fail.

"Then we cant just do something to destroy them all at once. We will need to try and sneak by. The problem is that the enforcers are retreating this way and drawing that mutated moth here." Walker feared that they would not be fast enough to avoid the tri tailed moth which would most certainly attack them along with the enforcers trying to hold it off.

"Silent shot," Wade spoke and joined them as soon as he reached the ground as well. He had trailed the rear in case any other azure butterflies made their way near them. "The silent shot skill can pick them off but we will need to start with the farther away targets first." 

The plan was to systematically take out as many as possible to reduce the risk. The azure butterflies were only the size of a large serving platter, but their water elemental attacks could not be underestimated. Especially when the group could see ten around them at once. 

"A few look to have moved on when we came down here. I think the smell has worked for us a little." Trish was hopeful that this was the reason for a few moving away to a farther distance. It was even more surprising that the group was still unnoticed. 

Midnight had activated her shadow wrapping skill while she supported the majority of Remy\'s weight. This made it much harder for Remey to be spotted along with Midnight. It was a very smart move for her to use against the azure butterflies in the darkness of the night.

Walker saw that Su and Trish would be completely caught up with helping to move Remeyalong with Midnight. This made it very hard to make a speedy retreat but much easier to hide them if Walker could get a distraction going to create time for him to make an earth bunker.

After pondering the plans Walker decided to try and slowly manipulate the earth under them to make a bunker while Gil and Wade used silent shot skill to snipe the farthest azure butterflies. This would clear the area slowly and prepare them for more azure butterflies arriving and even for the tri tailed moth which was following the incoming enforcers.

"Gil, snipe some of the azure butterflies with Wade while I prepare a place to hide. When the enforcers get closer they can hide with us when I make the earth move. You will need to have a light elemental arrow ready to blind them when I give the signal." Walker placed both hands deep in to the first and slowly used his mana to manipulate the earth.

He was imagining the towers of the castle corners. They were made of sturdy stone and easily protected. His main goal in using this as inspiration was due to the fact that it had small windows created for the exact reason of firing arrows and spells. With a structure like this, the enforcer could still attack and slowly pick off the azure butterflies. 

Walker was still not sure how he would go about defeating the tri tailed moth if it decided to continue the pursuit of the enforcers. The earth structure he was making should block the lightning but if it attacked any other way it might not hold up. There was also the questionable power of the lightning it had used before, they had no idea if it could break through an earth wall.

Wade didn\'t hesitate and silently fired arrow after arrow at the furthest azure butterflies. Gil watched his skill for a moment in awe. This was the pinnacle of the elves\' archers. Just watching for a few moments was enough to learn how to slightly adjust his aim and improve his own archery. 

Gil looked to the azure butterfly that was on a large purple flower and took aim. His arrow easily flew through the air without a sound. The moment it pierced the soft body of the butterfly Gil received the system notification of defeat. He smiled and kept up his skill while keeping a light elemental arrow Walker had handed him at the ready. He would aim for the most central azure butterfly so that he could blind as many as possible.

Walker was slowly changing the shape of the earth underneath them so that he could just make the small tower rise in an instant with a burst of mana. He made sure to change things slowly so that the shift of natural mana would not alert the nearby azure butterflies. 

While they prepared there was an increase in sound coming from the trees past the large garden. Walker could see the enforcers fighting in the distance and aiming their bows upwards toward a darker shape fluttering between branches. 

This shape was double the size of the twin tail moth from before and the three colors of tails he saw were red, green, and blue. This was definitely the source of the lighting from before and it was much closer than any of them wanted it to be. 

"We are almost out of time. Gil let Wade take over and prepare yourself. Su and Trish, let Onyx shrink himself and help Midnight. He had been on the other side of the tree hiding since we started to descend." Walker prepared himself to use a large amount of mana when the enforcers got to them.




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