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Chapter 563 - 563. Thrown Blade

Walker was feeling that he could easily take down the injured orc if he used the trench skill. But that was not what he was after. He was already faster than the orc and with an injured arm, the orc would not be able to deal heavy blows to him. 

The orc lost its\' desire for the luring orb and was instantly enraged that its\' food had escaped. This rage was turned on Walker as it lumbered forward making growling and grunting noises. Its\' first swing was slow and Walker just halted his steps to let the large hand swing past him. He knew that he could easily dodge any other attacks with this first one proving just how weak the orc was with its\' injury. 

He fell in to his crouched stance to start the dance of the wild rabbit while preparing to use the blade of night and day to make the first slash. However, he had the idea to use the cross slash skill instead. It had been a long time since he had used it and he wanted to see just how powerful it was with his current level. 

Walker crossed the two swords and felt that the light and darkness elemental mana were reacting to him using the skill. He had not expected this but went forward with the attack anyways. When he released the crossed swords in a slashing motion there were two different thrown blades overlapping each other. 

There was one that was the normal blad from the twin blitz sword thrown at the orc which cut slightly in to the thick skin but was not doing my damage. But the one that was noticeable was the thrown blade that overlapped the other. 

The thrown blade that originated from the blade of night and day was a swirl of darkness and light elemental mana. When it made contact with the orc the damage was the same as the other but immediately a black decay started to rot away at the skin of the orc. There was also a faint light that made the orc appear to grow paler and paler. 

Walker knew this was the decay effect of the darkness elemental mana and the mana bleeding effect of the light elemental mana. The two had been released within the cross slash skill showing that the blade of night and day had much more utility than he had expected. 

\'The user has used a fusion skill cross elemental slash from the elemental saber system. The skills light thrown blade, dark thrown blad, and cross elemental slash have been learned.\' 

Walker skimmed the notification and found that the light and dark thrown blades were exactly as he expected. They were thrown blades that sent a blade of the specified elemental mana at the target to do damage. Furthermore, the cross elemental slash was a skill that allowed multiple thrown blades to be used at once. It was a fusion skill he had not intended to learn. 

He let his excitement take over and he used the elemental cross slash twice more marking the orc with more decaying and mana bleeding slashes. Even though he had not cut in to it and done major harm the orc was experiencing significant damage. It was bleeding its mana out faster than it could get to Walker and attack while it could feel its\' skin becoming weaker and even breaking away in certain spots. 

Walker dodged its now frantic attacks while he prepared to use the darkness thrown blade by itself. He made a similar motion as cross slash but with one sword. The blade slashed down and the darkness thrown blade flew from him. This landed with more force on the orc causing it to stumble slightly while also causing the decaying effect to rapidly increase. 

Walker took note that the single elemental thrown blade had a greater effect due to their focused nature. The cross elemental slash was less due to the fact that it was balancing two elements that split the mana needed to boost the power of the attack. 

Su was watching Walker used skills she had not seen him use before in multiples. She was amazed that he had started to improve at an insane rate in front of her. It gave her the feeling that she was falling behind and needed to improve more. 

Walker\'s attacks stretched on for a few moments more before the orc collapse and lost the remainder of its life. Walker stood in front of the rapidly decaying body and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Leader, those were more new skills," Su stated this as a way to get him to tell her what they were. 

"Yes, But it looks like they are not the best to use on a monster." Walker pointed at the orc body that was decaying away. It had lost all the natural mana within it and was not staying together. The decay made it all the worse since the skin was also rotting away. "I think this body will need to stay here since it is useless to try and sell." Walker used the trench skill to bury the decaying body for safety before he returned his gaze to Su.



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