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Chapter 641 - 641. Rare Alchemists

The earth elemental spirit stuck right next to the other earth elemental spirit and went off to whisper to the dormant spirits. The dark elemental spirit went in to Walkers\' shadow and hid away. Walker wasn\'t sure why this was but had a theory that it was just more comfortable for it to travel this way since it was one with darkness elemental mana. 

The fire elemental spirit was the only one to remain by Walkers\' side. It idly floated in the air looking about the spirit hall and eventually laid eyes on the elder. "Is that the one that made the home?" It had not seen this elder before since the elder had focused on the earth elemental spirit instead of coming to the treasury and looking for another. 

"Yes, he helped make the earth dwelling shield. If you want to forgive him for being part of the reason you and the other spirits you can. If you want to ignore him I won\'t force you to converse with him." Walker was sure that the fire elemental spirit would want to gather more information on the elder. The fire elemental spirit was much more curious than the other spirits and Walker had no idea why this was the case. However, he could sense that there was much more fire elemental mana with the fire elemental spirit than the respective elemental mana with the other spirits. 

"Will watch." The fire elemental spirit took up a position to Walkers\' side and decided that it would watch the elder and Walker as they went about their business. 

"So it looks like you are taking the spirits with you." The elder was not a fool and noticed the three additional spirits. He had even seen through the dark spirit hiding within Walkers\' shadows. 

"Yes, I gave them the option and I will see if they can help me complete a quest at some point. But first I think they just want to get out and explore." Walker was sure that the spirits would want to change their minds at some point. It was only understandable since they had been trapped for who knew how long. 

"I see. That is sad that they don\'t want me to make them gear like that one. I had some high hopes. But you said the elves could speak to spirits too? Does that mean they may be able to wake these ones up and speak to them for the dwarven people?" The elder was looking at the future of the spirit forging process and how it could progress. 

Walker wasn\'t going to judge him on this since it was his role as an elder to think of these things over other things constantly. "They never told me about causing the spirits to wake up. But If I had to guess, I would say they need to be around higher density elemental mana that coincides with their specific element." Walker had long thought of doing this to wake up the water elemental spirit. 

Yet, Walker had decided to wait until he was home. This was because he could give the water elemental spirit the option of living in the garden or even near the pond they had at the mansion. He wanted the spirit to have more choice and also possibly wake up the dormant spirits that were most likely dormant in the area.

"We will need to avoid waking them until the elves arrive. There would be a gap in understanding unless you stay…" The elder was a little hopeful but realized that Walker would not be staying for that long. They had a quest to complete and a whole kingdom to return to. 

"I will be around for a little while longer. But we have a lot to do as a party but most of all want to take some time to spend with our families. We have been away from home for some time now." Walker was falling more and more for his homesickness. He was worried that everyone back home might be in need of feeling the same way. He also had the nagging thought of giving Alice the bracelet he had found for her. 

"I see. Then I will move on. We have the materials room next. It is attached to the herbs and alchemy room. I am surprised that we haven\'t seen any of the alchemists arrive here. There may only be a few, but having another alchemist come in to the city is a rarity. They would most likely want to show off." Walker wondered why there wouldn\'t be many alchemists around. 

"Is there a reason alchemists would be rare here? I heard from Remey that the alchemy lab is amazing here." Walker could remember that Remey told him about the advanced tools and how she couldn\'t even figure out how they all worked. Seeing that the elders\' face dropped Walker knew that he had asked a tough question. It appeared he had uncovered an issue the dwarves were currently having and that they might need more assistance when it came to this. 




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