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Chapter 593 - 593. Remey's Brilliance


"Oh yeah, alright. So we have an acidic slime core. It is still acidic itself and can melt through metal. It could easily form its body again. But the question is, what happens if it meets its opposite?" Remey was pointing to the barrel of potion she had created. 

"This is not acid but if you touched it you would end up burned just like acid. That means it is equally dangerous. I used a mix of herbs natural to the caves along with a few that dwarves bring in. After being mixed it becomes incredibly basic. The very opposite of acidic. When mixed with something acidic." 

Remey dropped the slime core on the ground and the party watched as it tried to pull some of the bits of yellow slime that had yet to be watches away or completely diluted in the water. "The slime has its body and the basic potion meets the slime." Remey dripped some of the potion on the slime and they all saw the slime body melt away becoming clear. 

The slime core melting as well was what really grabbed everyone's attention. "The slime core melts away because the slime is balanced out and." Remey slapped her hand in the clear water like substance left over by the slime and potions balancing. "We have salt water!" 

"What? Really?' Walker walked over and touched the water left behind and well. After feeling that there was no burning he used his all around appraisal skill on it to be sure. 

'Salt water.

An equal mix of salt and water. Created through the balancing of an acidic substance and a basic substance.'

"It really is just salt water. Remey, how did you figure this out?" Walker was completely lost as to how Remey learned that this reaction was possible. To him, the only way was to use water to dilute the slime body and make it weaker. However, this wasn't a way to beat the slimes since the cores still remained. 

Well, I was ditched. They led me to the alchemists' room full of a ton of equipment I had no idea how to use. There were pipes that brought fire and steam to the cauldron. Automatic stirring spoons. Other word tools to separate and to grind things down. I had no ideas, but I could read the books on the shelves."

Remey shook her head because she was still annoyed that she had been left with out anyone to show her how things worked. "I read up on the tools but found out that the tools were made to resist the different strengths of herbs that would cause them to break down. From there I found research on acidic and basic herbs that could cause metals to rust or even dissolve. Then I wondered what would happen when mixed so I started to mix. Next thing I knew I had a cauldron of hot salt water." Remey was explaining this at her fastest talking speed amazing everyone. 

"So I took some bat wing leaves and a few other herbs and they created a basic liquid. From there I heated it and condensed it in to these barrels and found that it melts acidic slime cores and balances the acid out. We just need to use this to clear away the yellow slimes now." Remey stood with her hands on her hips in victory next to the barrels. 

"Sounds like you had a lot to learn in a short time…" Gil was fairly impressed. He had been stuck with the crossbowmen and felt that all he had down was watch over those taking the district back. He hadn't actually done much. But Remey had studied something new and made a potion that completely eradicates slimes. He had been outdone. 

"Well, I may have taken one of the guides on the herbs found in the deep caves. But I did ask permission...I just need to learn them all and maybe get a few to bring with us. Maybe some of the tools too. Actually, I want to meet one of the dwarven alchemy masters too. We need to get rid of these slimes fast. I have so much to do." 

Walker watched as Remey fell in to a slight panic at the piling up to do list, "I think we will have enough time after we deal with this issue. Remey, can we use water to dilute the basic potion you made? If we can and we run the basic water mixture down the stairs we could beat all the slimes with out having to battle and crush their cores." Walker wanted to make their entrance in to the mining area foolproof.

"That should be fin. It's why I condensed it and made so much. The cauldron there was huge so I just made a massive batch. They need to restock some herbs but that is fine. Use half of one of these barrels with ten barrels worth of water and it should do the trick." Remey had been waiting for Walker to ask how he could use his magic with her potion. 

"Perfect. Then all I need is a mana potion to replenish the rest of my mana and we can manipulate the water here." Walker said this as the royal guard came forward and handed him a low tier mana potion. They had been waiting for the opportunity. They had the feeling that the hero would need one of their items to finish up. 

Walker drank the mana potion and stretched his arms before preparing to delve deeper in to the dwarf city. 





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