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Chapter 977 - 977. Get Out!

"Just do it and I promise I will shock you in revenge for all the times you have made us freeze up." The fact that Su said she could breathe fire and even understand Midnight\'s thoughts now was too much already. Walker had no idea how she would be able to shock him so much more now. "Go!" 

Walker was abiding by what Su wanted and left the room. The shuffling sounds that followed made him worried but he didn\'t dare to burst in. He knew that if he did not follow what Su wanted then she was more than capable of teaching him a lesson. 

The sounds of shuffling became off. There was the sound of Midnight\'s scales grinding and a slight growl that turned in to a high pitched sound. None of these sounds seemed normal but in a few minutes, things were silent. All that could be heard was the slight sounds of Su whispering in obvious amazement. 

The next sound that Walker could make out was tearing fabric. It made him wonder just what was going on and also just how bad they would get yelled at if anyone found a bunch of torn bed sheets and clothing around. There would need to be a very good explanation for all of it just to avoid Lisa\'s wrath. She took great pride in the clothing she had been amassing for everyone to wear around the mansion and out on adventures. 

Another silent pause seemed to torment Walker, "Come back in!" Su knew too well that Walker had not gone far. 

Walker opened the door full of curiosity and enough worry to last him the day. But in no way could he have been prepared for what he saw. " That\'s- but-but…How? She needs to be an ancient dragon to be able to do that. Even Adair said… Midnight?" 

Walker stuttered through his shock. He was looking at a young dragonkin with skeletal wings. Black skin stretched between them to match the black and white streaked scales that covered her body. There were two smaller bone colored horns that curved off of her head. Her eyes were the same as the eyes Walker had looked in to almost every single day. It was Midnight and there were no questions. Her growing smile while watching Walker think his way through his shock was too telltale. 

"I know. I had a feeling that she was closer to me and then I realized that she had the dragonkin transformation skill after the ritual. I can only imagine it has something to do with how we bonded. But she is well ahead of any other dragons." Su was right. Midnight had a dragonkin form that was a little more human than any of the other dragons they had seen transform. But what really made it stand out was that she wasn\'t totally covered in scales. Midnight had some patches of flawless skin matching Su\'s. 

Before Walker could regain his composer Midnight rushed over to him and tackled him to the ground. She rubbed her face in his chest while she hugged him. She was nearly purring while trying to move her mouth the same way she had seen them all doing so many times before. The tearing fabric that he had heard was the larger shirt that Su had ripped to let Midnight\'s wings through. Midnight\'s tail was still very much there and had a similar form as it had before. 

"We will help you speak. I promise. Just stop trying to squish me to death. Lisa will want to make you all the clothes she possibly can. I don\'t think she will be ready for this." He couldn\'t help but chuckle to himself imagining how shocked the others would be. 

"That\'s how I felt. I knew you would be stunned by the sight." Su felt that this was a wonderful surprise. She could feel her own mana in Midnight somehow and knew that the ritual had been different in some way. It was the same way that she just knew what Midnight was thinking even though it wasn\'t a direct conversation. 

"Let\'s get everyone else up here. I don\'t know where Gil is but I know where Onyx, Alice, and Remey are." Walker opened the window and took a deep breath. "Get upstairs to Su\'s room now! Hurry up!" The shock on their faces from the interruption caused them to rush inside. They believed something was wrong and they were not going to be slow about it. 

Su rushed to cover up with a blanket since she was still in simple clothing and wasn\'t used to just going around in it. She felt her armor was much more comfortable. The symphony of footsteps reaching the door was momentary before Remey burst in. "What\'s wro- that\'s can\'t be…" 

Midnight gave up on tackling Walker and jumped for Remey. "Midnight! You change and the first thing you do is try and take me down in a wrestling match! I can take you in training why not here!" The two started to roll about the room while Onyx and Alice watched in amazement. They weren\'t sure what was going on. 

"What\'s wrong!? I was in the dining room when I heard- what!?" Walker had not known that Gil was home and eating. The small pieces of scrambled eggs on his lip showed that he had been interrupted. But that didn\'t matter. All that did was the fact that Remey was now standing equal with Midnight showing off her dragonkin form. 

"So, we did a binding ritual last night between Su and Midnight. It\'s normal for a draconic guardian and a dragon champion. But somehow Midnight can take a dragonkin form." 

"And I have multiple elemental affinities and can breathe fire. Or at least my skills say fire breath now." 



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