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Chapter 779 - 779. What's Needed

The cathedral had been changed in to a slightly different atmosphere. The normal fabrics that would be on the alls had been changed out for orange and green colored banners depicting the harvest season. The falling of plants that gave fruits and the rot that lead to a bountiful spring.. The animals that would fly away to warmer parts of the world and those that would burrow in to sleep the winter away. 

"Yes, we found the old banners and brought some life back to them with a little help from some of the retired crafters here. The new benches were made to accommodate more guests and we also set up a movable stage for the musicians." The high priest was happy to show off the improvements to the cathedral this year. 

"If you could excuse me, I want to go and show off my dragon kin costume." Su was a little too excited when she saw some of the healers resting on the side that she knew. They had not recognized her yet and she was about to make a surprising reveal of her costume. 

"Do not worry, go and enjoy yourself. I used to do the same when I was younger and didn\'t stay cooped up in here." The high priest fondly remembered his own days running about dressed up as a spearman or healer. 

"You know, the harvest festival I dressed up as a healer was the day I gained my system." This was matched with a small smirk that made Walker and Gil fairly surprised. 

"I know a lot of kids try new things during festivals but that s a pretty great way to find out your system. Walker thought it was a strange way to find the system in the grand theme of things but to be honest it was not the strangest by a long shot. 

"Speaking of new things, I heard a rumor the other day about a kid losing an arm in a carriage accident and unlocking the one armed sword master system? Heard of it?" Gil wanted to see what else he could hear about the child since it was an off way to get a system. 

"Ah, he came here for healing. We healed him and a week later he had decided to follow his father and become a swordsman. Imagine my surprise when he tried to learn the sword arts against the best advice of his father only to unlock his system. The world truly gives everyone what they need the most." The high priest looked to be sending a silent prayer to the holy lord. 

"You know, if there was that much time in between maybe the world really did bless him that way." Walker was beginning to think that the world was not so much a master of fate but instead just did what it could to guide people on a happy and blessed life. It was a topic he could think about for years and most likely not make true progress. 

"That makes the story even better to be honest. I might share that with a few people. It\'s pretty inspiring for those who are looking for their systems." Gil made sure to memorize the story before he wandered through the cathedral to enjoy the decorations that had been refurbished. 

"Walker." A sweet voice at almost a whisper came from behind Walker and the high priest. 

"Alice! I\'m surprised you are up and about. I thought you would be busy healing and would have tired yourself out by now." Walker\'s statement caused a slight red tinge and puffy cheeks from Alice but she did not deny it. 

"I have been keeping my healers and nuns on strict orders to hold on to some mana. I don\'t want them to lose out on the harvest festival activities for themselves. It would be a shame. Plus, they would call me a miser if I was to hold them all back all day and all night. You wouldn\'t know this, but a lot of Su\'s friends have some hidden dancing skills." The high priest acted as if he was telling Walker a massive secret. 

"I should thank you though, Alice showed me the bracelet you gave her and it has worked wonders for her to be able to practice her skills without wasting mana. She has already started to make clearer light shapes and heal a little faster. I can\'t wait to see what she can do in a few years of training.\' The high priest spoke like a doting father bragging of his child. Which he technically was since he had adopted Alice many years ago. 

"On another note, you kids may have boundless energy but I am a little older and need to go rest. Greeting everyone really takes it out of me." The high priest took his leave and waved behind him since he would see Walker and the others later at the dancing and bonfires. 

"I know I said we would see each other later but Remey needed a break and her siblings needed a place to relax a little." Walker pointed out the tired looking Remey and the mass of kids at the story time area. "Want to see the prize I won outside from the game?" Walker found a spot to tell Alice all about their short adventured and the merchants while the group rested. She was happy to hear them before they would have seen each other later.

Lisa had been pretty quiet the entire trip mostly following Su around but she finally made her way back to Walker to meet Alice. This had been her secret goal the entire time and the reason she had been holding back. She had a mission!



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