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Chapter 847 - 847. Aftermath

"I have a feeling that we happened to come upon a larger hunt last night. The sky was clear and there were a large number of crabs. The eels may have come out more because of that." The theory Su had made sense. It was most likely a night where more crabs just happened to come out for food or other reasons. The party just happened to be here. 

"Well, we have no point worrying now. Lets\'s go grab the pieces of shells and see what else is around. I can\'t believe we won\'t find any of those ice eel things either." Remey wanted to get moving and away from the ministers that had ruined their night sleep.

"I don\'t even need to be told twice. Let\'s gather the shells and head out. We caught a lot of blue koi and a decent number of eels. They should do well for materials along with what we have for the crab shells." Walker yawned as he said this and was met with a slight growl from Midnight. 

"Sister says you are going to take a nap while everyone cleans up." Onyx was backed by the looks from everyone including the wandering blacksmith. He had no reason to argue against it because he knew a small nap would help him get all the way to the centennial ice that they wanted to gather. 

It may have only been an hour long task but when Walker felt Midnight nudge him awake with her snout, he felt as if he had slept much longer. 

\'The skill restful slumber has been taken from the sandman system. The user has automatically learned the skill restful slumber.

Restful slumber- passive

The user is able to release the stress of the material world and more easily slip in to slumber. Their body is able to rest and recuperate after the day at a much higher rate than the average being. This also gives them increased health points and mana points regeneration while napping. This skill does not apply to daydreams.\'

The system prompted Walker as if bragging about knowing why he had slept so well. Not that he had any qualms about it. The skill restful slumber may not look or sound impressive, however, for anyone it is a major boon. Not only would his health and mana regenerate faster, but that would mean he would be able to return to an adventure faster. Injuries healing better was always a good thing.

Furthermore, Walker would always be well rested when he was out on an adventure. He might not sleep well on a bed but his mind and body would still be refreshed. Even after a small nap. "It looks like you got a good haul there." Walker patted Midnight\'s head while he sat up from his spot and looked at the pile of crab shells that had been brought to him. Midnight had been guarding him and the pile while everyone else gathered it. 

"Have a feeling there will be some crab shell style armor soon. But I can\'t say anyone here will ever wear it." There was a doubtful tone to Gil\'s voice but it was clear that he had begun to feel the curiosity about what the armor and items would look like. 

"Water affinity." After tapping some of the pieces of crab shell the wandering blacksmith spoke excitedly about the affinity of the shells. 

"A full water affinity armor would do very well in the hands of someone with the same affinity. You could have it as a very attractive display armor in a shop at Genesis city." This seemed a little sneaky of Su but she knew that he had been interested in a past conversation about their goals for their homes in Genesis city. 

Since Lisa would have a shop and Walkers\' mother had expressed the desire for one, they all knew there would be two in the least. Opening an armor shop wouldn\'t be an issue. At this rate, the party could take over an entire street. 

There was a sneaking smile on the wandering blacksmiths\' face for a fraction of a second before he regained his composure and looked at Walker with a serious expression. "Alright, let\'s get this stored away and head to the centennial ice. The area it forms and stays forever is just up the mountain a little ways. It will be cold." 

There was not much left to clean up and by the time the party had finished breaking down the camp, the only evidence they had been there was the shifted earth that was already being soaked with mist from the icicle falls and would become ice and snow after the night.

The hike up the mountain further proved to be much harder now than before. "I can\'t believe the difference in the ice after one ridge. We have only been walking for half the hour!" Gil was not a huge fan of the ice that was causing every single one of them to slip occasionally. The only two that were not having issues were Su and Midnight. Midnight because she dug her claws in to the ice and Su because the weight of her shield and armor was holding her firm. 

"It will be worth it. The centennial ice will be perfect for the cooling process when things are forged. The quality of everything our blacksmith friend makes will be perfect." Walker was feeling more excited by the minute. The centennial ice was another step toward getting a weapon made for who he was. 




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