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Chapter 559 - 559. Fat Orc

"There are way more of them than expected. They are literally attacking and tearing each other to pieces to fight over the luring orb. I have just been waiting to see what happens." Walker was afraid to act right now since he knew it could stop them from their focus on the luring orb. It was better to let them deal with each other than for Walker to draw all of their attention right now. 

"Do you think you can use the fire flower magic? I believe that could deal with most of them." Su was suggesting one of Walkers\' strongest attacks because she knew it would cause serious if not fatal damage to the orcs. 

"That would damage the path and possibly attract more orcs from farther away. I know they are making a lot of noise now but it is in a small area instead of a wide range." Walker knew that causing a massive book could lead to a huge problem. If multiple orcs from far away were attracted to the path then there could be a growing problem of orcs instead of a declining issue.

Su was crouched by Walker averting her eyes from the brutal battle of orcs when an idea occurred to her, "Why not use that crystal ball to make the speak you used. Midnights\' decaying flames worked well against them, so your spear should too." Walker had not thought of this yet since he was putting close ranged attacks out of his mind. 

"I could do that, I have the trench skill more or less prepared. When they fall I can use my speed and try to get some good hits in. But I think I should manipulate the mouldable crystal ball in to a sword and use it with one of the twin blitz swords. I can use the lightning swordplay skill and get a lot more attacks in." Walker knew the twin blitz sword would most likely not do any damage but it would just be there to assist in the style and speed of attacks. 

"Actually, if the decaying effect works well then Gil may be able to use less powerful arrows and less mana to attack. Then Midnight can also help break their defenses down." The two had started to come up with a safe plan to proceed. 

"Leader, do you feel that?" Su could feel a slight vibration and hear a soft thud of heavy footsteps. 

"I was worried that the large one wasn\'t going to show. Let\'s keep our head down while we watch," Walker and Su backed away a little as a large carved stove slammed the bushes aside along with two other orcs. 

The orc that walked out through the bushes was slightly taller than the other orcs. But where it truly stood out was how fat it was. "That orc might pose a problem. I am not sure any of our attacks will pierce its skin." Walker could already tell that the orc would pose a massive problem for the party. 

"I will get Gil up here. He should be able to see me waving for him. I think the darkness elemental arrows he had will help us in that aspect." Su said this while Walker watched the fat orc slam the carved stone down and crush another orc. The only good thing was that it was defeating multiple orcs in its own bid to get food. However, there was a terrifying aspect of the entire situation. It was also eating the other orcs that it crushed. 

Walker heard Gil coming up behind him, "Holy lord, that orc is fat!" Gil explained this a little loud prompting Walker to cover his mouth. Luckily, there was no reaction from the orcs who were too busy fighting each other. 

"We need to weaken its\' defenses so we can defeat it. Sooner or later the orcs won\'t have anything else to fight. When that happens we need to move in and deal with whatever is left." Walker was getting Gil up to date when the fat orc turned and revealed its other side. 

"Leader, that must be the ballista bolts the guards fired. They are lodged in its skin. They are made completely of iron. Do you think you can use that?" Su was brilliant as always and had found the best possible way for Walker to do some major damage. 

"Change of plan, I am going to try and make lightning to aim at that ballista bolt. But we still need to weaken it and the other orcs. If I land a major hit on the fat orc then we should be able to deal with it and what others survive from there." Walker had understood Sus\' intentions and prepared himself to activate the prepared trench then use the elemental manipulation to make lighting. 

This would take a toll on him since he was using a significant amount of mana all at once, but it was much safer than running in to the battle and risking the blows from a large piece of stone. He also wanted to see what would happen if he tried to create multiple bolts of lightning in a row. This would double as harsh training and the solution to their problems. 



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