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Chapter 672 - 672. Cyclops

Matk +25, Def +10, Mdef +14, cyclops skin skill

The staff is hand carved from the hardest cooled lava from the deepest depths of a volcano. The cyclops eye that has been used as the power core for this staff was taken from a seven hundred year old hermit cyclops. Cyclops have a major resistance to heat and can reach in to the hottest lava without any damage. The staff has inherited the ability to absorb and withstand high amounts of fire elemental mana.

Cyclops skin- 40 mana per hour

This is a unique skill created upon the forging of this unique weapon. The skin of a cyclops completely resists fire elemental mana. But spending the users\' mana the user can resist fire elemental mana just like a cyclops. The user will be able to reach directly in to lava or forge fires.\'

"Cyclops are nearly extinct! And you will be able to use one of their skills if you wield this and spend the mana." Zenith was beside herself after hearing this. It was just amazing that something dwarves wished they could do was possible with this staff. "Why don\'t we have any dwarf mages? Why are we all so caught up on crafting and digging." Zenith wanted to kick herself for being unable to use this staff. 

"It sounds like cyclops are one of the monsters dwarves idolize. Not that they sound nice. I can\'t say I like the part about them eating their prey whole or that they are extremely antisocial." Walker didn\'t want to encounter a cyclops in general after hearing that. 

"Cyclops are massive monsters that can eat a dwarf while. It could eat three and that is just a snack. They have been known to live in caves that pour lava out of them regularly. I even read a story about one that used to swim in lava for fun!" Zenith had many stories resurfacing and bringing her back to her childhood. 

"Leader, I believe that finding a fire mage to assist the crafting of items would be best. This staff would be their tool to greatly assist a blacksmith." Su knew that Walker wouldn\'t use the staff since he didn\'t use only fire elemental magic. 

"You might be right. It would be more beneficial if there was a fire mage of sorts that could come here and work with the elder at the high forge. That could work better and be more valuable. But I think it might be better to have them help out at the building of Genesis city. If they do then the forges there would have a better start." 

Walker and Su reached the same page and decided that the staff would be brought with them to Genesis city where they would seek out someone who could use the staff and assist in forging. "Just knowing that will make some of the blacksmiths in the forge leave and go to the city you are talking about." Zenith was most likely right. 

" You know, if a new city is being  built then there will be  a need for someone to record the new roads and trade routes." Her words were holding a little smugness. She knew that she was speaking to people that could directly give her or at the very least put her in contact with someone who would hire her. 

"Are you not content in the city? Genesis city will be a little farther than a few other places." Su was worried that Zenith would regret saying this since the city was so far. 

"Trust me. I am excited to get out of the city. Dwarves will often choose not to leave the city at all. My generation has many who have not ever left here to explore the outside world. I want to go make maps of more than just caves. That\'s why I am excited to travel the ruins. They are different than just a cave." She was standing firm with this and wouldn\'t budge. 

Su chimed in first, "Then you will have a job. The alliance is already working on things but it will take some tie for the road partys\' to join in. I can have a letter sent to our king that we are going to have a map maker there. He might ask you to join just to strengthen the relation shop with dwarves in general. 

Walker wasn\'t going to say anything. Su had taken over and he was going to offer the same to Zenia. He decided to add on instead, "If there are other map makers available it would most likely be better to have a few to split up. I will make sure the king knows. It would be one less thing for him to worry about after all." Walker nodded while saying this. He placed a hand on the staff and store it away. Things had been side tracked but at the end of the day, they learned new things and were able to gather a valuable treasure. 

"I feel like things have just got more and more interesting since you heroes showed up. First, the city is booming over the defeat of the slimes. Then I hear there are heroes doing all manner of things. I was even told today that this dragon beat the most promising golem made by the youngest golem building genius in generations."

  Zenith was going to continue when Walker\'s attention was grabbed. "I don\'t know about Midnight fighting, anyone?" Walker gave a hard look to Midnight who was pretending that she had heard nothing." But if it helped in some way then everything is on the up and up." Walker could only think that Midnight must not have stayed in place while the elder and he went to look at materials. He would be having a few words with her later about the importance of staying in one place and not wandering off. 




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