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Chapter 458 - 458. Glowing Mole Battle

The sounds of scraping and scratching became louder along with small pebbles hitting the cave walls. Walker shivered at the sound of grinding crystals in the mole\'s mouth once it was closer. This was not the cracking and crushing that Midnight would make but a high pitched scraping. 

The smooshed pinch nose of the mole made its\' appearance while Walker looked in to the natural cave. Soon the rest of the head followed making Walker finally understand why it was known as the glowing mole. 

The mole had spots on its body that were devoid of fur and had a crystalline appearance. It was more like its fur had fallen out and its skin was reflecting the glow of naturally growing crystals. 

Walker did not miss the chance to use his all around appraisal skill before they attacked.

\' Glowing mole

The glowing mole has extremely tough claws to cut through stone. It is very slow but driven by press and crystals it wishes to eat. The glowing comes from the natural mana of crystals it consumes. The fur will fall out revealing its luminescent skin depending on the temperature. The more crystals it consumes the tougher its claws become. It is completely blind but is sensitive to light elemental mana due to living in the dark throughout its entire life.\'

Walker was surprised that it was still very sensitive to the light elemental mana. If it was blind he had thought that the lure orb must not affect it while he read the all around appraisal. Knowing that even a blind monster can sense a foreign mana that it was not used to was valuable information. 

Since Walker was holding the elemental mana crystals in one hand to help attract the mole and the moldable crystal ball in spear from he was completely caught waiting for the monster to come closer.

With a quick thought, he willed the lure orb to disappear, "Now!" Gil\'s eyes flashed open at his sudden shout and the wind elemental arrow pierced the space between them. 

The mole felt the sudden change in mana along with Walker fully activating the blade of night and day skill on the spear. The arrow and Walker\'s quick jab made it try to rush backward, but Remey was already coming forward with a defense breaking palm. 

The loud squeal from the mole spoke of the internal damage the attacks had done but it was not the end for the glowing mole. Instead, it was the start of its rage. Luckily Su was already in position, "Get your ugly dirt loving claws over here!" Su had become more colorful with her taunts which seemed to make the mole zero in on her more. 

The mole charged toward her and slashed out with its\' claws. Su had her shields together and blocked that attack. While the mole recoiled from the hit Midnight revealed herself and used her own claws to shred the moles\' back. This was the final straw and the mole started to flail in pain.

Midnight was flung away but managed to use her wings to slow her speed before she bumped in to the wall and jumped back up. This had made her royally angry and she took a deep breath. Before Walker could say anything Midnight released a jet of decaying flames that ate away at the moles\' wounds. The flailing was cut short as the mole lost its ability to move. 

Remey moved in and used her combo skill to deliver a series of punches with a final defense breaking palm. 

\'Glowing mole defeated 70 exp gained\'

The party looked at Midnight worried that she had been hurt. However, Midnight was prancing around in victory, She felt that the blood in her body was boiling and she could defeat any of the 

Monsters in the cave by herself. 

"Su, your plan was great." Gil was amazed by how smoothly the plan had gone. He could not have planned it better.

"Su hit her face behind her shield in embarrassment. She had been lucky to connect the dots and remember that Walker had the skill that could potentially affect the mole. 

"Onyx, are there any more vibrations?" Walker wanted to make sure that there was nothing more in the natural cave. 

The party snapped back to attention with all eyes on Onyx. Gil realized that he had started to celebrate too early, the same was said of Midnight. The seconds ticked by and Onyx did his best to feel any vibration no matter how small. "No brother, there is nothing moving that I can sense."

The collective sigh of the party made them all realize that it was now safer to speak. "I am going to store the body. Should I close up the natural cave now?" Walker wasn\'t sure if they had any reason to leave the natural cave open for now. 

"We thought that it was bringing the crystals and ores down there to eat right? What if we collected some of them for Bree to start working on? It would be a nice bonus for here. I also think that if we brought it up to the surface it would make her brother come to visit as she wants." Su was already thinking ahead. Walker gave her a smile and readied the spear. 



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