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Chapter 943 - 943. Making Glass

The small huff of affirmation from Midnight was all the glass blower needed. "Well, I know dragons are more well known for their fire. And since we are using fire, you are in for a treat." The glass blower lowered the mold for Midnight to watch the entire process better. 

"I gathered these sands from the sifting sands desert. The colors come from different minerals breaking away in to sand. It is very amazing to see when it rains. It\'s also the best time t be able to gather the sand at the purest color possibilities." The deserts were a mystery to Midnight. She had not studied or been told about them. Walker had also avoided them since they were over the mountains and the odds of the party going there any time soon were slim. 

"I take this hard earned glass and wash away the dust. It would ruin the final product. Then the sands dry and I will place it on a mold. This mold here is one is in honor of the world. The church might say holy lord, but no one knows who created the world or any of it. The world is just what we know is here so most people pray to it." 

The metal frame was hard to understand since it was just flat with many pins popped up to separate sections. "I will first pour my sand in the ways I want. Some blue and red will clash here and there. I have yellow for the ring around the plants here and some green. Then you add the black to divide and outline them around these pins. This is what will force the sands on to the pins as a permanent frame like the ones you see there." Midnight raised her head and saw exactly what the little pins were for. They were the same as the frame of a wooden window. 

"Now, I know what you are thinking. It\'s just some colorful sand set on a metal mold. It is never going to be a window. Well, that\'s where the best part comes from. Have you ever seen molten glass?" The glass blower started to move the mold over the heat of the flames. Nothing happened at first but as Midnight watched, the sand began to melt the same way she had seen Hilda melt sugar for a caramel. 

"It will slowly melt and lose all impurities and air bubbles. If they had that dust in it that could trap air. It\'s a very particular process that can lead to very dangerous burns if not careful. I even met a man that burned his shop down when he left it alone for too long. Now. once it has melted, we give it a tap here and there to remove air." The soft tapping on each corner and side echoed in the cathedral. Walker had helped mix the concrete already and saw Midnight watching the windows get made. He watched intently too after greeting them and giving his name. 

"See this? That is molten glass. It is glowing red and melting the frames in to it. We will have the design I made before but better. Let me just cool it with a skill." The skill the glass blower used was very similar to the one that Remey used to cool the potions. Overall, it was good to see the crossover in another system when it came to skills. 

"Once it is cool like this one over here." The glass blower popped off some molds from the outside of the stained glass he was showing them. "We will round the edges so no one gets cut. Then we install them with the help of stone masons since they would be able to seal them from the wear and tear of nature." The others came around and grabbed the glass. It was fitted in to a place on the wall in just a few moments. The creation showed a blossoming white flower surrounded by a gold aura.

Midnight growled slightly in approval. She found it amazing that someone had discovered to take sand and melt it in such a ways. This was a huge show of skill and imagination for every glass blower. "The final touch is oil from a sunflower plant. It makes things just a little shiny. I also like to snack on the seeds." The glass blower pointed out a bag of sunflower seeds. "But that\'s enough. I can vouch that this glass will last tent years without being broken intentionally." The glass blowers all glanced around at the work they had already completed. They appeared very happy with their work. 

"Maybe you know the answer to this. Who will be painting the ceiling? It\'s not carved or painted. I can\'t wait to see it matching my glasswork." The glass blower carefully watch the newly formed glass. Walker and Midnight were also at a loss for this question. Everyone began to have a sharp eye out for the high priest. He was the only one that might have the answer for the random question. But in the end, they all knew that is was not the most important thing in the world to know. 




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