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Chapter 818 - 818. Mud Boars

"Got it!" Zephyr separated from the bow and moved to check out their rare prize. "It really has completely white eyes. It\'s so creepy." She was not impressed with the eyes that gave it the name star fox. However, she did appreciate the pure black fur that the star fox had. 

"The fur is the real prize. It doesn\'t have much use when it comes to armors and such, but it is valuable for high end clothing. Either Lisa can sell it for us or keep it herself to make something. But it is a nice achievement for a hunter since they are hard to spot at night and impossible to find their burrows in the daytime. Plus, we have the bonus prize of a slightly damaged thorn hare. Maybe Midnight will eat it?" 

Gil was not sure if the thorn hare could be useful but he promptly started to butcher the two monsters while Zephyr took watch. With the job coming to a close, Gil buried the unusable parts while setting the meat and useful materials in to the bag he had brought. 

"This will pretty much fill the bag up so now we can move away and start a fire. I won\'t be greedy and hunt anything else. Then I won\'t be able to gather the lord boar in the morning." Gil started off a little ways before he grabbed enough of the smaller dried branches from the ground for a small fire. Zephyr floated about watching Gil began to roast some small pieces of the star fox. 

"The lord boar should be enough food for everyone to have a feast at the mansion. I know it is a tough prey to hunt but it would be a big accomplishment for me. My father could only do it with two others helping to distract it when it charges." Gil was already playing out the battle and how he wanted it to go in his mind. The best he could do at the moment was mentally prepare himself. 

"Will we fight from the trees again? When you jumped down you were suuuuuper fast. It was like we were flying. You should learn to fly! Stella came to visit me and fly the other day." Zephyr had started a very good friendship with Stella. The two may not have been able to speak with each other but they were happier to just fly around the skies of the kingdom with each other and enjoy the air. 

"You haven\'t had any run ins with the pure light griffon, right? I don\'t know what it would do if you annoyed it even a little." This was a worry that Gil had but seemed to be unfounded. 

"It is only interested in fighting enemies and absorbing the light. The light spirits fawn over it all day really high in the sky and even at night. " Zephyr didn\'t appear to like the way the pure light griffin operated. "I just don\'t want to ever go to its home or a home for a wind summon like it." The attitude the pure light griffin had was enough to turn Zephyr off from venturing to other elemental realms ever. 

"With how strong it is, I don\'t think anyone we know is able to venture to such a place. Bit it is interesting to think that a summoner can pull another being from another realm entirely. I wonder what they are like since they are not the same as how our world works. Do you think they are bound by the same rules?" Gil felt himself getting deeper and deeper in to his curiosity. 

"Walker would be so proud." Zephyr saw the similarities between Gil and Walker at this moment and Gil just shook his head and grabbed his roasted star fox. 

The pair chatted their night away until the suns\' rays began to stretch over the horizon ad the sounds of birds took over the air. "Looks like it is time for us to go and claim our tree to wait for the mud boars to come for their morning water." 

Gil and Zephyr started to head back while cleaning up any sign of themselves on the way. Gil had always learned not to leave a trace that he was there so that Nature could more easily recover. It was a secondary reason to bury the unused part of a monster that was hunted other than the fact the unused parts would attract monsters. 

"I can hear them already." The sound of bushes and twigs breaking was a sign of them coming towards the stream. The mud boars would all be distracted by their water so that the lord boar would have less chance of receiving back up from the other mud boars. It would also help that Gil would scare them due to their relaxed state when getting water. 

"I counted twenty three mud boars that I can not hunt. But I see the lord boar no problem." Gil pointed out the massive boar in the center of the other mud boars. 




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