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Chapter 561 - 561. Intense Skill


Skay five orcs

Additional orcs slain will be calculated by the adventurers guild.


15G per orc head

(1 heroic quest point for every 2 orcs)

Additional guild reward to be determined

Current orcs slain: 9 

Rewards will be distributed upon party leaders quest end notification.\'

Walker didn\'t see any reason to end the quest now. They had already completed it and was sure that they would find additional rewards. He also knew that the party were the only ones that could gain heroic points from the quest, however, he did note that the heroic points were definitely visible to anyone and not just his party. 

It was the way the system had it added. It was normally there for the hero title quests and would show up differently. But here it was for a quest issued to the adventurers guild which was odd. He couldn\'t dwell on this long thought, because Gil and Su were already surveying the area for what may remain of the orcs. 

"That attack you used was intense. I thought the sky had opened up and shot down lighting itself." Gil was still reveling in the constant sounds of the lightning even though it had harmed their ears. 

"Leader, it may not have given away our location to other monsters. But it was very dangerous to test an attack like that. It also harmed us so please do not use it without warning." Su was trying to cover the safety aspect first. Yet, it was clear there was a glint of excitement in her eyes when Gil asked about the magic Walker had just used. 

  "Well, I tried to pull in a lot of the fire, water, and wind elemental mana like I have done when I made lightning before. But this time I forced it in to one spot which I have not tried. Then I realized that this would happen in a storm cloud and thought of a raging storm trapped in a bubble." Gil and Su were hanging on every word while they examined the broken fat orc. It was still intact which was a great surprise. 

"I bet we could use this for something. Not many orcs should grow this much, right?" Gil interrupted as he took a harder look at just how thick the skin on the fat orc was. 

"Yes, leader can store it and we can see if armor can be made from it or if it is valuable elsewhere." Su looked at Walker who stored it away in his inventory. "Leader, you were saying?" 

Maybe it\'s better if I just read the skill from my system." Walker looked at the system notification again before reading out loud, what he had seen was:

\' The skill lightning tantrum has been taken from the living storm system. The skill lightning tantrum has been learned through the users\' knowledge and experimental actions involving three elemental manas. 

Lightning tantrum- 20 mana cost

The wind, fire, and water elemental mana are forced to condense in to an orb of storm clouds. This storm grows and condenses until the user can not contain it any longer and must release it. The lightning will escape to deplete the energy within the condensed storm cloud. The series of lightning bolts causes significant damage to the target or the targeted area. The user may suffer from the sonic effect of the attack. The enemy can be stunned and deafened by this attack. The target may also be burned, paralyzed, and affected by ruptured due top steam escaping the body.\'

This skill sounded fairly terrifying to them since it could cause damage in a multitude of ways. Even if a target survived they would be left with major issues that could put them out of commission permanently without immediate healing. "The mana cost and cast time are pretty high. But I think this is useable if we all get ear plugs and rely on Onyx." 

Walker wanted to be able to use this skill on a group of orcs or enemies again., It was very strong and a safer attack than getting up close. The only solution they needed was the sound damage they would take by being too close. 

"That is not the best skill to show off...maybe hold on to it for when we really need it." Gil was a little put off but he couldn\'t say anything against the strength of the skill itself. 

"I agree." Su didn\'t hesitate in agreeing. "Leader, do we take the piece of stone back?" Su was pointing at the large stone. 

"I think the guards can find a new one. This one is damaged." Walker tapped it with his foot and saw it start to fall to pieces. It had been slammed around too much for it to remain in one piece any longer. 

"Understood. Then let\'s head back and let everyone know that we can proceed again." Su glanced around and saw that there were still many p[artial bodies of orcs and decided to return with the news alone. 

"I will have this cleaned up before they get here." Walker began storing what he could and Gil tossed the unusable monster parts in to the trench he had made. After clearing what they needed to Walker used the high earth sculpting to repair the path and Gil retrieved his arrow. The darkness elemental mana had already begun to feed in to it. 

"That arrow was pretty amazing. I hope you can have it ready if we meet another large group." Gil just smiled at Walker while the two headed to meet the sounds of cattle being herded. 

"I heard a mighty ruckus. Don\'t tell me that was all you three?" Herder was the leader of the herd and saw the two first. Su had yet to tell him what had happened. 





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