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Chapter 600 - 600. Fire Fighting


Walker saw as the king of the deep caves\' face grew more and more red. He had been willing to accept the ways of nature since the caves were brutal and unforgiving. However, having someone attack their caves and livelihood infuriated him. 

"The slime breeder is thought to be a demon spreading chaos for unknown reasons. But we have yet to track them down since they use the colorless slimes to send their orders. But the demons have been under the command of a so called demon lord along with generals. However, the Genesis alliance will strive to rescue the oppressed people and remove the corrupt from power." 

Walker threw in the last part to continue to build up the seed that the Genesis alliance is the way to go. "I could care less about some alliance. I will have the demons head for their attacks on my mines! Any who dare cause us trouble deserves death. I want that mine and I want it now. How long to prepare?"

The king of the deep caves was done waiting for results. He wanted to have things settled up now. There was no more waiting and fighting, just reclaiming what was theirs. "If we can defeat the colorless slimes the other slimes should return to a normal state of mindless wandering and eating. They will be much easier to defeat. We also might be able to gather more information on where we can locate this slime breeder." 

"Normal state? These slimes were created to cause trouble and destroy the mines! How is that normal?" The king was not happy to hear that they would still be around but had somewhat been calmed knowing that they would be easier to defeat when the slime controlling them was defeated. 

"There is a chance they could have existed in nature and no one knew them or that they were going to evolve that way one day. But from what we know right now is that they were created by the slime breeder. Remey did say that the acid slimes may have a use in alchemy to prepare certain ingredients to make better potions." Gil did his best to chime in with some silver linings. 

"You think we care about the alchemy uses of such pests? If there is no use if forging or mining there is no worth in it." The king of the deep caves held stubbornly holding to this ideal. 

"Actually, wouldn\'t acid have a use in forging? I am sure there are ores that are tough to shape and cut and might be resistant to acid. So wouldn\'t acid become useful in the processing of the ores before they are made in to ingots?" Walker had been looking around the processing area and located many tools for cutting away stone and other metals from the ores so they could be sent to the merchant district for forging.

"That…" The king of the deep caves was about to refute this when he realized that Walker might have a point and held his tongue. He knew that if he went back on his thoughts now he would come off as undisciplined. "We will take back the silver mine and deal with whatever is spawning the slimes. Then we will consider alternative uses." 

This was more than Walker and Gil thought they would get. "Hey! Come over here and check out what we are setting up." Remey popped her head in to the processing building to yell and gain their attention. 

"I bet Remey has some of that fire equipment all set up. It probably needs the kings\' approval before being used." Gil was trying to get the king to feel he was a little more important to this process so that he could go out and inspire his miners to fight back more. It also was a way to get the king in to a better mood before the party committed to another battle fully. 

"Let\'s see what that girl has made up for us. I have high hopes for her in these mines." The king appeared to be very stricken by Remey because of the impression she had made and the work ethic to create tools to battle the slimes. As far as he was concerned she was acting more like a dwarf than some of his men. 

"I managed to recruit three of the blacksmiths from the merchant district that came down looking for their family members. With the help of their family, we have ten of these fire fighting tanks we filled with basic potion mixture. And even better, it can be used by anyone who can pull this little trigger and push this pump. But, they told me that these five volunteers here, are firefighter system users." 

"Ha! I was hoping that you would step up. Firefighting dwarves becoming slime defeating dwarves! What a day." The king had always thought of the fire fighting system dwarves to be nearly useless but for keeping the gears cool. However, now he saw them as a much more valuable force. 

Naturally, the firefighter system dwarves had jumped to show off their strengths and refused to allow the slimes that had endangered their families to remain. Overall they showed that they were ready to wield these new weapons and start hitting back for a change. 





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