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Chapter 923 - 923. Final Check

"He\'s a professional. An elite. The top of the barrel. I wouldn\'t expect anything else. He was even able to help me with mass producing the sea foam arrows." There were too many praises for Gil to sing when it came to the things the wandering blacksmith had helped him with recently. All together it was a significant accomplishment. 

"I was going to ask him if he would be able to modify the armors as we grew more but look," Walker pointed out some almost invisible marks. "He already has that thought of. We will be able to add more parts in the joints to be able to grow with the armor. It\'s more than perfect." 

The party took some time to be fully check over in the heroic set and the royal set of armors before the wandering blacksmith had fixed any small issue he saw. Overall, the armors were so perfectly suited to them that only five small adjustments had been needed. The party wanted to thank the wandering blacksmith for his hard work but before they could say a word they found he had fallen asleep at the table. No one dared to wake him up, he earned this rest hundreds of times over. 

The rest of the party had Walker store away the royal armor. Since they were going to be showing up the next day to the castle, they wanted to be in their heroic set of armor for travel. It was much better to be prepared instead of having to switch armor after leaving the city and being unprepared. They also felt anxious about ruining the perfection of the royal armor. They wanted to do their best to make sure it didn\'t get a single scratch on it. 

"Should we train now to get used to this armor? I\'m not sure I need to. It feels like I have worn it forever." Gil had no qualms about taking the day to adjust to the armor. But he would prefer to walk about and get the general feel. His every day routine would be better since he could also make sure he said his farewells to his hunting friends. 

"Go do your thing, also make sure you tell your friends about the hunting club you will start in Genesis. We can easily have a hunter\'s building made." The smirk Walker had was no surprise to Gil. He knew that Walker would have caught on no matter how much he tried to keep things secret. 

"I was actually thinking of copying Remey after some years. Maybe an archer\'s guild. Not that I have the power to do that, so I\'ll start with an archery club and attract people who might have the ambition." Gil jogged off while Remey turned a little red. 

"I don\'t know why he wants to copy me. An archers\' guild sounds weird. Wouldn\'t it just be the same as the adventurer\'s guild?" The mumbling was not really anything that could be offensive but Walker and Su both knew it was just because Remey was too proud to admit she was happy for Gil. 

"I think it\'s just for the school aspect. He might be better trying to create an archers academy." 

"That\'s actually a pretty good idea Su, I bet that would go over very well with the elves. Maybe the reason Gil is thinking about that. We should tell him that when he gets back later." Walker saw the value in an archers\' academy more than another guild. 

"I cleared my schedule today, everything is all set up for leaving tomorrow. I just need you to store the potions I made." Remey was pulling Walker toward the alchemy lab. The old master alchemist had decided to stay behind at the mansion and avoid travel. The fact that they had all decided to teleport the mansion using the scrolls was perfect for him to avoid the dangers. 

"I have enough for us to start a small number of sales at the guild and also for us to heal anyone that needs it. I also tried my hand at those water affinity potions. I can only pull off the low tier ones. But the old man managed to make three mid tier ones." The pair had raced to try and make a mid tier potion first but the old master alchemist had beat Remey completely. It had come down to skill. 

"You made all of these?" Walker was looking at over a hundred of each potion. The number was astounding since the pair had only been experimenting recently. 

"Of course we did. Do you not know why we have been up all night the past weeks? What if someone we are escorting gets hurt?" The sassy tone in Remey\'s voice caused Walker to store the potions even faster. 

"In that case, should we get to the market and pick up some extra food?" I know we always have monster meat but we might want more vegetables." The idea was immediately snapped up by Walker and Midnight. Midnight had the desire to sneak some snacks from the vendors while Walker agreed that having something fresh would be better than dealing with only meat. The five headed off to get their last minute supplies. In the morning before the sun rose, they would be meeting in the castle courtyard. 



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