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Chapter 822 - 822. Light Lessons

"Oh, by the way, is Jill here? We want to as a few questions about light elemental healing skills." Su changed the topic to keep her friend from fully embarassing Walker. 

"Yes! She took the morning to play and is taking a break now. She is tuning her harp right now. I bet you can catch her in the back of the seating." There was a little bit of confusion as to why Su was going to be asking about light elemental mana but it was overshadowed by the fact that her friend was able to get some good gossip to share later. 

"We are heading in. Thank you for your help." Walker strode in to the cathedral with Midnight and Onyx right behind him. Su said her temporary farewell and entered too while looking around sharply. She had only spoken to Jill a few times but remember that all of her musical skills were light affinity. She had some of the most potent healing magic but at a high mana cost. But this didn\'t matter. Because she also had songs that would boost elemental resistances making her a very good person to ask about resistance to light elemental mana. 

"I see her. She\'s over there. Come on." Walker wanted to look for Alice a little but decided that it could come after. It was mainly Su and Midnight that would benefit from the knowledge of light elemental mana and Walker was also sure that Su would want some time to speak to her friends before they left. There was no way they would just visit the cathedral then just leave after. 

"Hey Jill, can we ask you a few questions?" The petit blond girl cleaning her harp popped her head up and smiled when she saw Su. 

"For the honorary healer hero, anything." Jill recognized Su as everyone in the cathedral would even without meeting her. Su had a very good reputation as an honorary healer due to how much she helped out and the exceptional assistance she gave even without skills that allowed her to heal others. 

"Midnight, Walker, and I are doing some training with light elemental attacks today and found a small problem. You have a lot of buff skills for elemental resistance and we wanted to ask you, do people with light elemental resistances resist healing skills that use light elemental mana as a base?" The question caught Jill off guard a little since it was not a common one. However, she had once asked the same of a senior above her in the church. 

"No, they do not. I worried about this too and apparently the skills with positive effects will not be diminished as long as the users\' intention is still good. If someone made a sword of light and attacked someone with light resistance then yes, they would resist the attack. But if I also used a healing skill then the healing would work normally. 

" And would the resistance still help resistant illusion light elemental skills? I was wondering because they are technically not a physical skill that needs physical elemental resistances." The question was also easily answered by Jill who had partially expected it. 

"You would need a mental resistance skill. The illusions don\'t usually attack you physically. I have heard of some systems that give the ability for illusions to cause physical damage but that is very very rare." Jill seemed to be enjoying the conversation and the educational opportunities that came to her. 

"Sister wants to know if gathering too much light elemental mana can have adverse effects on the body," Onyx spoke up. This question from Midnight was based off of the damage that she had received from hurridly gathering the earth elemental mana and causing her to cough. 

"It can. Unlike some other elements, the effects of the light elemental mana are different. Usually, they would heal someone with certain skills but I have seen healers that push themselves too much and gather a lot of light elemental mana at once. The effect is similar to purifying. But the problem is that everything should not be pure in the body. We don\'t eat perfectly cleaned food or anything. There are always other elemental manas that the body needs." 

"That makes sense. We have our own mana in our bodies so if we gather too much light elemental mana out own mana could be purified and pushed out. That would most likely cause some form of sickness." Walker made the connection easily. 

"That would be called healers\' syndrome. It\'s the coma that some healers fall in to when they accidentally purify their own mana. It will take months if not years for their body to recover and replace their mana in every fiber of their body. During that time they will be healthy but unable to wake up and function. It\'s very dangerous." Jill held a serious tone to warn off Su and Walker of this. Midnight and Onyx both nodded along with the lesson as well. It was valuable information that none of them had known. "If you could excuse me now, I have another song to play." Jill left them to think about what they had learned and soon the soft song of a harp began to play.




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