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Chapter 483 - 483. Wind Fist

The elf pushed off the air and came down at Walker with a fist. This would have been strange if Walker did not realize that the fist had a wind elemental mana around it. When Walker dodged it the wind that came off of the elfs\' fist and landed on the nearby platform making a sharp cracking sound. 

Out of the corner of his eye, Walker saw that the wind from the elf\'s punch cause some pieces of the platform to shatter off. The fist itself may not appear to be dangerous but the wind elemental mana around it was the real danger. "You aren\'t the average wind strider system holder, are you?" Walker said this while lashing out with the frost whip to try and capture the elf and freeze them in place. 

"No sir hero, I am a wind brawler system user. I am a rare system holder that has the same skills as a wind strider but battle oriented." The elf replied while ducking under the whip and sending another punch at it. The whip was broken in half making Walker add more mana to try and build it. 

The elf believed that with the whip broken Walker was now at a disadvantage, he was wrong. As soon as the elf turned away from the whip Walker pulled it back towards him and managed to fire off a series of ice needles. This was added by the fact that Walker had been inspired by the assassination system user. 

Walker pulled out the almost never used throwing needles from his inventory and threw one at the elf. There was no skill with it but Walker knew that having the ice needles coming at his back and the thrown needle from the front was adding major pressure to the elf. 

There was a sudden burst of wind all around the elf causing the ice needles and the thrown needle to be pushed away. The thrown needle impacted the vines near Walker with more force than he had used to throw it. The elf should have been going after Walker now but when he prepared himself for the incoming attack he found the elf on one knee panting hard. 

"You need to train that skill more. You are not able to follow up and are now a sitting duck." Walker stated the obvious. The elf just looked at him with a pale face already expecting the next attack to come down on him. 

"The skill is called wind burst and it forces a lot of mana from me at once. I used to pass out from it, this is all I can do for now." The elf admitted this knowing that it was just the way things were until he improved himself more. 

"Then you should use it over and over again until you can do it while following up with any attack. You have the mana potions to try right?" This made Walker sound like a devil to the elf. With a worried expression, the elf nodded. 

"Then go do that." Walker\'s smile made the elf shiver. In a second Walker was already leaving the elf there to think on his skill. Walker wanted to find the leader of the elite trainee enforcer squad. They were the only one that he had not tested in any way. 

Walker easily found that the last three flame dolls had ganged up on the leader elf and were being held back. Walker did not expect the leader to be able to do this and held himself back to watch. The elf was using strangely hooked swords that rounded in to points at the ends. They could easily hook and let the wielder hang from a branch or catch an opponent\'s neck. 

The exact movements of the elf made Walker feel like he was watching a similar skill to the dance of the wild rabbit. Seeing that the elf had a movement skill that worked in tandem with the strange blades, Walker was becoming even more curious about what kind of system he had. Before he could jump in to the battle and start asking he watched the elf duck behind the flame doll and slash it in half.

The explosion forced the other two flame dolls back and gave the leader an opening to slash both of them as well. The elf retreated and the other two flame dolls exploded. This left him wide open for Walker and his newly formed double frost whips. 

"What system do you have? I like your movement skill, it is like one of mine." The frost whips crossed and managed to wrap around the leader elfs\' leg. They began to form ice around him. The elf leader didn\'t show any surprise and instead cut through the frost whips to retreat. The ice was easily hacked away with one sword while the other was held defensively.

Walker didn\'t expect a perfectly calm reaction and related this elf to how Su acted. The calm demeanor was definitely the reason this elf was made the leader of the elite strainer squad. 



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