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Chapter 983 - 983. Peace

The thoughts of Alma getting hurt seemed to scream at him louder than he ever thought they would. He had gotten closer to Alma and been able to watch her grow and fight for her desires. As a hero, he had supported her. But now as Gil, he wanted to stand next to her. He knew that he wasn\'t an elf and that she was pretty much royalty. However, he let Walker\'s words echo in his mind and he pushed himself to stand in front of the now forest park that the elves had created. 

The trees were not excessively tall but the feeling of mana around them was very high. Gil may not have the ability to feel all elemental mana as sensitively as Walker, but he could feel the wind elemental mana blowing around here and there. Zephyr had gone off on her own earlier and he knew that it was just him. The fact made him more on edge but also solidified his ability to stand on his own. 

"Sir hero Gil, We believed you were done making arrows today. Do you need to speak to the enforcer group again?" One enforcer came to see what Gil needed since most of them had already been to his archery range and helped to make themselves arrows. 

"Actually, I would like to speak with Alma. Is she around?" 

"Of course. Would you like me to show you where she is resting? I believe she just finished a lesson with our queen." The lessons that Alma had undergone since the party had been in the forest elf village were long and complicated. Most revolved around the basic duties of the queen and how she worked with the elders. But some were on leadership and the attitude she needed to have as their leader. 

All of the lessons seemed to be exhausting to a degree because Alma lacked the innate skills that the queen had due to the different systems. But that did not mean that she wouldn\'t be able to do certain things. Alma would still be able to control the first the same way as the queen but because of her system, she would never need to bind herself to the forest and have high costs to leave it. This was the main reason the elves had brought a spirit cedar toGenesis city. If they had not planted it and grown more trees from their first then the queen would be forced to leave and return to their home after just a few days. 

Walking through the small forest brought Gil a wonder he had not expected. There were very carefully cut paths that lead to resting areas. All would be perfect for an elf to relax and feel at peace with nature. There were also some elemental spirits roaming about enjoying the small forest as well. What really stood out was that there were already branches of the speedily grown trees being shaped for homes and other small treehouses. The process that would normally take years was sped up by having the right system users use the right skills. 

When Gil broke in to a small clearing, he found that Alma had sat down to snack on some berries that had been brought with them from the forest elf city. "Shouldn\'t you be making arrows? I thought you would want to have enough to take down an army." This was not an understatement. Taking down an army was more or less what they were doing. The young krakens would be swarming and that was the biggest concern while the powerful members of the joint force took down the mother kraken. 

"I was. But I went to the mansion for food and to rest a little. But I was thinking…" Gil took a deep breath. "I asked for advice from Walker and even got some from Trish. I don\'t want to see you hurt and I know using your blue ivy underwater won\'t work. These are razor whip weed seeds. They are a very sharp seaweed that can cut most things in the water. I want you to be able to use them for your safety." Gil handed them to Alma and watched as her face remained calm. 

"I don\'t know what would happen if you were hurt but I am pretty sure I would lose myself. I know I fool around and act dumb sometimes. But I am serious now. I care for you more than anyone else. Will you stand with me?" The silence was filled with a tension that Gil wasn\'t sure his heart could handle. But when he saw Alma place the seeds on the bench and stand up he saw flashes of everything failing in his mind. 

"I have wanted to hear that since you walked out of our city to go and fight for others. If you didn\'t say it I was considering tracking you down and saying it myself. I know we are different but you are goofy and untamed like nature. You have shown some of my people more than we could expect and I\'m sure more is to come. But most of all, you were able to hold me up when I made my stand to change my people\'s ways. And you never left me lonely. I looked forward to every letter you sent to talk. You better stand beside me now and for a long long time." The hug that hit Gil stunned him. He couldn\'t think but he still wrapped his arms around Alma as well. Words weren\'t needed from here. Just peace and quiet. 



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