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Chapter 536 - 536. Final Signatures

This was the date set for the guild to establish itself. This seemed like a long time but in the plans that had been made, it was extra. The guild could begin operation as soon as the buildings and heads were established. The sooner the better.

"The Garnet family shall establish a joint auction branch with the Demi-human group known as collectors. They both have many years in the sale of any and all goods."

The collectors were a group that collected rare items and materials for the Demi-human kingdom and held auctions to sell them. It was an equal to the human kingdom\'s Garnet family and operated just as well.

"Furthermore the new trade paths and guides will begin within one week for those still here. This training period will last an additional two weeks. The roads will begin construction immediately from each kingdom with the great assistance of the earth elemental mages from the forest elf city."

Markus sat back down after highlighting the greatest things and signing a final document which was then brought to Ibis.

"The adventurers guild had taken on to itself the privilege to extend another branch in this city and one within the new unarmed city. The laws applicable and regulations have all been taken in to account. There are two documents for the conduct of both branches."

This had taken some time and a few sleepless nights but Ibis still felt his energy was limitless. "We will begin recruiting here tomorrow and education will follow. There are top staff of the human branch that will assist with all effort."

"We will also issue quests for adventurers to venture to the new city and work as labor along with hand picked adventurers to come here and begin the training by guides. After they have learned they will be able to teach others in the respective kingdoms they come from." 

"Locations for both branches are already established and blueprints are waiting for approval. Thank you for this opportunity." Ibis signed the paper as the guild master of the adventurers guild. The pride he felt in the moment was immeasurable. 

The signed magical contract finally came to rest in front of their rulers. The three were looking at those who had been deliberating just as much as them with an air of confidence. These three had never done something so large in their entire lives nor in their kingdoms\' histories. 

"First of all, I thank the human king and the demi-human king for reaching out to us with the same kind hand as we extended. Furthermore, I am grateful to find that our forest home held two new rulers on the path to becoming their own equal races. These things bring pride to the world." 

The queen was absolutely beaming. She had not shown such joy to any since they began but it was clear now that there was nothing but pure joy. "I am blessed that we will also be recognizing others treading the path to becoming a race and hope for their futures. My home has finally opened itself to the rest of the world and we will use all of our might to create a place that can bring everyone closer and stringer." 

The queen signed the contract in front of her then passed it to king August. "I have seen many things I did not expect nor could fathom. The heroes who were birthed in my kingdom have risen above it at such a young age and I believe that the joint city we create will become a place for many equal geniuses to rise. We have taken the time to decide on a name for the capital we shall build. We chose a name that means to come together and create something new; the city of Genisis." 

King August said this and a murmur swept through the room in approval. They had all been wondering the name of their new city and were impressed with the hefty name. King August did not see any reason to dwell on any other topic since everything else had already been explained. 

"I would first like to apologize for the fact that I did not come personally at the first word of this meeting. I wildly underestimated the importance and found this out early enough to arrive here in time to make this leap forward." King Rorick wanted to make sure that they all knew he valued this alliance and was ready to put everything behind it. 

"My people are on edge due to current times and we will be able to find further growth and solace in this new city. My people will take full responsibility for creating the fields to feed those who wish to grow there. My people will also shoulder the heavy materials and assist every craftsman we can, it is something we are able to do that humans and elves can not. This is the reason we shall all grow, we are able to protect each others\' weaknesses." 

King Rorick looked down at the magical contract below his hand and signed it immediately. He refused to let this chance pass by. He may not be going to war any longer but had found a new path. He had found those which would push his people beyond the limits they had found. The walls would be broken to foster this future. 



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