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Chapter 990 - 990. Blocked Path?

The user is better able to see and follow certain guidelines while breaking down hunted monsters and game animals. The user is able to move through the motions with better speed and accuracy. The user is able to better preserve the quality of the materials harvested over a longer time.\'

This skill was something that Walker had hope he would receive for a long time. Being able to properly help Gil out would go a long way to saving the materials that they used from monsters. It would also mean that Walker was now one more step ahead of being able to prepare the food they ate on the many journeys they had. 

"Huh, towards the end there you looked like a pro. Looks like I can leave more to you." The sneaky grin from Gil was just enough to let Walker know that all the work Gil had done on this front was going to be dropped on him. It was a fair price to pay though, Gil had taken the majority of this work as of now. 

"I gained a skill. But that\'s not important right now. Let\'s keep moving." Walker used some of the water he had manipulated to gather for them to clean their hands. Having this ability was also a massive benefit when it came to properly dressing hunted creatures. 

"Sister wants to know when she can try some of the owl?" Onyx felt a little happy to be able to translate from Midnight to everyone. He couldn\'t lie and say he wasn\'t sad for when she would speak like any other person. 

"I can promise that we will roast them when we stop in a few hours. I know she is hungry but we need to cover more distance first. If we really push we can make it to the swamplands and make camp to sleep halfway through tomorrow." Walker knew that it was pushing things but was happy to hand out some of the food he had in his storage. It was better for the party to push themselves to get through the easy portion of their route before hitting the swamps which would slow them down significantly. 

"I think we should keep the torch. As much as I want you guys to catch more owls, I would rather see better." Remey had already refused to put out the torch and no one was going to tell her no. They had easily taken down the ice claw owls and had no reason to draw any more towards them. 

"I doubt there are more around here after all that noise. To be honest, most predators and prey around us will be hiding for a while." It was a rule of hunting. If a hunter missed and made too much noise, then they would be stuck with the consequences. Everything nearby would be on alert and nothing would be easy to catch. Hence, most hunters would call it a day after they made a large commotion. 

The night was more or less silent for the rest of the time. What Gil said rang true as the sun had started to rise up to light the way. Alice had grudgingly accepted to ride on Onyx\'s back for a while since he insisted that she rest. No one made a single comment when this happened because they knew that Onyx would be able to absorb the light elemental mana from the rising sun to warm himself. However, there was also the fact that Alice\'s clothing and armor were gathering more light elemental mana toward them so Onyx was able to benefit from it. 

"Hey, does that look like a snowman up there?" Gil had come to a stop wondering what in the world a snowman would be doing out in the middle of the fields that no one was currently living in. 

"Ummm, yes. Yes, it is a snowman. Who built it?" Su took the lead since finding something like this was very odd. Especially since they could tell that there was no one else around within sight. 

"Wait, before we get too close let me appraise it." Walker was getting a strange feeling from the snowman. Mostly because of how odd it was to show up in such a place and also because it was too perfectly made. 

"Good idea. I don\'t want to waste an arrow trying to test and see if a snowman is actually some crazy snow imp monster." The slight laugh from Gil was met with the small growl from Midnight. She wanted to fight a little since walking had been boring. Plus she was hungry still and wanted to be able to eat and sleep. Walker also knew that Su was fairly tired so he wanted to check things out first.

\'Illusion slime- snowman form

A rare water/ice and light affinity slime that learned the illusion skill instead of the mimic skill. The slime is extremely rare and often casts an illusion spell to hide itself. It will copy a form that it has seen before using its inherent skill mana vision. This slime has tremendous use in alchemy because its slime can adapt to stabilize almost any potion. This is the easiest slime to tame since it prefers to be around other creatures than the lesser evolved slimes that would try and consume its body for their own. It boasts a slightly higher intelligence due to its unique slime core. It is better related to the intelligence of a dog or cat. Capturing it can be extremely easy since it is less likely to attack or break out.\' 

"Alright, well. How about Walker captures the illusion slime for me and then we make camp here." Remey didn\'t leave any room for argument. Traveling all night had tired them out and she was not foolish enough to believe that they would push on after finding something so amazing for her. She also made a nod to Su and Midnight who were still tired from their ritual and needed the rest more. 

"I will capture it for you but you will be carrying the slime core with you while I store the slime body. But you will have to find someone to tame it and join your guild." Walker gave in easily as he stepped forward to handle the situation. 



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